2022年2月9日 星期三

2月10日今昔 1~2:東海同屆三女子之聲、訪羅時瑋(1976級建築)今晨,班上張蓓蒂教授來電,談半小時以上。她近廿十年投下許多心力於"保健",也在宜蘭大學建築研究所教"風險"管理。 她深居簡出,除了從宜蘭到新北市、台中市去打莫徳那疫苗....... 我班上另外一位女同學跟徐海偉同學在德州,上月,他們主持班上的全球Zoom 大會......海狄是從生物系轉工工。 我還懷念本屆另一奇女子,從歷史系轉生物系的嵩文,竟能同屆畢業。畢業之後,沒見過她,希望她好......,李金台(外文)夫婦。;漢清講堂258 從食療談保健 2018-11-06 陳祖林【紀念John Berger】【說故事的人】劉振強的【回首來時一甲子】。東瀛之戀-張大千與山田喜美子






1917.1 胡適感冒約2周 (非1918.1~1920.12 的世界大感冒)近癒,給母親信,內附給未婚妻的白話詩詞:

富國強兵(兼鐵路提升GDP)、一路一帶,結果:但見偏遠歐洲人士擔憂貨櫃可能帶來病毒,不見億萬生民求治無門 ,只好得五成?交叉感染........
The government has spent lavishly on infrastructure, but its investment in health care has failed to keep up


它要求員工每月聚會一 小時,談"安全‧健康‧環保"SHE新知等。
258 從食療談保健 2018-11-06
258 從食療談保健 2018-11-06 陳祖林
258 從食療談保健 2018-11-06 陳祖林

MIT Technology Review
2017年2月10日上午2:22 ·
Bee populations are declining world-wide—can pollinating drones pick up the slack?
Researchers just used a drone to pollinate a flower
Japanese tinkerers created a tiny, flower-pollinating drone for a world without insects.



說不定是近年首次去書展。主要目的是去買John Berger的書 (台灣是他的書之翻譯大國,遠比德日法等都積極:約12本,遠流兩本,可能絕版,城邦約10本)。城邦的9本書,散在各種 (7~8)分類中,有5~6本要用中文才方便查。去買幾本香港的書,袋子是三民書局的。英國大出版商T&H今天只跟書商談,明天才賣樣品。過允晨,廖兄不在;過印刻,買本雜誌.......

2月18日討論的是福婁拜的【情感教育】和我的【紀念John Berger】。就我而言,有一條小線索:社會學家的評介:前者是法國【藝術法則】中的說法,後者是英國的博士論文/書:Modernity as Exile: The Stranger in John Berger's Writing。

Walter Benjamin wrote the essay “Art in the Age of Mechanical Reproduction”"機械複製時代中的藝術作品"要義闡述/John Berger原著;互互譯,台北:電影欣賞(第六卷),1988
Berger’s documentary, Ways of Seeing 1972. 書中特別推薦此篇論文。
John Berger與Walter Benjamin 兩人都寫過【說故事的人】文章,性質差很大。
John Berger的老友 Ernst Fischer (1899–1972) 在The Necessity of Art.1959/1971/2010 就提到Walter Benjamin 論波特萊爾;2010年的新版,由John Berger寫 Introduction,詳細"紀錄" Ernst Fischer 死亡當天(1972)的情形。
真正影響John Berger的藝術思想的,是Max Raphael ( 1889 – 1952), German-American art historian. ..Fellowships awarded by the Bollingen Foundation,希望讀者讀讀Wikipedia 中關於他的詞條。

""劉振強的【回首來時一甲子】.... 漢清講堂今年將介紹日本的岩波和台灣的幾家書局"

"Next month, City Lights will publish Lost Profiles: Memoirs of Cubism, Dada, and Surrealism, ..."
The man who launched the Surrealist movement remembers his encounters with Marcel Proust.
My Strange Friend Marcel Proust
My Strange Friend Marcel Proust
All the hotel guests talked about how Monsieur Proust rented five expensive

Lost Profiles: Memoirs of Cubism, Dada, and Surrealism

Author Philippe Soupault
Publisher City Lights Publishers
Publication Date 2016-10-25
Section Art
Type New
Format Paperback
ISBN 9780872867277

Poet Alan Bernheimer provides a long overdue English translation of this French literary classic?Lost Profiles is a retrospective of a crucial period in modernism, written by co-founder of the surrealist movement. Opening with a reminiscence of the international Dada movement in the late 1910s and its transformation into the beginnings of surrealism, Lost Profiles then proceeds to usher its readers into encounters with a variety of literary lions. We meet an elegant Marcel Proust, renting five adjoining rooms at an expensive hotel to "contain" the silence needed to produce Remembrance of Things Past; an exhausted James Joyce putting himself through grueling translation sessions for Finnegans Wake; and an enigmatic Apollinaire in search of the ultimate objet trouvé. Soupault sketches lively portraits of surrealist precursors like Pierre Reverdy and Blaise Cendrars, a moving account of his tragic fellow surrealist René Crevel, and the story of his unlikely friendship with right-wing anti-Vichy critic George Bernanos. The collection ends with essays on two modernist forerunners, Charles Baudelaire and Henri Rousseau. With an afterword by Ron Padgett recounting his meeting with Soupault in the mid 70's and a preface by Breton biographer Mark Polizzotti, Lost Profiles confirms Soupault's place in the vanguard of twentieth-century literature. "Philippe Soupault was a central figure in both the Dada and Surrealist movements but throughout his long life walked under no banner except the one of artistic freedom. In this previously untranslated book, he gives us a collection of richly remembered portraits of some of his best-loved friends from the old days of the new modernism. As a glimpse into that time, these lost portraits are invaluable?and often deeply moving."?Paul Auster, author of Report from the Interior "Reading Alan Bernheimer's splendid translation of Soupault's memoir, I forgot that it was a translation, that it was Soupault writing or talking about another time, about his friends of one century past. I read myself into these vivid and virile (so, sue me!) assaults on time, and Time stopped."?Andrei Codrescu, author of The Posthuman Dada Guide: Tzara and Lenin Play Chess "Philippe Soupault was present at the creation of both Dada and Surrealism?collaborating with André Breton to produce The Magnetic Fields, the first book of automatic writing?before going his own way as a poet, novelist, and journalist. In this present volume, Soupault's fierce independence, deep wit, and generous heart shine through a set of sharply observed portraits of European writers?fellow geniuses, most of them known to him personally. Alan Bernheimer's fine translation allows Soupault's vibrant voice to come to life in our time, and to reanimate in turn some of the greatest spirits of the past century's literature?a marvelous and much-needed apparition."?Andrew Joron, author of Trance Archive: New and Selected Poems "In this dazzling book?adroitly, smoothly & accurately translated by poet Alan Bernheimer?poet & co-founder of Surrealism Philippe Soupault trains his great secret eye & ear to auscultate an astounding range of core 20th century literary figures he knew personally. And does so with serenity, humor & profound insight. Like none of the academic histories covering this period, no matter how well written and documented, this book makes you say as you devour it: 'Wish I had been there.' Enough said, I’m going to call René Crevel right now."?Pierre Joris, author of Barzakh: Poems 2000-2012 Philippe Soupault (1897-1990) served in the French army during WWI and subsequently joined the Dada movement. In 1919, he collaborated with André Breton on the automatic text Les Champs magnétiques, launching the surrealist movement. In the years that followed, he wrote novels and journalism, directed Radio Tunis in Tunisia, and worked for UNESCO.
