2024年10月14日 星期一

有情世界:書與人 16 日本通9 NHK每天向可愛的貓問好: 【貓眼看日本】日本京都大寺......《奈良:貓在古都等待春天》;280 歌川國芳:悪魔の浮世絵 The Cats of Utagawa Kuniyoshi《和日本文豪尋貓去》。台灣戰貓」,在紐約,春天再一個月到來......


貓: cats,  kitty,  漢清講堂280 歌川國芳:悪魔の浮世絵  The Cats of Utagawa KuniyoshiThe Cats of Utagawa Kuniyoshi. Ukiyoe EDO-LIFE: Doodles or Ukiyoe     supernatural cat dancing    ,台灣戰貓;Japan's Love-Hate Relationship With Cats. a 120-foot-long cat-like figure etched into the side of a hill in Peru. 

Japan's Love-Hate Relationship With Cats

貓( cats, kitty) 雖非"十二生肖",勢力可"不相上下",甚或超出。

copycat 固然 已有貶意,原意指貓善模仿。或說牠們是動物界模仿人的"祖"。

someone who has few ideas of their own and does or says exactly the same as someone else:
You're just a copycat!

Ukiyoe EDO-LIFE: Doodles or Ukiyoe
A series of doodles by the famous artist Utagawa Kuniyoshi turn out to be carefully considered depictions of the kabuki actors of the day. What kind of artistic statement was he trying to make?
supernatural cat dancing 
Archaeologists recently found a 120-foot-long cat-like figure etched into the side of a hill in Peru. The geoglyph, which experts say dates back to up to 200 BC, is thought to be the oldest of the previously uncovered images at the Nazca Lines, a UNESCO heritage site filled with mammoth etchings of animals and plants created by ancient settlers of Peru.
According to Peru's Ministry of Culture, the image was "barely visible" and "about to disappear" because of natural erosion and its location on a steep hill. "It is striking that new figures can still be identified, but we know that there are others that can be found," Jhony Isla, the archaeologist in charge of the Nazca site, said to the Spanish news service EFE. "In recent years, the use of drones, which above all allow us to take images on hillsides, makes that possible."
Source: The Associated Press and Johny Isla.

Ebisu here may be the world’s first literal copycat:

Kitty see, kitty do: cat imitates human, in first scientific demonstration of behavior
Ability may be widespread in animal kingdom


Paul Klee - Katze lauert (Cat lying in wait), 1939

280 歌川國芳:悪魔の浮世絵 The Cats of Utagawa Kuniyoshi

【台湾驻美代表 “战猫大使”萧美琴】
9月20日,台湾驻美代表萧美琴在自己个人推特帐号上将个人简介改为“台湾驻美大使”,引发外界注意和议论,甚至引来关于美台是否准备建交的揣测。上任至今2个多月天天行程满档,自诩为“战猫”的萧美琴形容自己的工作有如“拼命三郎”,目标是要在华盛顿为台湾争取更多空间,“Bi-khim Hsiao”在美国政界和媒体的能见度也在不断提高。在社交媒体上,就有网友称她是“战猫大使”。https://bit.ly/3ijoNv4


