- ▼ 十一月 (176)
- squatter and cybersquatter
- cockerel
- overwork as “karoshi”
- wagyu tartare and tuile
- retrenchment
- submarine sandwich
- philo or -phile
- regular and irregularity
- cushy
- alter ego
- peacock
- lifestyles
- install
- Ciabatta
- Fellow 知多少
- rein sth in/back
- Confetti Bursts Recalled
- on the house
- cenotaph
- herb
- spree
- Bourbon
- weeper
- stagehand
- breeze through
- bog down
- interlocking bog paper
- port call forPLA
- virility
- pitch (LEVEL)
- banns( of marriage)
- own up
- downturn
- temper (REDUCE)
- nudge
- slam
- dilemma
- fire sale
- tippler and ermine
- stunt
- game (WILLING)
- siphon, syphon
- plonk
- aficionado
- xenophobia
- self-styled
- window dressing
- wraith
- flatline
- casting vs forging
- restive Uighurs
- synecdoche
- still
- evade
- Made in China on the Sly
- spit and polish
- eviction and default
- abbey
- Lowrider
- overpower
- freelance in a pitch (SPORTS FIELD)
- beggars belief
- loyalist
- injunction
- shawl 與 圍巾
- fillip
- director
- Scoop and run
- Endowment Effect
- addition
- The Oxford American dictionary's word of 2007
- conundrum
- rake sth in
- outing
- incognito
- colophon
- dread
- stumbling block
- pound (HIT)
- ruddy
- Phoebus
- induct
- showdown
- overshadow
- Mahogany tripod / supper table
- stockist
- storied
- xeroxing to googling
- Fix-It Job
- burnish
- humpback
- asphyxiated
- exhibition match
- nip sth in the bud
- spar
- skim
- herring and red herring
- tax credit
- crack (GET INTO)
- unfazed by
- comely and homely
- imbecile
- one-upmanship
- tipping
- spree
- lukewarm
- laissez-faire
- emotionally withdrawn
- business intelligence
- viable
- Reinvigorating America
- engrave
- whaler
- ragtag
- mas·seur by a lark
- jug-eared
- autopsy and stablemaster
- commemorate
- indisposed for homely pursuits
- Texan
- machination
- inimical
- paraphrase
- obfuscating parlor tricks like high-stakes testing...
- nothingism, do-nothingism
- 'Cliched, stale, money-raking'
- a plodding mediocrity
- *decadent
- mendacity and insincerity
- Keep the ball rolling
- E pluribus unum
- its name was Legion
- Good wine needs no bush
- propitious
- burdens of songs
- Selene
- outlast
- jump-roping
- merchant of death
- fig and fig leaf
- coverlet
- Fecundity and Fertility
- intramural
- 桃金娘 自在不相離 In a Myrtle Shade
- grey market (or gray market)
- All cats are grey in the dark
- wily
- collegian
- con·frere
- transmogrification
- poach (TAKE) Poaching Lawsuit
- fracas
- Halaal,halāl,halal
- scree 是碎石嗎?
- debris
- floating, fusty DEBRIS of peat and hay
- Nova Ex-pat
- fire up
- Circumlocution Office
- convivial
- uber-coolness
- Cloud Gates
- ding and dent
- customer
- -something
- beyond the pale
- Product placement and displacement
- takedown
- face-off
- sick joke
- writhing with silverfish
- Smothering parenting, helicopter parent
- lanky
- lead-up
- ▼ 十一月 (82)
- 過勞死
- 雋
- "幅巾弓鞵"
- 大(人)物
- 玩具
- 低床巴士
- 無俚
- “消化”
- 蒲鉾
- 普通話
- 靈修
- 訕
- 造形
- 看經
- 御苑
- 質量
- 懌
- SUPER GLUE 阿爾法膠、三秒膠、瞬間膠……
- 纖手
- 侘傺
- 佛 仏
- 套路 與「橋段」
- 勤王與忠義
- 馬丁
- 篆;瓦棺篆鼎
- 分別
- 前後
- "海鮮雙手捲"?
- 時。時称。時相。時制
- 夕與宵
- 鐵筋或鋼筋
- 奧步
- 弢
- 吟味
- 窒息
- 藥頭?
- 攝政
- 通夜
- 高新“海歸”
- 微妙
- 崖異
- 心平氣和
- 無聲
- 推理【小説】
- 實話
- 幼學與瓊林
- 冀
- 聖諭廣訓
- 悃愊無華
- 水木 水木清華
- 立冬
- 藪
- 挖腳跟
- 天瑞
- 天后
- 學藝
- 行腳
- 火車
- 眼皮(子底)下
- 桃金娘 自在不相離 In a Myrtle Shade
- 生活茶芸
- 故人
- 留置
- 迓 尾迓 尾牙
- 直通車
- 長樂(老)
- 廋語
- 荼毗
- 推奨(制度)
- 狩 「きのこ―」「潮干―」「桜―」「紅葉(もみじ)―」
- 畦軫
- 致 見致 致遠
- 同窗 同窓
- 丁丁 丁丁発止
- 墳
- 「釈迦誕生日」 佛誕 卯月八日
- 敘勛 叙勲
- 大千世界
- 縊門
- 煙火、花火、"花炮"
- "死去" (Robert Goulet)
- 逆 倒 翻
- 廣告打擊觀察
- 从德国工业界迫默克尔向中国低头说起
- One Laptop Per Child 出師不利乎?
