2023年4月20日 星期四

. 畢加索 Pablo Picasso 的故事、愛/色情、親友、多藝......(第3回):Musée Picasso d'Antibes 到The Musée Picasso 收藏品,到 "PICASSO Ceramics: The Modern Touch展" (東京YOKU MOKU MUSEUM) ....以畢加索的陶器創新故事、 Vallauris (瓦洛里)興旺 簡介Gilot 與 畢加索10年、《 小女孩與蝌蚪》的觀賞法,David Hockney談畢加索 。

畢加索 Pablo Picasso、愛、友、詩、 革命(第3回):Musée Picasso d'Antibes (アンティーブ・ピカソ美術館) 到The Musée Picasso 收藏品到 東京YOKU MOKU:    畢加索的陶器創新故事   Vallauris 瓦洛里興旺        簡介Gilot 與 畢加索10年、《 小女孩與蝌蚪》的觀賞法,David Hockney談畢加索 。

PICASSO Ceramics: The Modern Touch

https://yokumokumuseum.com › en-exhibition › picas...

This exhibition, by positioning Picasso ceramics within the context of twentieth-century art, introduces a fresh vision of the YOKU MOKU MUSEUM collection.


The Musée Picasso (English: Picasso Museum) is an art gallery located in the Hôtel Salé (English: Salé Hall) in rue de Thorigny, in the Marais district of ParisFrance, dedicated to the work of the Spanish artist Pablo Picasso (1881–1973). The museum collection includes more than 5,000 works of art (paintings, sculptures, drawings, ceramics, prints, engravings and notebooks) and tens of thousands of archived pieces from Picasso’s personal repository, including the artist's photographic archive, personal papers, correspondence, and author manuscripts. A large portion of items were donated by Picasso’s family after his death, in accord with the wishes of the artist, who lived in France from 1905 to 1973.[1][2]

Stair hall (escalier d'honneur) of the Hôtel Salé

Picasso Museum, Paris, (Hotel Salé, 1659)
Picasso Mu


Antibes (/ɒ̃ˈtb/,[3][4] also US/ɑːnˈtbz/,[5] French: [ɑ̃tib] (listen)ProvençalAntíbol) is a coastal city in the Alpes-Maritimes department of southeastern France, on the Côte d'Azur between Cannes and Nice.

The town of Juan-les-Pins is in the commune of Antibes and the Sophia Antipolis technology park is northwest of it.

By the First World War, it had been connected by rail with Nice and most of its fortifications had been demolished to make way for new residential districts.[18] In 1926, the old Château Grimaldi was bought by the local municipality and later restored for use as a museum. Pablo Picasso came to the town in 1946, having visited his friend and fellow painter Gerald Murphy and his wife Sara there in 1923, and was invited to stay in the castle. During his six-month stay, Picasso painted and drew, as well as crafting ceramics and tapestries. When he departed, Picasso left a number of his works to the municipality. The castle has since become the Picasso Museum.

到第一次世界大戰時,它已通過鐵路與尼斯相連,大部分防禦工事已被拆除,為新的住宅區讓路。 [18] 1926 年,古老的格里馬爾迪城堡被當地政府買下,後來修復用作博物館。 巴勃羅·畢加索 (Pablo Picasso) 於 1946 年來到該鎮,1923 年他在那裡拜訪了他的朋友兼畫家杰拉爾德·墨菲 (Gerald Murphy) 和他的妻子薩拉 (Sara),並應邀入住該城堡。 在他逗留的六個月期間,畢加索繪畫,以及製作陶瓷和掛毯。 離開時,畢加索將他的一些作品留給了市政當局。 這座城堡後來成為畢加索博物館。



アンティーブはフランス南部の地中海コート・ダジュールに面した都市で、カンヌニースの間に位置している。旧市街にあるピカソ美術館 (Musée Picasso) やレイモン・ペイネとユーモラスな作家美術館リヴィエラ特有の穏やかな海景が楽しめるアンティーブ岬などが観光スポットで、夏のバカンスで観光客がにぎわう区域である[1]


Musée Picasso Antibes.jpg
正式名称Musée Picasso d'Antibes
所在地Château Grimaldi, Place Mariejol, 06600 Antibes



  • ニコラ・ド・スタール 『コンサート』 - Le Concert (1955年)
  • ピカソ 『アンティーブの鍵』 - Les clefs d’Antibes (1946年9月。アトリエに到着直後、ピカソが壁に直接描いた [4]。)
  • ピカソ 『ガラス瓶、舌平目、水差しの静物画』 - Nature morte à la bouteille, à la soe et à l'aiguière (1946年9月)
  • ピカソ 『生きる喜び』 - La joie de vivre (1946年10月-11月)
  • ピカソ 『フクロウと3つのウニの静物画』 - Nature morte à la chouette et aux trois oursins (1946年11月6日)
  • ピカソ 『ユリシーズとセイレーン』 - Ulysse et les sirènes (1946年-1947年9月)


  • ミロ 『海の女神』 - La Déesse de la mer


1948 年,畢加索來到瓦洛里居住,一直住到 1955 年。在該鎮期間,他創作了大量雕塑和繪畫,包括他的壁畫《戰爭與和平》,這是那個時期的主要藝術作品之一。 他還對陶瓷和油氈版畫技術產生了濃厚的興趣。

作為小鎮的自由人,畢加索在 1950 年代為 Vallauris 陶器業的複興做出了巨大貢獻,在這個傳奇的黃金時代,每個人都是陶藝家,包括著名陶藝家 Roger Capron 和 Charles Voltz。 許多居民仍然會想起他和他同時代的人(弗朗索瓦絲·吉洛和她的孩子克勞德和帕洛瑪,然後是他的最後一個伴侶杰奎琳·羅克,他於 1961 年在瓦洛里市政廳秘密結婚)、鬥牛、展覽和參觀 各種名人。

Vallauris (French pronunciation: ​[valoʁis]OccitanValàuria) is a commune in the Alpes-Maritimes department in the Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur region in southeastern France. It is located in the metropolitan area, and is today effectively an extension of the town of Antibes, bordering it on its west side. The seaside town Golfe-Juan is a part of the commune of Vallauris. Golfe-Juan-Vallauris station has rail connections to GrasseCannes, Antibes and Nice.

In 1948 Picasso came to live in Vallauris, where he stayed until 1955. During his time in the town, he created a great many sculptures and paintings including his mural War and Peace, one of the major artworks of the period. He also developed a fascination for the techniques of ceramics and linocuts.

A freeman of the town, Picasso greatly contributed to the renaissance of the Vallauris pottery industry in the 1950s, this legendary golden age when everyone was a potter, including famous ceramicists Roger Capron and Charles Voltz. Many inhabitants still evoke his presence and that of his contemporaries (Françoise Gilot and her children Claude and Paloma, then Jacqueline Roque, his last partner whom he married amid the greatest secrecy at Vallauris town hall in 1961), the bullfights, exhibitions and visits by all kinds of famous people.

簡介Gilot 與 畢加索10年、《 小女孩與蝌蚪》的觀賞法,David Hockney談畢加索 。
簡介Gilot 與畢加索10年、《 小女孩與蝌蚪》等畫作的觀賞法,David Hockney 談畢加索 。 艾呂雅(Paul Éluard 妻 NUSCH Eluard  ;
