2022年9月18日 星期日

《京都的街巷人生》 / 壽岳章子著 ; 澤田重隆繪圖 1988/2003 漢清講堂257/230 《陰鬱禮讚 》(In Praise of Shadows by Junichiro Tanizaki 約1933 ) 川端康成《古都》 東山魁夷《京洛四季 》 《色繪古都 》(陶瓷)2017 圖書館到期通知 (1)

《京都的街巷人生》 / 壽岳章子著 ; 澤田重隆繪圖  1988/2003     漢清講堂257/230  《陰鬱禮讚 》(In Praise of Shadows by Junichiro Tanizaki 約1933 )   川端康成《古都》  東山魁夷《京洛四季 》  《色繪古都 》(陶瓷)2017  圖書館到期通知 (1) 


京都的街巷人生 / 壽岳章子著 ; 澤田重隆繪圖 ; 李芷姗譯

壽岳, 章子


In Praise of Shadows by Junichiro Tanizaki  陰鬱禮讚
I read this when I was studying architecture. It talks about the nuanced beauty hidden in spaces that are not much seen in bright daylight. It also talks about how, in Japanese culture, there’s beauty to be found in everyday, often overlooked objects and how things of humble origin can [yield] aesthetic delight.

230 川端康成と東山魁夷 2018-05-04
