2008年4月25日 星期五

2008/0424-25 周五

2008/0425 清晨寫 hans已去


本週淨值小增至 383萬左右 股票投資約25% 債券約25% 定存及現金約50%


謝謝 你全權決定 不必考慮不要還本才收山 反正世界情勢多詭譎 多靠運氣



這是真心話 我希望你別介意我的直言
你善於組織 而我深惡形式主義


我17日在hk機場巧遇以前電子的所長胡定華夫婦 他當然認得我 還說我法都白了
20幾年未謀面 竟然也只是"後會有期"一聲.....

我知道 我們的故事都將消失.....

0424 惡劣極的桃園機場公賣局之推銷XO員工

這機場已使用20餘年,沒有像2008/4/24 晚上那樣怒氣沖沖、逃離公賣局。



Is there a complete Purpose Statement and objectives designed to move toward the purpose: Direction, measure, reference, target, time frame, and owner?

qc storyline and qc storyboard and other publishings from juse 英文出版品《詳全文

某些組織或公司在mission statement  組織、企業使命、目的書. 將某組織、企業的使命或目的、宗旨綜合而以「目的-手段-成果」等方式書寫出的大綱。又稱為Mandate(命令(書),指令(書))。這之前,還有願景說明書vision statement),其方式略似mission statement.這兩者都可以提醒相關的人的決策是否一致,”…and we’ve had to have the courage to say they didn’t fit our vision and mission statement,” says the COO. Growth…”

這「願景說明書(vision statement)」,是廣為台灣接受的翻譯。(願景)是約1990出版的學習型組織{第五項修煉 }中楊教授的創新翻譯法,它從佛教的「願」出發。A Definition of Vision in a dictionary:一般說的視力【Silver教授 created a corrective lens that contains a fluid, so can be adjusted to fix almost any visional issue.】; 'An Image of the future we seek to create'. 遠景【商業遠景令人難過/難堪:the business vision might not be so easy to swallow。技術遠景:...president and co-CEO of Research In Motion, hosts an innovation-themed, invitation-only "Vision Series" session in the Waterloo (Ont.)-based company's 100-seat auditorium】,參考宗教上意思:Vision與我所不知道的譯人:周士良William Butler Yeats, Irish Poet and Playwright, Dies at 73 (Jan. 30, 1939)

他的書A Vision (1925),大陸翻譯成{幻象} (北京:作家出版社,2006),這是不怎麼恰當的翻譯。

譬如說,Google 公司創業的願景之一就是全世界的電子資訊都可以統一處理。或者在20世紀初的「無遠弗屆的電話」(AT&T)、20世紀下半葉的「anytime/anyplace/any……」。有種領導人是有特異能力藉其生意/事業之願景來領導的,我們稱這種人為visionary leader,譬如說,. Ritz-Carlton旅館連鎖的主管取得2次美國國家品質獎,他選為年度的 Lean Six Sigma CEO of the Year for his vision and leadership in initiating Lean Six Sigma...quality. Under his charismatic leadership and vision, won an unprecedented two Malcolm...

職稱:John Cachat, Chairman and Chief Vision Officer,

Organizations sometimes summarize goals and objectives into a mission statement and / or a vision statement:

A vision statement describes in graphic terms where the goal-setters want to see themselves in the future. It may describe how they see events unfolding over 10 or 20 years if everything goes exactly as hoped.

  • A definition of Mission in a dictionary: purpose, reason for being; also, an inner calling to pursue an activity or perform a service.

Many people mistake vision statement for mission statement. The Vision describes a future identity and the Mission describes how it will be achieved. A Mission statement may define the purpose or broader goal for being in existence or in the business. It serves as an ongoing guide without time frame. The mission can remain the same for decades if crafted well. Vision is more specific in terms of objective and future state. Vision is related to some form of achievement if successful.

For example, "We help transport goods and people efficiently and cost effectively without damaging environment" is a mission statement. Ford's brief but powerful slogan "Quality is Job 1" could count as a mission statement. "We will be one amongst the top three transporters of goods and people in North America by 2010" is a vision statement. It is very concrete and unambiguous goal.

mission statement  組織、企業使命、目的書.


將某組織、企業的使命或目的、宗旨綜合而以「目的-手段-成果」等方式書寫出的大綱。又稱為Mandate(命令(書),指令(書))。某些組織或公司在這之前還有願景說明書(vision statement),方式略似mission statement.

譬如說,世界經濟發展研究協會(World Institute for Development Economics Research,簡稱WIDER,總部位於赫爾辛基)的Mission Statement為:

To undertake multidisciplinary research and policy analysis on structural changes affecting the living conditions of the world's poorest people.

