2024年5月14日 星期二

感動我的 (32)人事物記憶:屠格涅夫《父與子》返鄉幾章的感動。《海洋台灣》(Maritime Taiwan),Rosalynn Carter, First Lady and a Political Partner. 自然界造就的多彩龜殼.......Bill Gates 的年度好書選 《單細胞之歌》,《發明與創新》,《現在非歷史終點》 ;A.I. 企業陽謀/浮沉: Sam Altman’s Ouster at OpenAI,美國的愛恨馬斯克( E. Musk)。蕭美琴..........澡堂: 日本的,古羅馬的........翁倩玉女士回台了!《台日美中》雙月刊? 《 許烺光全集》;香港: 激動的(#香港不屈.....黎智英......)與日常生活......台灣:蕭美琴;王文興與遠藤周作對談(1987 林水福譯)、了不起的輔仁大學宗教與文學世界會議 (1987)...... 遠藤周作 《沉默》; 畢來德《沉默的中國》; 遠藤周作《深河》 。了解印度教 HINDUISM By P. RATNAKAR;,敏隆講堂 公益講座。S a m u r a i 侍。中英雙語教育。石頭出版 從古美開始.......1964莎士比亞400,台灣; Hamlet (1964 BBC production 偉大演員也終將過世......),傳記/電影?

感動我的 (32)人事物記憶:屠格涅夫《父與子》返鄉幾章的感動。《海洋台灣》(Maritime Taiwan),Rosalynn Carter, First Lady and a Political Partner. 自然界造就的多彩龜殼.......Bill Gates 的年度好書選 《單細胞之歌》,《發明與創新》,《現在非歷史終點》 ;A.I. 企業陽謀/浮沉: Sam Altman’s Ouster at OpenAI,美國的愛恨馬斯克( E. Musk)。蕭美琴..........澡堂: 日本的,古羅馬的........翁倩玉女士回台了!《台日美中》雙月刊? 《 許烺光全集》;香港: 激動的(#香港不屈.....黎智英......)與日常生活......台灣:蕭美琴;王文興與遠藤周作對談(1987 林水福譯)、了不起的輔仁大學宗教與文學世界會議 (1987)...... 遠藤周作 《沉默》; 畢來德《沉默的中國》; 遠藤周作《深河》 。了解印度教 HINDUISM By P. RATNAKAR;,敏隆講堂 公益講座。S a m u r a i 侍。中英雙語教育。石頭出版 從古美開始.......



Bill Gates 的年度好書選 單細胞之歌,發明與創新,現在非歷史終點

 some of the best books I read this year: https://gatesnot.es/2023HolidayList

Maritime TaiwanHistorical Encounters with the East and the West

王文興與遠藤周作對談 (1987 林水福譯)、
了不起的輔仁大學宗教與文學世界會議 (1987)...... 遠藤周作 《沉默》;
遠藤周作《深河》 。了解印度教 HINDUISM By P. RATNAKAR

漢清兄: 你明天下午三點到五點三點到五點在寒舍艾美下午茶。 如果你有空歡迎和我一起去。



老友相聚: 陳南吉 (曹永洋敦促,信友堂;中央銀行; 亞洲管理學院 AMI;買《悲慘世界》英譯本....楊牧)
川瀨健一 傳來多位名家訪談照片:

創辦《台日美中》雙月刊 如何?

Maritime TaiwanHistorical Encounters with the East and the West





翁倩玉女士回台了!11月18日到12月17日將於台南市美術館1館展出「無限II 倩玉的版画世界」,跟她專訪的時光中,收到了很大的力量。


林文月 京都一年 有篇 日本澡堂
式亭三馬『浮世澡堂』(『浮世風呂』)周作人譯注 北京:中國對外翻譯出版社 2001
式亭三馬『浮世理髮館』(『浮世床』)周作人譯注 北京:中國對外翻譯出版社 2001、
{芥川龍之介全集} 中的{戯作三昧}翻譯
是很認真的 不過翻譯者顯然沒有參考周先生的譯注
所以他將 芥川龍之介 引的一小段『浮世澡堂』的
所以{芥川龍之介全集}將恋(こい)翻譯成 「色」
可惜周先生只注半部 『浮世澡堂』

