Real cost of scrapping reactors
Tepco's recent decision to decommission its Fukushima No. 2 nuclear power plant ..
While the total expense of decommissioning the Fukushima No. 1 plant is expected to reach ¥8 trillion, scrapping the No. 2 plant is projected to cost ¥400 billion, although that amount does not include the cost of building a storage facility there to store more than 10,000 spent fuel assemblies....雖然福島第一工廠退役的總費用預計將達到8萬億日元,但廢棄第二工廠預計將耗資4,000億日元,儘管該數額不包括在那裡建造存儲設施的成本 超過10,000個乏燃料組件。(Google翻譯)....
Real cost of scrapping reactors
Tepco's recent decision to decommission its Fukushima No. 2 nuclear power plant ..
While the total expense of decommissioning the Fukushima No. 1 plant is expected to reach ¥8 trillion, scrapping the No. 2 plant is projected to cost ¥400 billion, although that amount does not include the cost of building a storage facility there to store more than 10,000 spent fuel assemblies....雖然福島第一工廠退役的總費用預計將達到8萬億日元,但廢棄第二工廠預計將耗資4,000億日元,儘管該數額不包括在那裡建造存儲設施的成本 超過10,000個乏燃料組件。(Google翻譯)....
哈哈:You're better at choosing a pet than a spouse
Don't overthink it.
253 亥年談豬:Year of the Boar(2019) 漢清講堂https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9iIiaIjdmvQ&t=9s
The London Library
"All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others".
#GeorgeOrwell's "Animal Farm" was first published by Secker & Warburg #onthisday 1945.
#GeorgeOrwell's "Animal Farm" was first published by Secker & Warburg #onthisday 1945.
Stand News 立場新聞
【守護良知 ─ 8.17 教育界遊行】
教協今天發起「守護下一代,為良知發聲」集會遊行,早上 11 時起在遮集會,11 時半起步遊行往禮賓府。數以千計的市民響應教協呼籲穿上黑衣出席,並高舉印有「良知」大字的標語。
22,298 次觀看
香港反送中抗议活动持续了10个星期未见缓和。香港学生计划从9月2日开学日起开始罢课。“我们计划罢课,走上港岛、九龙和新界街头。我们要告诉政府,我们学生虽然年轻,但仍然关心社会。其实我很担心因为抗议而被逮捕,但我别无选择。走上街头是我们拯救香港的唯一途径”,15岁的香港高中生对美国之音说。#反送中 #香港 https://www.voachinese.com/a/5045025.html
The News Lens 關鍵評論網 香港
今晚香港大專學界事務代表團聯同連登討論區的「我要攬炒」團隊於中環遮打花園舉辦「英美港盟 主權在民」集會,主辦單位估計有6萬人參與。