母親們 (2023)之三: 《北野武自述:無聊的人生,我死也不要 心中的母親》到 小說《老派 ANOLOG》;柳田國男《故鄉七十年 其母;葛飾北齋《漫畫》與民俗學》。 羅文森《 戀戀九號宿舍 嬤嬤生孩子、鍾玲《我的青芽歲月 母親十六歲.....母親的溫熙》、高行健《母親》《瘂弦回憶錄》、蔣勳.......
重讀學姊孫康宜院士的《走出白色恐怖》了解她的母親;溫故知新:漢清講堂239 《簡介孫康宜的文集與《走出白色恐怖》/康正果:“出中國記” 》(2018-8-6):孫康宜《文學的聲音 八大山人詩中的—文字性與視覺性》(約1991)改成《重讀八大山人詩—文字性與視覺性及詮釋的限定》(約2018) 。
母親們 (2023)之一:學姊學長的母親:孫康宜《走出白色恐怖》
Portrait of the Artist's Mother at the Age of 63 is the title given to a small March 1514 charcoal drawing by the German printmaker and painter Albrecht Dürer, now in the Kupferstichkabinett museum in Berlin.
Attention, significant others of mothers: Breakfast in bed is a thoughtful, time-honored gesture for Mother's Day.
Mother's Day is a time for contemplating the ways we're connected, through joy and sorrow, across time and across species.
Mother's Day is a celebration of motherhood and the influence that mothers have on society.
Mother's Day is a time for contemplating the ways we're connected, through joy and sorrow, across time and across species.
Forget Mother's Day. Today we celebrate women as friends, sisters, workers and comrades, too.
I can't think of any group of people more selfless and loving than mothers. But this celebration of motherhood is also hypocritical:
酷愛品味世界頂尖美食,經常全家出國旅遊,目的之一就是嘗嘗當地最負盛名的菜餚、點心,並拍照、紀錄。《世界第一美食 非吃不可》為其走過名店三十年的心得精華,描述十分生動,老饕非看不可。
**** 北野武 (Takeshi Kitano, 1947~) 受加利略文化獎(le prix Galileo, 翡冷翠) 《北野武自述:無聊的人生,我死也不要第十七話 我心中的非洲 》273~284
北野武 (Takeshi Kitano, 1947~) 受加利略文化獎(le prix Galileo,翡冷翠)
黃永玉(1924年生~) 《沿著塞納河到翡冷翠》的義大利文版的發表會 (羅馬);北野武 (Takeshi Kitano, 1947~) 受加利略文化獎(le prix Galileo, 翡冷翠) 《北野武自述:無聊的人生,我死也不要第十七話 我心中的非洲 》273~284
你一定看過井上靖與他老母親在老家的picnic 之照片。我想,應該從《我的母親手記》(吳繼文翻譯) (台北:無限) 著手,會更深入了解老人之失憶。
看了《我的母親手記》可知施翠峰訪井上先生,談及小孩時的模糊台灣經驗 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YTCna8sLizQ&t=32s
母親們 (2023)之三:Hermann Karl Hesse 黑塞/赫塞 ....Herbert Simon