- 德国政府机构浪费惊人
- WHO’s counting HIV ?
- 看電影能學管理嗎?
- 3M Shelves Six Sigma in R&D
- Garmin 與 長虹
- consumer safety first (USA and Japan)
- Global Accounting Effort Gains A Step
- Mapping the Crowd
- quality at nursing homes was declining
- Court Rejects Fuel Standards on Trucks
- C.E.O. Evolution Phase 3
- “家庭圈”
- 百年老店:TRW Inc.
- 中國分級醫保
- 週刊東洋経済 介紹日本的醫師荒和醫院經營之困境
- Industries Paid for Top Regulators' Travel
- The Dings and Dents of Toyota
- 中井貴一 電影「鳳凰」製片兼主角
- 美國能源部太陽能屋十項大賽 (英文)
- Cognitive Dissonance in Tokyo
- How GM Handles a Hit: Build Fewer GM 減少供應來維持暢銷車熱...
- ▼ 十一月 (45)
- The 10 Best Books of 2007 (紐約時報)
- 愛書家的東京天堂Kanda-Jinbocho.
- T | The New York Times Style Magazine
- Just Words
- 100 Notable Books of 2007 (紐約時報)
- new Shorter Oxford
- {錢牧齋柳如是佚詩及柳如是有關資料}
- Essence of Decision :王壽來
- ‘Avoid Boring People’
- Gutenberg Bible
- 孫康宜著,{陳子龍柳如是詩詞情緣}
- 傳承與開創 (陳其寬題字)
- 訓道篇:Chapter 12
- Irina Palm (2007)
- Michelangelo. Complete Works
- * 蕭乾編《英國版畫集》
- A Girl from Shanghai by Yu-Feng Hsu
- 「經由一顆溫柔心」
- Candor in the Corridors of Power
- 《 記時詞典》
- 憶 ( 俞平伯)
- Webster 1913 Dictionary
- {新創事業在台灣}
- Sylvie Patin《印象……印象主义》(Impression...Impressionnism...
- Reverence: Renewing a Forgotten Virtue
- 傳道書 Ecclesiastes or The Preacher
- 小林紀晴 Kobayashi Kisei
- The Golden Days {紅樓夢}
- *三本歐洲文學史
- Maurois, Andre 1885–1967
- 安邦之道--國家轉型的目標與途徑
- 傳統的發明
- A LIFE OF PICASSO By John Richardson 首三部曲
- 史記會注考證
- 《浦江清文史雜文集》
- I Saw Ramallah
- Confucian Personalities《中國歷史人物論集》
- Future Reading: Digitization and its discontents.
- The End of Medicines?
- 鈦與鈦合金
- Little Dorrit 小杜麗
- 'Harry Potter' offshoot unveiled
- 印度三部曲(V. S. Naipaul)
- 周作人著{自己的園地} 1923
- ▼ 2007 (60)
- ▼ 十一月 (26)
- Gibbings, Robert
- Ivica Osim
- 施蟄存先生
- J. Robert Cade, the Inventor of Gatorade
- Yokoyama Taikan 横山大観
- 田曉菲 (臺大 NTU)
- Stephen Owen 2007
- 錢謙益 錢牧齋
- Maurice Bejart
- 神様、仏様、稲尾様―私の履歴書
- 川瀬健一 (一些紀錄)
- 戴久永教授談Albert William Tucker.
- 腦科學家 Ray Dolan
- Dalai Lama visits Japan's holy shrine
- 金開英先生
- Norman Mailer, Towering Writer With a Matching Ego...
- Tadao Ando安藤忠雄
- SEMA: 2,000 Vendors, but One Star
- 馬洪氏
- 河上肇 Kawakami Hajime
- Wikipedia 的 André Maurois
- Wang Gungwu (王庚武)論 馮道(長樂老)
- 《晉故征西大將軍長史孟府君傳》
- W. Edwards Deming 簡歷(美國TWEDI )
- Edvard Hagerup Grieg 部分
- (俄) 編舞家Igor Moiseyev: 唯熱情能創作成事
- ► 十月 (25)
- The Theatrical Katharine Hepburn, in Journals and ...
- 歷史與人物:美國10月30日
- Sgt. Pepper
- Maria Sharapova and Marketing Maria
- 林梧桐
- 李敏勇先生
- 哈佛老師們的故事(2):Kim B. Clark 、Richard S. Tedlow、Henry ...
- Father, daughter team up to help Cambodia
- Andy Grove: The Life and Times of an American (31)...
- 与謝蕪村
- James Michener Interview
- 布什“够朋友”:With One Eye on China, Bush Receives Dalai...
- George Gordon Byron, 1788-1824
- Cartoon Characters Get Big Makeover
- 黒川紀章 Kisho Kurokawa
- 黃毆波先生 毓老真精神
- 浦江清先生
- Doris Lessing
- 潘光旦 先生
- 2007年度諾貝爾物理學獎主Albert Fert and Peter Grünberg
- 最後的生魚片
- Paul Engle 與 聶華苓女士
- 鳩摩羅什
- 王世襄夫婦
- ▼ 十一月 (26)