Princeton University Press

Join the Ann Arbor Jewish Book Festival in welcoming Yaron Eliav, author of A Jew in the Roman Bathhouse, for their local authors’ brunch tomorrow, Nov 19, from 11-1 PM EST. This event is free and open to the public.
Register today: https://hubs.ly/Q0296v7J0

全球最大車企的科技豪賭因何栽了跟頭?Toyota的汽車未來學(謝金河)。 西方抵禦中國電池巨擘之戰可能為時已晚2023 (WSJ) >電動汽車產業競爭 https://hcnew.blogspot.com/2022/01/2022.html

What to know about the Meiji Jingu Gaien redevelopment plan

The project is controversial due to the potential felling of thousands of trees, loss of green space and threat to historic gingko trees.
What’s next in the Unification Church saga?

Nov. 16


Clothes Hangers Can Be More Than Just a Way to Hang a Coat

Nakata Hanger wants its products to be utilitarian, but also to reflect the best of Japanese craftsmanship.

PRINT EDITIONHigh-quality hangers|November 18, 2023, Page S4

Nov. 16

A Traditional Japanese Technique Creates a Jeweled Bag

Asprey presents the Hikihaku Matchbox, a clutch made of metallic threads woven by hand.
PRINT EDITIONEmbracing tradition|November 18, 2023, Page S5

Nov. 16

Fall Fashion in Tokyo

Photographer Simbarashe Cha documents transitional style in the Japanese capital for The New York Times.

Nov. 16

Gift Wrapping That Doesn’t Create Waste

For centuries the Japanese have used furoshiki, beautifully printed pieces of fabric. Here, two experts tell how to do it.

Pandas, Ping-Pong and Profits: Chinese Leader Woos U.S. C.E.O.s

Amid frosty U.S.-China relations, Xi Jinping emphasized friendship in an address to executives from Apple, Boeing, Nike and others.




The Fear and Tension That Led to Sam Altman’s Ouster at OpenAI

The departure of the high-profile boss of the San Francisco company drew attention to a philosophical rift among the people building new A.I. systems.


Sam Altman is said to be in talks with OpenAI’s board members about returning to the company.



Elon Musk’s X continues to die a slow and tedious death。

Elon Musk’s X continues to die a slow and tedious death. Maybe we should be grateful. https://on.ft.com/3MFiO5Z


X: The Brand, the Generation and Elon Musk

One little letter, so much baggage.


Disney, Apple, Paramount and Lionsgate halted marketing on X, formerly Twitter, as Elon Musk faced a furor over antisemitic abuse on his social media platform.

White House Condemns Elon Musk for Spreading ‘Antisemitic and Racist Hate’

OpenAI’s Board Pushes Out Sam Altman, Its High-Profile C.E.O.

OpenAI 官網表示董事會是在經過仔細審查程序之後作出此項決定,認為 Sam Altman 過去跟董事會溝通時,沒有全數「據實以告」。因此董事會不再信任他繼續領導 OpenAI。

之後技術長 Mira Murati 暫代臨時執行長,立即生效,並同時尋求正式執行長人選。OpenAI 也宣布共同創辦人 Greg Brockman 將辭去董事長職務,但仍會留在公司。

Sam Altman 個人在 X(Twitter)發文只表示:「我很喜歡在 OpenAI 的時光,這些日子對我來說非常有意義,希望也對世界有多一點改變。我很喜歡與這些優秀的人一起工作。之後會說更多接下來的事情。」第一時間並未說出更多細節。

OpenAI 董事會由 OpenAI 首席科學家 Ilya Sutskever、獨立董事 Quora 執行長 Adam D'Angelo、企業家 Tasha McCauley 以及喬治城資安與創新技術中心的 Helen Toner 組成。

已向 OpenAI 投資數十億美元的微軟告訴外媒會繼續與 OpenA I合作。


喔喔喔打造出ChatGPT、導致今年科技巨頭陷入AI競賽的Sam Altman,竟然被OpenAI董事會趕走了,這應該比賈伯斯被趕出蘋果更離奇,因為OpenAI是正在風頭上大熱的公司,可以說NVIDIA是因為他,今年才被買爆,直上五百美元的。
接替Sam Altman的臨時CEO,是他們的技術長,號稱矽谷最高顏值的Mira Murati,正到可以拍電影那種。


