A Post review found that the president has largely failed to fulfill the pledges he made in 2016 to curtail the influence of lobbyists and special interests in Washington.
- Donald Trump to describe his plan to fix problems in the federal government.[1][11] In the three weeks before the 2016 election, he tweeted "Drain the swamp" 79 times, usually as a hashtag, and he tweeted the word "swamp" another 75 times in the four years following that election.[12] His 2020 campaign's senior advisor, Jason Miller,[13] and his 2020 campaign manager, Bill Stepien,[14] referred to the Commission on Presidential Debates as "swamp monsters." Protests against the role of Goldman Sachs alumni in the Trump administration also used the metaphor.[15]
Drain the swamp is a phrase which has frequently been used by American politicians since the 1980s. The phrase alludes to the physical draining of swamps which is conducted in order to keep mosquito populations low in order to combat malaria,[1] and Washington D.C. being founded on a supposed swampy ground.
日本「稻草人之鄉」;《綠野仙蹤》(英語:The Wonderful Wizard of Oz,常用The Wizard of Oz);葉聖陶 1922年寫成的兒童文學作品 〈稻草人〉;王童導演的電影
台灣比較熟悉的「稻草人」是王童導演的電影。 --- 《 綠野仙蹤 》(英語: The Wonderful Wizard of Oz ,常用 The Wizard of Oz ),或譯為《 奧茲國歷險記 》,是美國的一系列 童話故事 ,由 李曼·法蘭克·鮑姆 等作家寫著, W·W·...
The New Yorker Radio Hours 報紙/雜誌支持的廣播節目。你可以聽到許多作者的訪談等,譬如說,寫"Trump 總統下台之後的共和黨身分危機"的 Nicholas Leman 教授的英文都很悅耳。
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