2023年4月7日 星期五

How Gardens Promise the Renewal of Life—and Its End 知新集:李嘉 「美女與美食---我請珍娜.露露布麗姬妲吃中國菜」談〈新人〉:《新生 La Vita Nuova 》;《新約》;梁實秋《文學因緣 孚斯塔夫的命運》、川端康成〈願永為新人)、大江健三郎《致新人》

 知新集:李嘉 「美女與美食---我請珍娜.露露布麗姬妲吃中國菜」1974   Gina Lollobrigida珍娜.露露布莉吉妲, 1927~2023、談〈新人〉:《新生 La Vita Nuova 》;《新約》;梁實秋《文學因緣 孚斯塔夫的命運》、川端康成〈願永為新人)、大江健三郎《致新人》。 


  1.  新しく加わった人。新しく登場した人。「―を発掘する」「―歓迎コンパ」「―選手」

  1.  現在の人類と知能・身体がほぼ共通する人類。クロマニョン人など更新世後期の化石現生人類および現在の我々をふくむ人類の総称。ホモ‐サピエンス‐サピエンス。→猿人 →原人 →旧人2 →化石人類

  1.  キリスト教で、過去の罪悪を悔い改めて新しい信仰生活に入った人。

東京帝国大学内の社会主義学生団体。大正7年(1918)赤松克麿 (あかまつかつまろ) らが吉野作造らの援助を得て結成。デモクラシー運動から無産者解放運動に転じ、昭和4年(1929)の解散まで学生運動の中核となった。

2 Corinthians 5:17 - Therefore if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creature; the old things passed away; behold, new things have come.


Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; old things have passed away; behold, all things have become new. Ephesians 4:22-25 


The New Testament uses the phrase “new man” three times. In Ephesians 2:15 Paul says that Christ on the cross created “one new man” in Himself. 


In Ephesians 4:24, Paul tells us to “put on the new man, which was created according to God.” 

Then in Colossians 3:10 Paul says that we “have put on the new man, which is being renewed.” What is the new man? Was it created by Christ on the cross or is it being created now through our being renewed?

 In his first mention of the new man, Paul speaks of how Christ created one new man out of the two peoples on the earth, the Jews and the Gentiles, slaying the enmity that was between them because of ordinances (Eph. 2:15). This shows us that the new man is something corporate, just as Adam was not only a single man but the beginning of man as a collective entity (Gen. 1:26).

La Vita Nuova
https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › La_Vita_Nuova

La Vita Nuova (pronounced [la ˈviːta ˈnwɔːva]; Italian for "The New Life") or Vita Nova (Latin title) is a text by Dante Alighieri published in 1294.
History and context · ‎Structure · ‎Elements of autobiography · ‎Cultural references

梁實秋:.....國王答應給他年鳳.....著他不得來到國王身邊十浬以內,這是表示國王要作新人的決心。《文學因緣  孚斯塔夫的命運》p.232,台北:文星出版社,1964

知新集: 讀〈願永為新人--川端康成 (1899~1972.4.16)的最後演講〈私もまだ、新人でありたい〉〉 (《文藝春秋》社,1972. 1.5  The Okura Tokyo演講,李嘉譯,1972.5.5),刊於李嘉著《扶桑舊事新語》等三書,臺北市: 四季出版公司, 民70/1981


https://www.jendow.com.tw › wiki

諾貝爾文學獎得主大江健三郎以柔和的筆調、真性情的文句向青少年剖析自己的人生想法。基本信息名稱:《致新人》 作者:大江健三郎
名稱: 《致新人》
出版時間: 2010年1月1日
出版社: 譯林出版社