小小的告訴我 他經過怎樣不幸的身世






►鍾永豐 │ 詩詞創作者、社區工作者
►林生祥 │ 樂團主唱、 詞曲創作者、音樂製作人
►馬世芳 │ 廣播人,作家,電視主持人
►時間 2023/12/10(日)14:00~16:00
►地點 敏隆講堂(北市羅斯福路二段9號12樓,捷運古亭站)
公益講座 免費參加 歡迎報名

《 許烺光全集》

作者: [美] 許烺光
出版社: 九州出版社
出品方: 後浪
原作名: Under The Ancestors Shadow: Kinship, Personality & Social Mobility in China
譯者: 王燕彬
出版年: 2023-9
頁數: 364
定價: CNY70.0
裝幀: 精裝
叢書: 智慧宮
ISBN: 9787522518848
內容簡介 · · · · · ·
目錄 · · · · · ·
前 言
第一章 緒 論
第二章 陽宅與陰宅:在世與彼世的居所
第三章 祖屋下的生活與勞作
第四章 延續香火
第五章 世代繁衍
第六章 祖先如何生活
第七章 溝通祖先
第八章 祖先之道
第九章 祖 蔭
第十章 文化與人格
第十一章 更廣闊的中國


"I remember

AMARCORD means "I remember." Like several of Federico Fellini's films during his middle period (1970s THE CLOWNS, and 1972s ROMA are two of the finest) AMARCORD turns over yellowing leaves from the director's own past.

Amarcord - Film Notes



石頭出版 從古美開始

.(菩提達摩) 行至魏朝,便遇慧可。
.(慧可) 時年四十,⋯⋯遂與菩提達摩至嵩山少林寺。
.達摩說不思 (議) 法,慧可在堂前立。
.慧可涕淚悲泣曰:「和尚從西方遠來至此,意 (欲) 說法度人。慧可今不憚損軀,志求勝法,唯願和上大慈大悲。」
.達摩見之 (曰):「汝可。」
── [唐] 獨孤沛修定〈菩提達摩南宗定是非論〉(約745年)
2022年12月初版 / 一套二冊 (盒裝) / 菊8開 (28 x 21公分) / 彩色印刷144頁+黑白印刷296頁 / 定價2,500元
內文圖片150幅+全圖賞析112頁 / 約370,000餘字
#親近法身 #Theday #農曆十月五日 #達摩祖師佛誕 #達摩 #慧可 #佛教藝術 #大理國 #張勝溫 #畫梵像 #圖像

"Michael, I'm only kidding!"
Hamlet at Elsinore was an ambitious 1964 BBC production that featured rising stars Christopher Plummer and Michael Caine, as well as a young Steven Berkoff.
Filmed in Denmark to mark the 400th anniversary of Shakespeare's birth, it was the first major drama for television shot entirely on location.
Watch Steven Berkoff Remembers... Hamlet at Elsinore on BBC iPlayer.


#香港不屈:不能被磨滅的城市 Indelible City: Dispossession and Defiance in Hong Kong
讓中國懼怕的事物,就是 #記憶的力量
  ★ 全球獨家唯一中文版作者新序
「 我在開始寫這本書的時候,關心的其實不是現在,而是過去。我想要重塑香港的歷史,讓香港人自己講述他們自己的故事,而不是繼續由殖民統治者代替他們敘述。當時我並沒有料到,中國共產黨會如此迅速地試圖改寫現在,它不僅強行改變視角,甚至還扭曲焦點。中共這些作為讓人迷失方向,我在這本書記錄下來的每一個當下時刻,反客為主成了重中之重。」──林慕蓮,中文版序
讀林慕蓮的書稿時,像是跟著她的追索,認識了 #香港的前世今生。中、英混血的她,在港度過童年和部分成年歲月,她抱著專業的記者視角,寫出了一本極度有批判性、嚴厲檢視自己母國(包括英國與中國)統治政權的書。她認真地從英國國家檔案館到中國版的教科書裡,抽絲剝繭地告訴我們兩方政權是如何想抹除香港。但她又不只是一名記者,她擺脫所謂的客觀敍事,從過往參與的社會活動與移交前後的香港,尋找那些從香港本土長出的認同與定位,她企圖讓香港人說香港事,包括自己的香港故事。在黑暗全面壟罩香港的時刻,林慕蓮的文字透著對香港巨大的眷戀和認同,捲起許多香港未被充分認識的重要面向。是啊,我吔真係好撚鍾意香港。希望對於香港的書寫能一棒接一棒,讓文字的力量克服人們心中的恐懼與幽暗。
──《#報導者》營運長 #李雪莉
——自由藝術家 #艾未未
作者: #林慕蓮 Louisa Lim
譯者: 廖珮杏
#新書上架 #詢問度很高的書終於到了啊



