費曼( Richard Feynman 1918~1988),偉大的Science Communicator...
理查.費曼Richard P. Feynman
1918年5月11日,費曼誕生於紐約市布魯克林區。1942年,費曼從普林斯頓大學取得博士學位;第二次世界大戰期間,他曾參與研發原子彈的曼哈坦計畫(Manhattan Project),當時雖然年紀很輕,卻已經是計畫中的重要角色。隨後,費曼任教於康乃爾大學及加州理工學院。1965年,由於費曼在量子電動力學(QED)方面的成就,與朝永振一郎(Sin-Itiro Tomonaga)、許溫格(Julian Schwinger),共同獲得諾貝爾物理獎。
拾穗 版
別鬧了,費曼先生 天下文化
別鬧了,費曼先生:科學頑童的故事 - 博客來
WHAT DO YOU CARE WHAT OTHER PEOPLE THINK?: Further Adventures of a Curious Character
物理之美:費曼與你談物理(電子書),原文名稱:The Character of Physical Law,
Author | Ralph Leighton and Richard Feynman |
Country | United States |
Language | English |
Subject | Physics |
Genre | Autobiography, Biography, Non-fiction |
Publisher | W.W. Norton (US) |
Publication date | 1985 (US) |
Media type | Print (Hardcover & Paperback) also Audio book |
Pages | 350 p. (US hardcover edition) & 322 p. (US paperback edition) |
ISBN | 0-393-01921-7 (US hardcover edition) |
Richard P. Feynman’s speech at the Nobel Banquet in Stockholm, December 10, 1965
Your Majesty, Your Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen.
The work I have done has, already, been adequately rewarded and recognized.
Imagination reaches out repeatedly trying to achieve some higher level of understanding, until suddenly I find myself momentarily alone before one new corner of nature’s pattern of beauty and true majesty revealed. That was my reward.
Then, having fashioned tools to make access easier to the new level, I see these tools used by other men straining their imaginations against further mysteries beyond. There, are my votes of recognition.
Then comes the prize, and a deluge of messages. Reports; of fathers turning excitedly with newspapers in hand to wives; of daughters running up and down the apartment house ringing neighbor’s doorbells with news; victorious cries of “I told you so” by those having no technical knowledge – their successful prediction being based on faith alone; from friends, from relatives, from students, from former teachers, from scientific colleagues, from total strangers; formal commendations, silly jokes, parties, presents; a multitude of messages in a multitude of forms.
But, in each I saw the same two common elements. I saw in each, joy; and I saw affection (you see, whatever modesty I may have had has been completely swept away in recent days).
The prize was a signal to permit them to express, and me to learn about, their feelings. Each joy, though transient thrill, repeated in so many places amounts to a considerable sum of human happiness. And, each note of affection released thus one upon another has permitted me to realize a depth of love for my friends and acquaintances, which I had never felt so poignantly before.
For this, I thank Alfred Nobel and the many who worked so hard to carry out his wishes in this particular way.
And so, you Swedish people, with your honors, and your trumpets, and your king – forgive me. For I understand at last – such things provide entrance to the heart. Used by a wise and peaceful people they can generate good feeling, even love, among men, even in lands far beyond your own. For that lesson, I thank you. Tack!
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理查德·P·費曼在斯德哥爾摩諾貝爾晚宴上的演講,1965 年 12 月 10 日