Satyajit Ray was a "renaissance man” and it will be a great honour to receive a lifetime achievement award named after the "Pather Panchali" filmmaker, Hollywood star Michael Douglas said.
ajit Ray
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Satyajit Ray was an Indian director, screenwriter, documentary filmmaker, author, essayist, lyricist, magazine editor, illustrator, calligrapher, ...
Filmography · Literary works of Satyajit Ray · List of awards and... · Sandip Ray
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“We dropped more ordnance on Cambodia and Laos than on Europe in World War II,” Mr. Obama said in an interview with The Atlantic in 2016, “and yet, ultimately, Nixon withdrew, Kissinger went to Paris, and all we left behind was chaos, slaughter and authoritarian governments that finally, over time, have emerged from that hell.”
「二戰期間,我們在柬埔寨和寮國投下的彈藥比在歐洲投下的還要多,」歐巴馬在2016 年接受《大西洋月刊》採訪時說道,「但最終,尼克森撤軍,基辛格去了巴黎,我們留下的一切隨著時間的推移,混亂、屠殺和獨裁政府終於擺脫了地獄。”
Henry Kissinger Is Dead at 100; Shaped Nation’s Cold War History
The most powerful secretary of state of the postwar era, he was both celebrated and reviled. His complicated legacy still resonates in relations with China, Russia and the Middle East.
「,我們在柬埔寨和寮國投下的彈藥比二戰期間在歐洲投下的還要多,」歐巴馬在2016 年接受《大西洋月刊》採訪時說道,「但最終,尼克森撤軍,基辛格去了巴黎,我們留下的混亂、屠殺和之後從該地獄產生的 獨裁政府。”
季辛吉走了,他是上個世紀對台灣外交傷害最大的美國國家安全顧問和國務卿。1. 他的外交思維精髓是:“ 我的方法是戰略和地緣政治論( geopolitics,主張一國的政治乃受其地理位置所支配 );我試圖使世界大事顯示出彼此間的關係,並在部分地區製造衝突和壓力,來影響另一區域的大事。 ”他不斷遊走各國的穿梭外交,就是在踐行這套理論,但是他所獲得的成果,都維持不久。
----品質與可靠性 出版社大小規模;雲端服務
In publishing, large staff and large budgets do not always translate into quality. When it comes to the world’s most important literary prizes, small publishers are outclassing bigger ones. Read why:
上週,英國廣播公司(BBC) 公佈了 2023 年 100 名最具影響力女性名單👩⚕️。其中有一位傑出的🇵🇱波蘭女性:Izabela (伊莎貝拉) Dłużyk。BBC對她在「科學、健康和技術」類別中為培養她非凡的熱情所付出的努力和行動表示讚賞。伊莎貝拉從出生起就失明,但自從12歲時得到一台錄音機以來,她就記錄了森林中🐦鳥兒的聲音。她一生中從未見過鳥,所以她透過聲音來區分它們。由於失明,她的🔈聽力變得更加靈敏,她能夠非常精確地定位樹上鳥類的位置🌳🦉。
- “觀鳥主要是關於攝影” - 她說。 -「人類更關注視覺方面。對我來說非常重要的事情就是享受聲音本身。空氣如何使聲音倍增。它如何在森林中產生共鳴。 (……)對我來說,最持久的是聲音。”
Last week, BBC has released its list of 100 most influential women 👩⚕️ of 2023. Among them there is one exceptional 🇵🇱 Polish lady: Izabela Dłużyk. She was appreciated by the British broadcaster in the "Science, health and technology" category for the effort and action she put into developing her unusual passion. Izabela is blind from birth but records the sounds of birds 🐦in the forests since being given a tape recorder at the age of 12. She has never seen a bird in her life, so she distinguishes them by sound. Having developed a more sensitive hearing 🔈 due to her blindness, she is able to locate the position of birds on the trees with a great precision🌳🦉.
- “Birding is mostly about photography” – she says. - “Humans are more focused on visual aspects. Something that is very important for me is just to enjoy the sound itself. How the air multiplies the sound. How it resonates in the forest. (…) For me, what is the most durable is the sound.”
