2021年2月26日 星期五

待補: 論學談詩(6): 哥德談話錄;論學談詩(7):皮亞傑訪談錄; 論學談詩(8):布羅茨基談話錄Joseph Brodsky


Conversations with Brodsky (1940~1996)

Solomon VOLKOV (1944~)

Conversations with Joseph Brodsky: A Poet's Journey Through the Twentieth Century

Solomon Volkov, Joseph Brodsky, Iosif Aleksandrovič Brodskij
Free Press, 1998 - 306 ページ
0 レビュー
Recounting his childhood in war-ravaged Leningrad, boyish adventures in his hometown, life as an underground poet, standing trial as a "parasite" in Khrushchev's Russia (which he has never previously discussed in detail), enforced stays in mental institutions, and imprisonment in the icy north, Brodsky also describes hilarious attempts by the KGB to recruit him as an informer, his fateful letter to Brezhnev, and his informer, his fateful letter to Brezhnev, and his consequent expulsion from the USSR. Special chapters of poignant reminiscence are devoted to Brodsky's two enduring friends and mentors: W. H. Auden and Anna Akhmatova. He also discusses, with cracking insight, his most profound influences: Robert Frost and Marina Tsvetaeva, the great Russian feminist poet. Brodsky describes his post-Russian life in New York and reveals for the first time his active participation in one of the cold war's most noted cultural confrontations - the famous defection of the Bolshoi Ballet star Alexander Godunov. In this and all his tales recounted here, we meet a Brodsky his readers have not heard before, both contentious and gracious, breaking all the rules, never succumbing to the straitjacketing of literary or political cliques in New York or anywhere else. In these raw Russian conversations, superbly translated by Marian Schwartz, is the journey of a poet-hero around the world and through this century's most troubling and sensational times.




論學談詩(6): 哥德談話錄

論學談詩(1):從《論學談詩二十年: 胡適楊聯陞往來書札》談起




翻譯西遊記的是 余國藩教授(Anthony C. Yu,1938年10月6日~2015年5月12日)

論學談詩(3):施蟄存、孫康宜合著《從北山樓到潛學齋》; 施蟄存(1905 -2003)、孫康宜 (1944~)


論學談詩(4):胡適(1891~1962) 《胡適許怡蓀通信集》2016/2017;《許怡蓀 ( 1889-1919)傳》(1919);《嘗試集 許怡蓀》;高一涵 (1885~1968);許肇南


論學談詩 (5):胡適與梅覲莊談白話詩(1916),補陳子善的"讀《胡適留學日記手稿本》序" (2015);(任)叔+爸爸爸爸不不怕不怕1永.....

