2021年4月16日 星期五

後疫情時代的全球最大化妝品 L’Oréal 公司(萊雅集團,1909~)的CEO ('新'主管)Nicolas Hieronimus, Attention is now turning to the post-pandemic future.

後疫情時代的全球最大化妝品 L’Oréal 公司(1909~)的CEO ('新'主管)Nicolas Hieronimus,
有趣的是,該公司的中國市場江山是1997年由Nicolas Hieronimus開創出來的。

Industry executives are still grappling with what working from home, or hiding lips behind a mask, will do to the business. In America, where many global beauty trends are forged, makeup was in decline even before lockdowns. Gone are the days of heavy foundation and showy eyeliner; teens increasingly say they are happy with no face paint at all. Luckily L’Oréal’s skincare range has a slew of chemical potions to help achieve just that natural look 該行業高管仍在努力應對在家中工作,或者將嘴唇藏在口罩下,對企業的影響。 在形成許多全球美容趨勢的美國,化妝甚至在疫情禁交往之前都在下降。 沉重的粉底,以及艷麗的眼線的日子,早已一去不復返了。 青少年越來越多地表示,他們對根本沒有臉部化妝感到滿意。 幸運的是,歐萊雅(L'Oréal)的護膚產品系列有許多化妝水有助於它們獲得自然的外觀

萊雅集團(法語:L'Oréal S.A.),是一間總部位於法國巴黎的皮膚護理、化妝品公司,創辦於1909年,是世界上最大的化妝品集團,也是財富全球500強企業之一。




Skin deep
A new boss at L’Oréal will have to prove he is worth it

What will beauty habits look like after the pandemic?
BusinessApr 17th 2021 edition

Apr 17th 2021


.. he oversaw the country’s growth into the firm’s biggest market bar America. His closing act will have been to navigate covid-19, which shuttered stores and hair salons everywhere. Sales and profits dipped in 2020, though by a modest 5% or so. That Chinese shoppers kept buying helped, as did a surge in online orders, up by nearly two-thirds to 27% of total sales.

Attention is now turning to the post-pandemic future. Mr Agon has said a fiesta of fragrances and glossy lips is on the cards. Some sales channels, such as airport shops, will probably not recover fast. Like other providers of fast-moving consumer goods, L’Oréal hopes online habits formed in the pandemic will endure.

Mr Hieronimus faces no crisis, but challenges do loom. L’Oréal’s growth in Asia conceals ho-hum performance in other markets, notably America. Its biggest division, which sells everyday shampoos and makeup, was growing sluggishly even before the pandemic. That has left the group dependent on pricier offerings, often sold under the brands it has to license from luxury groups such as Prada.

Another threat comes from new rivals. The rise of e-commerce and social media means launching a beauty brand no longer requires complex distribution and mammoth advertising budgets. That has lowered the barriers to entry for wannabe competitors. L’Oréal, used to featuring celebrities in its advertising campaigns, now has to compete against such “influencers” launching their own beauty ranges...
