2023年6月30日 星期五

Pickleball Noise Is Driving Everyone Nuts翡冷翠 1504 年兩藝術大師之爭1945 年東京大轟炸chronic noise is an unrecognized health threat。梵谷高更之爭Vincent van Gogh (1853 – 1890) and Paul Gauguin. (1848 – 1903)


Shattered Nerves, Sleepless Nights: Pickleball Noise Is Driving Everyone Nuts

The incessant pop-pop-pop of the fast-growing sport has brought on a nationwide scourge of unneighborly clashes, calls to the police and lawsuits.


A pickleball player dropping a ball to hit for an underhanded serve.

"長期"噪音可能"致命" 慢性噪音是一種未被認識到的健康威脅。 (紐約時報專文......炎症、高血壓和動脈斑塊積聚——增加患各種心臟病和中風的風險) chronic noise is an unrecognized health threat。梵谷高更之爭Vincent van Gogh (1853 – 1890) and Paul Gauguin. (1848 – 1903)



警笛聲響起。 狗吠。 一架噴氣機在頭頂燃燒。


令人不快的噪音會傳遞到大腦中的壓力檢測中心,它們會引發一系列反應,隨著時間的推移,這些反應會導致炎症、高血壓和動脈斑塊積聚——增加患各種心臟病和中風的風險 .

但是多大聲才算太大聲? 經常暴露在中等水平以上幾分貝的噪音中——例如,來自嘈雜的交通、嘈雜的火車或從頭頂飛過的飛機——會引發對健康有害的反應。

The New York Times

What noise does to your body

A siren shrills. A dog barks. A jet blazes overhead.

The everyday world has plenty of noise we can’t tune out, and it affects us more than you might think: A growing body of research suggests that chronic noise is an unrecognized health threat.

Unpleasant noises are relayed to the stress detection center in your brain, and they can set off a cascade of reactions that, over time, can lead to inflammation, hypertension and plaque buildup in arteries — increasing the risk of heart disease, heart attacks and strokes.

But how loud is too loud? Regular exposure to even a few decibels of noise above moderate levels — for example, from loud traffic, a noisy train or an aircraft passing overhead — can prompt reactions that are harmful to health.

Check your surroundings: Here’s how to find out if you’re exposed to too much noise.

Weigh in: If noise affects your life, The Times wants to hear from you.

What to Know About Heart Health

Heart attacks and strokes are among the leading causes of death around the world, but there are ways to protect yourself.

Vincent van Gogh (1853 – 1890) and Paul Gauguin. (1848 – 1903) both experimented with the expressive possibilities of color and line to create distinct personal.

"長期"噪音可能"致命" 慢性噪音是一種未被認識到的健康威脅。 (紐約時報專文......炎症、高血壓和動脈斑塊積聚——增加患各種心臟病和中風的風險) chronic noise is an unrecognized health threat。梵谷高更之爭Vincent van Gogh (1853 – 1890) and Paul Gauguin. (1848 – 1903)


翡冷翠 1504 年兩藝術大師之爭Michelangelo and Leonardo in Florence;1945 年東京大轟炸倖存者之殤 Paper City;