#BBC #bbc #BBC2023 #bbcwomen
【星期三專題】眾聲喧「華」 金馬60年的時代聲音轉換
//轉播版本的台灣 #金馬獎 頒獎禮看來只有4個多小時,在公布了所有獎項後就結束。但金馬相關的各種活動,已延續逾兩周,更正確一點,那是一股推動電影和城市品牌的持續動力,該給予不限於電影文化的延伸討論。金馬影展放映了200多套片,伴隨是眾多國際導演和演員的大師班,由北野武、李滄東、役所廣司到滿島光的電影課堂,以至創投會上將決定一些新製作的命運。這種融合性的電影節+頒獎+引資+課堂模式已成為當下的具規模電影節產業標準運作,但相比其他國際上同類活動,金馬獎正在強化一個獨到特色,就是無論是影展選映作品、金馬獎入圍及得獎作,以至洽談過程,都充滿各種不同的「華語」口音。這同時反映在大會各種正式活動或私下的交流中。國語、台語、粵語、南洋中文、福建話此起彼落。//
What Makes a Vacuum Cleaner Sexy?
Here’s how Dyson’s cordless stick became a trophy of domesticity and a generational must-have.
A Dyson vacuum cleaner with a blue-and-red head vacuuming gold chains and diamonds on a beige floor.
Tonje Thilesen for The New York Times
What Makes a Vacuum Cleaner Sexy?
Here’s how Dyson’s cordless stick became a trophy of domesticity and a generational must-have.
提勒森 (Tonje Thilesen) 為《紐約時報》撰稿
- 消息人士說,拜登政府預計於週五發布電動汽車稅收抵免規則,
規定如果消費者購買的汽車含有來自「令人擔憂的外國實體」 的電池材料,則不能申請該補貼。 白宮希望新規定將鼓勵美國汽車供應鏈的發展, 並使汽車業與中國拉開距離。
不與國際脫鉤:習李發聲中國要變調? 中國國家主席習近平強調,要加強涉外法治建設,保護外商合法權益。而在西方呼籲對中國供應鏈"降風險"的背景下,中國舉行首屆供應鏈博覽會,總理李強稱願加強與所有國家的供應鏈夥伴關係。
上海,上海- 據新華社,11月28日至29日,習近平在上海市考察調研。
他先後考察上海期貨交易所、上海科技創新成果展、 閔行區新時代城市建設者管理者之家, 了解上海增強國際金融中心競爭力、推進國際科技創新中心建設、 保障性租賃住房建設等情況。
不與國際脫鉤:習李發聲中國要變調? |
中國國家主席習近平強調,要加強涉外法治建設,保護外商合法權益。而在西方呼籲對中國供應鏈"降風險"的背景下,中國舉行首屆供應鏈博覽會,總理李強稱願加強與所有國家的供應鏈夥伴關係。 |
- 據新華社,11月28日至29日,習近平在上海市考察調研。
他先後考察上海期貨交易所、上海科技創新成果展、 閔行區新時代城市建設者管理者之家, 了解上海增強國際金融中心競爭力、推進國際科技創新中心建設、 保障性租賃住房建設等情況。
Back at OpenAI, Sam Altman Outlines the Company’s Priorities
Mr. Altman, who was briefly ousted as chief executive, said he would focus on conducting A.I. research, improving products and building a new board.
Maria Callas Was Opera’s Defining Diva. She Still Is. Maria Callas. Greek Fire by Nicholas Gage. Maria by Callas: In Her Own Words. "La Divina"
On display in Chaplin’s study at, there are different versions of My Autobiography. In the first photo, on the right, Chaplin noted the pages where he had made changes on the cover of a proof of the book. There is also a copy of My Autobiography dedicated to "the hero of this book: my brother Sydney, with love, Charlie. September 9th 1964".
Smithsonian Magazine
“Calder: In Motion, The Shirley Family Collection” is “a unique opportunity to curate a concentrated view and in-depth study of one artist’s work.”
Expansive Alexander Calder Exhibition Opens in Seattle
"Calder: In Motion" celebrates the iconic artist’s innovative mobiles, s