看之前,沒有特別期待,一直看下來,劇情也如預期發展。可是去到最後,謝安琪唱起《毋忘"If I don't remember"》時,聽到「這𥚃的  最愛的  每寸都滿載記憶,熱鬧的  夜靜的  造就萬個心裡軌跡」,然後香港各處尋常熟悉的風景跟著歌聲在銀幕逐一呈現,情緒竟全不受控,眼淚止不住往下掉。




Are you planning to watch the final season of “The Crown”? Few shows irritate audiences as reliably as this one. History might be problematic for it—but history is also part of the appeal: https://econ.st/3SKqvvy
Illustration: Chantal Jahchan


Culture and Lifestyle*

Jeenah Moon for The New York Times

Largely Ignored by the West, Africa’s Medieval Treasures Shine at the Met

North Africa’s influences radiated throughout Byzantium, helping to create a Golden Age. These objects are high on the beauty and rarity scale


4Topic :-

"For Whom the Bell Tolls" by Ernest Hemingway.

1) Introduction:-
"For Whom the Bell Tolls" is a classic novel written by Ernest Hemingway, first published in 1940. Set during the Spanish Civil War, the story follows an American dynamiter named Robert Jordan as he joins a band of guerilla fighters to blow up a bridge. The novel explores themes of war, love, death, and the human condition, showcasing Hemingway's distinctive writing style and his profound insight into the complexities of human nature.

2) Summary:-
"For Whom the Bell Tolls" is a novel that unfolds against the backdrop of the Spanish Civil War. The protagonist, Robert Jordan, is an American dynamiter assigned to a guerilla band tasked with destroying a bridge critical to the enemy. The narrative delves into the lives of the diverse group of fighters, portraying their struggles and camaraderie.

As the story progresses, Jordan becomes romantically involved with a Spanish woman named Maria, adding a layer of personal and emotional complexity to his mission. The novel explores the harsh realities of war, the impact of violence on individuals, and the existential questions surrounding life and death.

Hemingway's sparse and economical prose captures the intensity of war and the characters' internal conflicts. The title, drawn from a John Donne poem, reflects the overarching theme of interconnectedness and the toll that war takes on humanity. "For Whom the Bell Tolls" stands as a poignant exploration of the human condition in the midst of conflict.

3) Critical analysis:-
Hemingway's "For Whom the Bell Tolls" has been subject to extensive critical analysis, praised for its exploration of war's psychological impact and criticized for perceived romanticized elements. Here are key aspects of critical discussions:

1. **Characterization and Human Relationships:**
- Hemingway's characters are often seen as archetypes representing different facets of the human condition during wartime.
- The relationship between Robert Jordan and Maria is central, illustrating the struggle for love amid the chaos of war.

2. **War and its Effects:**
- Critics highlight the novel's portrayal of war's brutality and its psychological toll on individuals.
- The detailed depiction of warfare and its impact on the characters reflects Hemingway's firsthand experiences as a war correspondent.

3. **Existential Themes:**
- The novel explores existential themes, examining life, death, and the meaning of human existence.
- Hemingway's characters grapple with the inevitability of death, emphasizing the interconnectedness of individuals within the larger context of humanity.

4. **Writing Style:**
- Hemingway's distinctive prose, characterized by brevity and understatement, contributes to the novel's emotional impact.
- Critics appreciate his use of language to convey complex emotions and situations with economy and precision.

5. **Political Commentary:**
- Some critics analyze the novel's political undertones, viewing it as a commentary on the Spanish Civil War and, by extension, the broader socio-political landscape of the time.

6. **Criticism of Romanticism:**
- Some argue that Hemingway's romantic portrayal of war and love may oversimplify the complexities of these experiences.
- Critics question whether the novel romanticizes war, particularly in its depiction of heroism and sacrifice.

