2022年6月27日 星期一

94) 東海校園,再出發的福地 ( Gone with the Wind《飄》的Tara) :《畢業紀念冊》的年度感言。王晃三【魔鬼特訓落山風】、江支地《做農做工做佛》。記路思義教堂(The Luce Chapel)的1973級畢業禮拜


94)  東海校園,再出發的福地 ( Gone with the Wind《飄》的Tara) :《畢業紀念冊》的年度感言。王晃三【魔鬼特訓落山風】、江支地《做農做工做佛》。記路思義教堂(The Luce Chapel)的1973級畢業禮拜


記路思義教堂(The Luce Chapel)的一次畢業禮拜

2013.3.28  補記: 今年開始與徐錚學長通過長信

--- 2011.8

記路思義教堂(The Luce Chapel)一次禮拜

1971-75 之間,不知上過多少次教堂1973年級的畢業禮拜意義稍微不同,因為是與我最親的學長們畢業。他們許多人是教徒(蕭隆昌,洪一舟,張忠樸等)2002年參加忠樸的追思禮拜,與(美國)蕭隆昌談過幾句話。2011年讀過(美國)徐錚學長的信。
陳雲跟我說:「有天你也得走的,那時候你會依依不捨的」 化工 1973
陳博仁跟我說 :「兩年前,他交了那把微光…… 生物 1973

Tunghai University Baccalaureate Service
禮拜程序 Order of Service
序樂 Prelude 小調聖詠前奏曲 羅芳華博士 Dr. Juanelva Rose
唱詩 *Processional Hymn 快樂歌普天頌讚 18首 
  會眾立 Congregation
宣召祈禱 Call to Worship and Invocation 劉富理牧師 Chaplain Felix Liu
唱詩 Hymn 聽訓歌 普天頌讚 289 會眾
讀經 Scripture 詩篇 127 唐守謙 教務長
禱告 Prayer 馮之 總務長
獻詩 Anthem 榮耀長存 --- 科森思  聖樂團 The University Choir
     指揮:米威廉夫人Mrs. William Rice
證道 Sermon 勞力與勞心 謝明山校長
團契交接典禮 Torch Passing Ceremony 陳博仁 同學
林國亮 同學
唱詩 *Recessional Hymn 決定歌 普天頌讚 249 會眾立
祝福 Benediction 劉富理牧師
殿樂 Postlude 小喇叭浦賽爾 羅芳華博士
*Congregation will please stand.

University of Essex
Congregations for the Conferment of Degrees
Thursday 19 July 1979
Congregations for the conferment of degrees of the University of Essex will be held on Thursday, 19 July, at the following times:


為了這任務,一家大小七口得全家總動員(後來因為姐姐出嫁和兩位哥哥外出工作的緣故,人數逐年減少),我們得全天雙手雙腳趴在水田裡,順著水稻的路徑在泥巴中爬行,雙手則用手指把水稻周邊的雜草抹除。在背上和頭上,有炎夏的大太陽耀武揚威,在兩支大腿和兩支手臂之間,則有稻子尖尖的葉片,有如軟性刀片般地在嫰弱的皮膚上輕輕滑過,口渴、流汗、疲憊、煎熬,皮膚傷痛…(啊—— ,這大概只有海軍陸戰隊的魔鬼訓練才可以比擬。


She had gone back to Tara once in fear and defeat and she had emerged from its sheltering walls strong and armed for victory. What she had done once, somehow—please God, she could do again! How, she did not know. She did not want to think of that now. All she wanted was a breathing space in which to hurt, a quiet place to lick her wounds, a haven in which to plan her campaign. She thought of Tara and it was as if a gentle cool hand were stealing over her heart. She could see the white house gleaming welcome to her through the reddening autumn leaves, feel the quiet hush of the country twilight coming down over her like a benediction, feel the dews falling on the acres of green bushes starred with fleecy white, see the raw color of the red earth and the dismal dark beauty of the pines on the rolling hills.


The Making of "Gone With The Wind"
