“What is the meaning of life? That was all- a simple question; one that tended to close in on one with years, the great revelation had never come. The great revelation perhaps never did come. Instead, there were little daily miracles, illuminations, matches struck unexpectedly in the dark; here was one.”
― from TO THE LIGHTHOUSE By Virginia Woolf, 1927
2023年11月11日 星期六
感動我的 (25):朋友的"家鄉事情"和世界名都的"鄉愁": 士林(曹永洋 前輩施百鍊 (1927~2010)的十來本家鄉書和國小校史館..... )、東京(林皎碧:傳通院 文學家/碑)、學姊張桐生過世........與巴黎(廖志峰:Pompidou 中心的影展和嘻哈唱團、聖母院歷史街道與譯者大使),楊澤的新寶島曼波及其0"後援會"、"Time Must Have a Stop" (莎士比亞; Aldous Huxley。跟楊澤兄坦承,昔日翻譯不知有同名小說)。 施百鍊 《 士林的故事(二) 士林國小與我 》1995 。95歲的保拉姆姆:嘉義大林鎮新闢「加爾摩羅會聖若瑟隱修院」。「烏龍蕉」。政略作家范疇過世。 學姊張桐生過世(楊誠學長轉述。她與先生王孝廉的美麗故事....) 。Remembrance Day. 范疇過世;色澤金黃的「烏龍蕉」,讓日本人愛不釋手。英法美 11.11 康乃爾大學,Essex 大學。 “Femme à la montre,” Pablo Picasso’s 1932 portrait...139.4 M.
感動我的 (25):朋友的"家鄉事情"和世界名都的"鄉愁": 士林(曹永洋 前輩施百鍊 (1927~2010)的十來本家鄉書和國小校史館..... )、東京(林皎碧:傳通院 文學家/碑)、學姊張桐生過世........與巴黎(廖志峰:Pompidou 中心的影展和嘻哈唱團、聖母院歷史街道與譯者大使),楊澤的新寶島曼波及其0"後援會"、"Time Must Have a Stop" (莎士比亞; Aldous Huxley。跟楊澤兄坦承,昔日翻譯不知有同名小說)。 施百鍊 《 士林的故事(二) 士林國小與我 》1995 。95歲的保拉姆姆:嘉義大林鎮新闢「加爾摩羅會聖若瑟隱修院」。「烏龍蕉」。政略作家范疇過世。 學姊張桐生過世(楊誠學長轉述。她與先生王孝廉的美麗故事....) 。范疇過世;色澤金黃的「烏龍蕉」,讓日本人愛不釋手。英法美 11.11 康乃爾大學,Essex 大學。 “Femme à la montre,” Pablo Picasso’s 1932 portrait...
The first Remembrance Day silence was held on 11 November 1919, in acknowledgement of the fatalities of the First World War.
Since then, it has become an annual opportunity to remember all those worldwide who have lost their lives due to conflict, while hoping for a peaceful future.
The Museum will observe the two-minute silence at 11.00.
Mary Delany (1700–1788), ‘Papaver Rheus (Common Corn Poppy)’. Collage of coloured papers, with bodycolour and watercolour, on black ink background, 1779. Read more: http://ow.ly/uZHJ30rh1c2
Bequeathed by Delany’s great-niece, Augusta Hall, Baroness Llanover.
🔴 EN DIRECT le samedi 11 novembre à partir de 20h30
Dans le cadre de « Ouvrir la marche. 1983-2023 : 40 ans de lutte contre le racisme », suivez en live un concert exceptionnel de rap français 100% féminin !…
Time Must Have a Stop
First UK edition (1945)
The novel that Aldous Huxley himself thought was his most successful at "fusing idea with story," Time Must Have a Stop is part of Huxley's lifelong attempt to ...
As pointed out in the lively preface, this is a novel of ideas, a novel of manners, a critique of human history and a voyage into the realm of the unknown.
加爾默羅會(拉丁語:Ordo fratrum Beatæ Virginis Mariæ de monte Carmelo,又譯迦密會,俗稱聖衣會,是天主教托缽修會之一。12世紀中葉,由義大利人貝托爾德(Bertold)創建於巴勒斯坦的加爾默羅山(又譯「迦密山」)。會規嚴格,包括守齋、苦行、緘默不語、與世隔絕。
Picasso Sells for $139.4 Million, Despite a Sagging Art Market
The blue-chip collection of Emily Fisher Landau sold at Sotheby’s on Wednesday night for a total of $406.4 million.
Picasso Sells for $139.4 Million, Despite a Sagging Art Market
The 1932 portrait of Picasso’s mistress remained on the auction block for four minutes as collectors from around the world fought to establish control.
Estate of Pablo Picasso/Artists Rights Society, New York; via Sotheby’s