7. **Symbolism and Title Significance:**
- The title, drawn from John Donne's meditation, serves as a metaphor for the interconnectedness of humanity and the shared experience of suffering.
- Critics explore the symbolism of the bridge as a focal point, representing the characters' attempt to alter the course of history.

Overall, "For Whom the Bell Tolls" is celebrated for its exploration of profound themes, but discussions persist about the novel's treatment of war and its impact on individuals. The blend of personal relationships, existential contemplation, and the harsh realities of conflict continues to make it a subject of rich critical analysis.


Nicolas Bentley (1907-1978) drew the pictures for Hilaire Belloc's new cautionary tale Maria, Who made Faces and a Deplorable Marriage; © 1931, Hilaire Belloc.可找到全文


S a m u r a i 侍

“a samurai is a total human being, whereas a man who is completely absorbed in his technical skill has degenerated into a ‘function’, one cog in a machine.”
― Yukio Mishima

三代的故事William Bateson (1861–1926) 及其妻Beatrice Bateson蒐集William之著作集和回憶錄William Bateson, Naturalist:His Essays and Addresses Together with a Short Account of His Life巴特傳。的三代女兒寫父母With a Daughter's Eye: A Memoir of Margaret Mead and Gregory Bateson。

Pre-Raphaelites。 「中國共產黨獨裁者」

關於 project的忠告與教訓: 品管大師 J. M. JURAN (Project by project 改進;做事業);A. I. 大師 Newell: a "final project" that would outlast him.(終身致力)

Newell on Soar as a "final project" that would outlast him.

*** 服務至樂;服務的利息


山外圖書社 大陸書專賣
最愛 · 36分鐘 ·

作者: 宋鎮豪(主編)
出版年: 2023-8
頁數: 512
定價: CNY168.0
裝幀: 平裝
ISBN: 9787573207319
內容簡介 · · · · · ·
目錄 · · · · · ·
説甲骨文“■■”兼及殷墟王陵兆域 …………………………………… 宋鎮豪 (1 )
商代“多”字構詞與肉食者 ……………………………………………… 陳光宇 (12)
———以“屯南”蔔辭爲中心 ………………………………………… 柴克東 (26)
“來艱蔔辭”與殷商地理空間觀念補議 ………………………………… 江俊偉 (53)
《合集》6057“飲禦”之一解 ……………………………………………… 王一凡 (61)
釋甲骨蔔辭“ 伐”……………………………………………………… 王 博 (72)
甲骨蔔辭中“令王唯黃”結構補論 ……………………………………… 張學瀾 (81)
———以甲骨金文資料的考辨爲中心 ……………………………… 張 斌 (92)
從六國文字“夏”看“周人稱夏”及相關問題 ………………… 譚生力 韓妍婧 (106)
甲骨文“龍”“鳳”頭上的“冠飾”的含義及相關字辨析 ………………… 史大豐 (114)
子蔔辭所見生育問題芻議 ……………………………………………… 張 鑫 (126)
“生月又至南”:甲骨蔔辭中的朔旦冬至………………………………… 淩 山 (142)
日光和月光 …………………………… [英]L.C.Hopkins(著),郅曉娜(譯)(152)
釋甲骨文“■”“■” ……………………………………………………… 孫亞冰 (160)
試説殷墟甲骨文中“商”的一種用法 …………………………………… 謝明文 (175)
釋甲骨蔔辭“ ”字 …………………………………………… 張俊成 張博倫 (186)
釋甲骨文的“殿”字 ……………………………………………………… 王雪晴 (200)
説甲骨文中的“蠖”字初文及相關問題 ………………………………… 田國勵 (209)
釋“ ” …………………………………………………………………… 杜清雨 (220)
———並論《詩經•殷其雷》篇名 …………………………………… 朱學斌 (232)
從甲骨文“束”字本意解讀《詩經•揚之水》 …………………………… 張艦戈 (239)
釋甲骨金文中一組“祼”字的異體 ……………………………………… 黃錦前 (248)
説甲骨金文中“卿(饗)”的一種異體 …………………………………… 鞠煥文 (258)
商代“月己”爵銘文考辨 ………………………………………………… 孫合肥 (264)
作冊般銅黿補説 ………………………………………………………… 石光澤 (271)
殷墟劉家莊出土玉璋朱書“ ”字及相關諸字補説 ………… 甘傳寶 劉 偉 (280)
齊家H90出土西周蔔骨新釋 …………………………………………… 單育辰 (289)
———兼補論倗伯、霸伯身份的二重性 ……………………………… 李 騰 (297)
《新甲骨文編(增訂本)》校補120則 …………………………………… 喬雁群 (310)
利用清晰著録片校讀釋文十一例 ……………………………………… 齊航福 (326)
《甲骨文合集》1、2冊釋文校補十則……………………………………… 冉 苒 (333)
甲骨新綴及刻辭釋讀 …………………………………………………… 展 翔 (352)
遼寧省博物館甲骨綴合三則 …………………………………………… 朴奕璿 (359)
旅順博物館所藏甲骨合文研究 ………………………………………… 郭仕超 (365)
《上海博物館藏甲骨文字》辨僞舉例 …………………………………… 蔡哲茂 (381)
甲骨校重一則及相關問題探討 ……………………………… 張 然 劉燕茹 (390)
《甲骨年表》補正 ………………………………………………………… 楊鵬華 (398)
略論YH127坑賓組龜腹甲鑽鑿佈局與占卜形式的關係 ……………… 趙 鵬 (405)
談賓組一類改製背甲的文例 …………………………………………… 何 會 (424)
肥筆字與細體字的契刻特徵對比分析 ………………………………… 趙孝龍 (435)
殷墟甲骨文與骨文化 …………………………………………………… 付瀟林 (445)
抗戰時期楊樹達與董作賓往來書劄考略 ……………………………… 魯超傑 (449)
陳夢家舊藏三片蔔骨新識 …………………………………… 何毓靈 何巧娟 (460)
美國國立亞洲藝術博物館所藏甲骨整理及新釋 ……………………… 馬 尚 (465)
山東博物館館藏甲骨整理與研究取得新進展 ………………………… 任平生 (477)
湖北省博物館藏甲骨整理與研究概述 …………… 許道勝 蔡路武 莫林恒 (483)
湖北省博物館藏甲骨書學價值研究 …………………………………… 馬賢亭 (493)
試論甲骨文書法的興起和藝術價值 …………………………………… 孫海燕 (502)
徵稿啓事 …………………………………………………………………………… (511)


