2022年3月12日 星期六

略談鋼/鐵藝;鐵藝經典;Blacksmiths with Art of Steel, caltrops, 祭壇、埃菲爾鐵塔

略談岡/鐵藝;鐵藝經典;Blacksmiths with Art of Steel,  caltrops, 祭壇、埃菲爾鐵塔https://www.facebook.com/hanching.chung/videos/386815059923369

Blacksmiths with Art of Steel, which has produced medieval armor for sport since 2009, are now using their materials to create caltrops — sharp, six-inch spikes that date back to ancient wars. The devices are being chained together and placed at checkpoints around Rivne, a city about 210 miles west of Kyiv. The goal, according to a company official, is to use the devices to slow or stop Russian vehicles from entering Rivne. The city is home to one of Ukraine’s nuclear power plants, which some worry could be targets for Russia.

A Ukrainian company made medieval armor replicas. Now it’s making spiked barriers to stop Russian vehicles.
