2022年3月27日 星期日

張華要查謝立丹的作品《造謠學校》中伍光建的翻譯3.27。 讀張華的梵諦岡聖彼得教堂廣場St. Peter's Square照片:都市設計的可視讀性之爭議有感 View of St. Peter's Square from the top of Michelangelo's dome



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讀張華的梵諦岡聖彼得教堂廣場照片:都市設計的可視讀性之爭議有感 View of St. Peter's Square from the top of Michelangelo's dome  


 View of St. Peter's Square from the top of Michelangelo's dome

At the front of the view are the backs of thirteen large statues that stand in along the edge of the façade. Beyond them can be seen the piazza which is in three parts. The nearest appears square, while the second widens into an oval surrounded on each side by the huge grey columns on the colonnade, and with the obelisk at its centre. Beyond that is a further square surrounded by pale pink buildings. A wide street leads from the square, at the end of which can be seen the river, a bridge and castle.

View of Rome from the Dome of St. Peter's Basilica

The other object in the old square with which Bernini had to contend was a large fountain designed by Maderno in 1613 and set to one side of the obelisk, making a line parallel with the facade. Bernini's plan uses this horizontal axis as a major feature of his unique, spatially dynamic and highly symbolic design. The most obvious solutions were either a rectangular piazza of vast proportions so that the obelisk stood centrally and the fountain (and a matching companion) could be included, or a trapezoid piazza which fanned out from the facade of the basilica like that in front of the Palazzo Pubblico in Siena. The problems of the square plan are that the necessary width to include the fountain would entail the demolition of numerous buildings, including some of the Vatican, and would minimize the effect of the facade. The trapezoid plan, on the other hand, would maximize the apparent width of the facade, which was already perceived as a fault of the design.[43]
