2022年3月6日 星期日

簡介Bernard Rudofsky (1905~1988)的書:《沒建築師的建物》《從日本Kimono 談日本心靈》《街道為人而設》《可怕的人體》試譯《基督最後晚餐》.......

台灣出版業/我,介紹過兩個日本研究"窗"的研究室的叢書 (約2012)。
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2 days ago — This episode is about windows. The giant windows in the home of the garden designer Saito Taichi provide stunning views of 50 different ...
其實,Bernard Rudofsky (1905~1988)
  • Behind the Picture Window (1955) 的書,1959年日本就有譯本
『裏から見た現代住宅』 小池新二村山清訳、彰国社、1959年

 大著Are Clothes Modern?


簡介Bernard Rudofsky (1905~1988)的書:《沒建築師的建物》《從日本Kimono 談日本心靈》《街道為人而設》《可怕的人體》試譯《基督最後晚餐》.......


從日文版知道他1947年的大著Are Clothes Modern?



簡介Bernard Rudofsky的書,日本多有翻譯,中文可能只有一二本,待查。

除夕:虎年,虎虎虎;Bernard Rudofsky 等人論基督的最後晚餐之坐法;《台日歐美》



Bernard Rudofsky wrote nine books:
- Are Clothes Modern, New York, 1947
- Behind the Picture Window, New York, 1955
- Architecture without Architects, New York, 1964 《沒建築師的建物》

- The Kimono Mind, New York, 1965 《從日本Kimono 談日本心靈》

- Streets for People, New York, 1969 《街道為人而設》

- The Unfashionable Human Body, New York, 1971 《可怕的人體》試譯

- The Prodigious Builders, New York/London, 1977
- Now I lay me down to eat, New York, 1980 《基督最後晚餐》

- Sparta/Sybaris, Vienna, 1987


  • Are Clothes Modern? (1947)
  • Behind the Picture Window (1955) 
『裏から見た現代住宅』 小池新二村山清訳、彰国社、1959年
『建築家なしの建築』 渡辺武信訳、鹿島出版会、1976年
  • The Kimono Mind (1965)
『キモノ・マインド』 新庄哲夫訳、鹿島出版会、1973年 - 2年間の日本滞在をもとにした書籍。
  • Streets for People (1969) 
『人間のための街路』 平良敬一岡野一宇訳、鹿島出版会、1973年 - イタリアなどでの経験を中心にした書籍。
  • The Unfashionable Human Body (1971)
『みっともない人体』 加藤秀俊多田道太郎訳、鹿島出版会、1979年
  • The Prodigious Builders (1977)
『驚異の工匠たち』 渡辺武信訳、鹿島出版会、1981年
  • Now I Lay Me Down to Eat (1980) 
『さあ横になって食べよう』 奥野卓司・多田道太郎訳、鹿島出版会、1985年


  • 『バーナード・ルドフスキー 生活技術のデザイナー』


The oeuvre of Bernard Rudofsky includes
architectural drawings and plans
different sketches (landscapes, design objects e.g. sandals)
paintings, aquarelles, drawings (landscapes, architectural scenes in the Mediterranean, e.g. Santorin, Amalfi Coast)
architectural photographies (Rudofsky was a pioneer in vernacular photography in the 1930ies),
prototypes of his design creations (sandals, furniture etc.)
writings including his famous books and other publications.

看圖(Sartoriasis* 章 )介紹Unfashionable Human Body By Bernard Rudofsky,1971

  1. *仕立て屋〔男物の〕a tailor;〔女物の〕a dressmaker

Christo 剛出道的部分作品,參考Unfashionable Human Body By Bernard Rudofsky

Christo Vladimirov Javacheff (1935–2020) and Jeanne-Claude Denat de Guillebon (1935–2009), known as Christo and Jeanne-Claude, were artists noted for their large-scale, site-specific environmental installations, often large landmarks and landscape elements wrapped in fabric, including the Wrapped Reichstag, The Pont ...

Christo and Jeanne-Claude met in October 1958 when he was commissioned to paint a portrait of her mother, Précilda de Guillebon.[2] Their first show, in Cologne, 1961, showcased the three types of artworks for which they would be known: wrapped items, oil barrels, and ephemeral, large-scale works.[3] Near Christo's first solo show in Paris, in 1962, the pair blocked an alley with 240 barrels for several hours in a piece called Iron Curtain, a poetic reply to the Berlin Wall.[4]

"Christo - Walking on Water" hits theaters in Germany April 11. The documentary, directed by Andrey M Paounov