To provide a forum for professional interaction and the advocacy of policies leading to robust, equitable and environmentally sustainable growth.

To promote capacity strengthening and training for scholars and government officials in the field of economic and social policy making.

許多企業的mission /vision statement都包含quality字眼,譬如說,

McDonalds:麥當勞"McDonald's vision is to be the world's best quick service restaurant experience. Being the best means providing outstanding quality, service, cleanliness, and value, so that we make every customer in every restaurant smile."

J. Sainsbury:英國百貨商"Our mission is to be the consumer's first choice for food, delivering products of outstanding quality and great service at a competitive cost through working faster, simpler, and together."


翻讀《摩西五經》(馮象譯注;香港:牛津大學出版社,2006)的版權頁時,才注意到它已加上「牛津大學出版社」的使命書【相對於1993年出版的The Oxford Companion to the Bible】:

Oxford University Press is a department of theUniversityofOxford.

It furthers the Universitys objective of excellence in research, scholarship, and education by publishing worldwide in&

發現Shorter Oxford English Dictionary (2002)已有這了。


answers.com查coin 時 發現 OUP的考古學和建築學都已收編了


不過現在資訊競爭激烈 必須考量OUP之MISSION--曝光和收入的衝突.....

***** 2007/5/17 感謝David Hsu 的提醒

mission statements of Yahoos and Googles :

  • Yahoo! :To connect people to their passions, communities, and the worlds knowledge.新改
  • Google :To organize the worlds information and make it universally accessible and useful.



23andMe, Inc. Completes Series A Financing

May 22, 2007 - 23andMe, Inc., a privately held, early stage personal genetics company today announced it had closed its Series A Preferred Stock Financing, which included investments from, among others, Genentech, Inc., Google Inc., MDV-Mohr Davidow Ventures and New Enterprise Associates.

Terms of the financing were not disclosed.

Achieving this significant funding milestone enables us to move forward with our core mission of connecting people with their genetic information, said Linda Avey, co-founder of 23andMe. We are thrilled and honored to have attracted the backing of such a diverse, proven and innovative group of investors.

23andMe is focused on empowering individuals to access, explore, share and better understand their genetic information, making use of recent advances in DNA analysis technologies and proprietary web-based software tools. The company currently plans to launch by the end of the year and will provide more information at that time.

Our goal is to allow individuals to gain deeper insights into their ancestry, genealogy and inherited traits and, ultimately, the option to work together to advance the overall understanding of the human genome, said Anne Wojcicki, co-founder.

The company is being advised by a group of renowned experts in the fields of human genetics, genomics, bio-ethics, and bioinformatics.

23andMe, Inc was founded by Ms. Avey and Ms. Wojcicki in 2006 and is located in Mountain View, California. More information is available at www.23andme.com.

Media Contact:
Paul Kranhold
Matt Benson
Sard Verbinnen & Co.
(415) 618-8750









現在是午夜0130 (2008/4/25) 。我腦筋已不太清楚,不過本著這回在中山廠向許多朋友鼓吹「今日事 今日畢」的做法,將草稿給各位參考:看不懂也沒關係,更歡迎參考、討論它。


訂於510日周六舉行的Browave business strategy meeting,我(鍾漢清)和黃家榮(監察人)可能是(向廖副總)提議(或「提醒」)的人。所以黃先生在中山廠時,「提議」我回台準備些議題。


我在415日曾向陳志舜先生說他原報告中的20%改善中缺乏更全國的說明、展開(一種說法Is there a complete Purpose Statement and objectives designed to move toward the purpose: Direction, measure, reference, target, time frame, and owner?)我曾說meeting technology之知識是主管不可或缺的。其中最基本要有開會的「目的說明書」(詳後)和會議記錄。我這回在中山廠,QA部分比較注意發報告(我收到4封);我也要求吳金鴻主持的一每日戰情資訊的會議要有簡要報告他們完成發報告。

本周我與陳志舜、Herbert等人再討論三回合,他們已懂得將產品的cost structure和各種改善案(如採用2× 4取代 1×2的新設計、基座-盒採「開模或全銑」 )結合說明……..

整理出公司的「界定和定位」(definition and positioning




To: define the business of Browave: main business values, mission, scope and scale, and objectives

In the ways of:

GMVPs state their profiles and mappings

Current functional assignment for all of us will not be a barrier for our communication

So that

We can have a more comprehensive understanding of our role in a cooperative social system ( Browave) and a very competitive business.

We know to have to change many ways of doing business to succeed.





