林語堂夫婦。談《愛在瘟疫蔓延時》 的一段/幾處翻譯,class distinctions (Parish Cafe 教區咖啡館 VS Social Club)社會地位、俱樂部規則.......:Love in the Time of Cholera by Gabriel García Márquez 39
Love in the Time of Cholera《愛在瘟疫蔓延時》 的幾處翻譯
Love in the Time of Cholera is a novel by Colombian Nobel prize winning author Gabriel García Márquez. The novel was first published in Spanish in 1985.
用英文本當然無法評論翻譯自西班牙文的中文本然而,它們(西班牙文 和 英文,社會制度如俱樂部等,相近,而中文世界通常不相同........)
Love in the Time of Cholera 企鵝版
《愛在瘟疫蔓延時》 台北允晨 1991/2000七版
翻譯討論英文p.122 v 中文版 152~53
turn (North American also roll over or turn over) in one's grave
class distinctions among...
Parish Cafe 教區咖啡館 VS Social Club
parish :堂區;本堂區;堂口:乃天主教教務轄區的最小單位,為一固定區域的信友團體,由堂區主任負責其牧靈事務(參閱法典 515-552 )。合本堂區而為教區,合教區而為教省。譬如臺灣地區共分七教區,即臺北、新竹、台中、嘉義、台南、高雄、花蓮;其中臺北為總教區,而臺北總教區內又分若干堂區,如主教座堂、聖家堂、華山堂等。基督教稱之為教區、牧區。
Social Club
She would turn over in the grave 再死 一次
a large number black balls 風風雨雨
chess 象棋
a good intermediate haven 理想的避風港
The words I am about to express: They now have their own crowned goddess. – Leandro Díaz.
This epigraph does just what a good epigraph should do.
Love in the Time of Cholera: Motifs | SparkNotes
Any reference to a flower or any kind of floral imagery within the text serves as an indirect reference to the presence of love. Because Florentino himself makes a strong association between flowers and love, the reader may also. Florentino expresses his affections for Fermina (and a number of his mistresses) by sending them flowers, as is customary. However, the novel brings special meaning to flowers, as does Florentino. He uses flowers, namely camellias and roses, to express his feelings for Fermina, and to remember her. In Chapter 2, Florentino is so impassioned by his love for Fermina, that he eats gardenias and rose petals in order to know and consume her, figuratively. In many of his letters, Florentino sends Fermina a white camellia, the "flower of promise," a gesture which represents his undying love for her. Also, Florentino serenades Fermina with a single violin concerto, entitled "Crowned Goddess, which he composes in her honor, after seeing her wearing a crown of flowers atop her head.