感動我的 (30)人事物記憶:三代的故事William Bateson (1861–1926) 及其妻Beatrice Bateson蒐集William之著作集和回憶錄William Bateson, Naturalist:His Essays and Addresses Together with a Short Account of His Life巴特傳。的三代女兒寫父母With a Daughter's Eye: A Memoir of Margaret Mead and Gregory Bateson,
有內容的海外教授: 翁達瑞:論文、教師待遇、網路流量等等;沈榮欽:時事觀察。成功大學建築系退休教授王明蘅《形式與規則》(2022) 。
A. Calder的手飾設計與交友。

田園城市生活風格書店― B1 藝文空間台北市中山北路二段72巷6號


三代研究、著書之故事和 貫說

William Bateson

https://en.wikipedia.org › wiki › William_Bateson

William Bateson (8 August 1861 – 8 February 1926) was an English biologist who was the first person to use the term genetics to describe the study of ...

Early life and education · ‎Career · ‎Work on biological variation (to... · ‎Publications
(Caroline) Beatrice Durham was the daughter of a senior surgeon at Guy's Hospital, Arthur Edward Durham (1834–1895). She met William Bareson in 1889 Bateson met. Their subsequent engagement was broken off and all correspondence intercepted due to disapproval of Bateson by Beatrice's mother. Seven years later, Beatrice's parents having died, they renewed their acquaintance and in 1896 they married. Of their three sons John was killed in the First World War in 1918, Martin committed suicide in 1922, but Gregory Bateson (1904–1980) had a distinguished career in social anthropology and psychology. Beatrice was devoted to her husband and until 1903 she performed most of the menial tasks associated with her husband's experiments. After his death she gathered together his correspondence and published extracts in her 160-page memoir alongside a collection of his public lectures in 'William Bateson, F.R.S., Naturalist: his Essays and Addresses' (1928).

(卡羅琳)比阿特麗斯·達勒姆 (Beatrice Durham) 是蓋伊醫院高級外科醫生阿瑟·愛德華·達勒姆 (Arthur Edward Durham,1834-1895 年) 的女兒。 她在1889年認識了威廉·巴里森·貝特森。 由於比阿特麗斯的母親不同意貝特森,他們隨後的訂婚被終止,所有信件均被截獲。 七年後,比阿特麗斯的父母去世,他們重逢並於 1896 年結婚。 他們的三個兒子約翰在1918 年第一次世界大戰中陣亡,馬丁於1922 年自殺,但格雷戈里·貝特森(Gregory Bateson,1904-1980 年)在社會人類學和心理學領域有著傑出的職業生涯。 比阿特麗斯 (Beatrice) 忠於她的丈夫,直到 1903 年,她承擔了與丈夫實驗相關的大部分瑣事。 在他去世後,她收集了他的信件,並在她的160 頁回憶錄中發表了摘錄,同時在《威廉·貝特森,F.R.S.,博物學家:他的論文和演講》(1928 年)中收錄了他的公開演講集。

William Bateson, Naturalist:His Essays and Addresses Together with a Short Account of His LifeISBN13:9781108004343
出版社:Cambridge Univ Pr
作者:Beatrice Bateson

William Bateson (1861–1926) began his academic career working on variation in animals in the light of evolutionary theory. He was inspired by the rediscovery of Gregor Mendel's work on plant hybridisation to pursue further experimental work in what he named 'genetics'. He realised that Mendel's results could help to solve difficult biological questions and controversies which others had glossed over, and to challenge assumptions underlying evolution as it was understood at the time. After two years as Professor of Biology at Cambridge he left in 1910 to become Director of the newly founded John Innes Institute. Bateson's argumentative personality and unorthodox approach did not make him popular, and his reputation declined after his death. Was Bateson misunderstood? Was evolution misunderstood? This 1928 volume – including a substantial memoir by Bateson's wife – gives readers access to selected papers and addresses and allows them to consider him afresh.

威廉·貝特森(William Bateson,1861-1926 年)的學術生涯始於根據進化論研究動物的變異。 他受到格雷戈爾·孟德爾在植物雜交方面的重新發現的啟發,在他所謂的「遺傳學」領域進行了進一步的實驗工作。 他意識到孟德爾的結果可以幫助解決其他人所掩蓋的困難的生物學問題和爭議,並挑戰當時所理解的演化論假設。 在劍橋擔任兩年生物學教授後,他於 1910 年離職,成為新成立的約翰英尼斯研究所的所長。 貝特森好辯的性格和非正統的做法並沒有讓他受歡迎,他死後聲譽也下降了。 貝特森是否被誤解了? 進化論被誤解了嗎? 這本 1928 年出版的書——包括貝特森妻子的一部內容豐富的回憶錄——讓讀者能夠閱讀精選的論文和"地址",並讓他們重新審視他。

Bateson, Caroline Beatrice, 1870-1941 (née Durham, wife of William Bateson)


(Caroline) Beatrice Durham was the daughter of a senior surgeon at Guy's Hospital, Arthur Edward Durham (1834–1895). She met William Bareson in 1889 Bateson met. Their subsequent engagement was broken off and all correspondence intercepted due to disapproval of Bateson by Beatrice's mother. Seven years later, Beatrice's parents having died, they renewed their acquaintance and in 1896 they married. Of their three sons John was killed in the First World War in 1918, Martin committed suicide in 1922, but Gregory Bateson (1904–1980) had a distinguished career in social anthropology and psychology. Beatrice was devoted to her husband and until 1903 she performed most of the menial tasks associated with her husband's experiments. After his death she gathered together his correspondence and published extracts in her 160-page memoir alongside a collection of his public lectures in 'William Bateson, F.R.S., Naturalist: his Essays and Addresses' (1928).


Their son was the anthropologist and cyberneticist Gregory Bateson.

With a Daughter's Eye: A Memoir of Margaret Mead and ...s
https://www.goodreads.com › book › show › 48697...

Among Bateson's books is With a Daughter's Eye: A Memoir of Margaret Mead and Gregory Bateson, a recounting of her upbringing by two famous parents.



有內容的海外教授: 翁達瑞:論文、教師待遇、網路流量等等;沈榮欽:時事觀察·


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