2016年8月28日 星期日

0828 2016 日 晨陣雨《》Stephen Mason

他拿我2008年出版的台灣戴明圈--東海大學戴明學者講座》的改字,說要了解鍾漢清,要先讀本書,第 (尤其是第三部,內有"我懷念的一些師長")。不過,我談起1978年暑假的故事等等。

相談一小時之後,我決定與他去中山書市:花些時間找該地點,要去看故宮出版品展末天,內容大失所望;還是在隔壁買某回頭書聯合文學叢書:6本500元。上去,在"準備中"的日本餐廳旁找間咖啡館。有趣的是,裏面的7位顧客都市女性 (3桌)。

紫藤廬- Opening

[藝文展覽] 【風華跫音─紫藤廬收藏展】2016/05/28~06/26


今天看了《火星救援》(英语:The Martian,是一部2015年美國科幻片),更覺得許同學的這首,意境深遠得多,更有感情。


晚餐---小燕買阿英2道菜--之後看科幻片"絕地救援"2小時。STAR MOVIE 沒標英文片名。

絕地救援- 维基百科,自由的百科全书

《火星救援》(英语:The Martian)是一部2015年美國科幻片,為雷利·史考特執導,德魯·戈達德編劇。 ... 原本戈達德將會執導電影,但進度遲遲未推進,後來雷利·史考特取代了他作為導演,麥特·戴蒙被選作擔任主角、Genre Films製作。拍攝開始於2014 ...
When astronauts blast off from the planet Mars, they leave behind Mark Watney (Matt Damon), presumed dead after a fierce storm. With only a meager amount of supplies, the stranded visitor must utilize his wits and spirit to find a way to survive on the hostile planet. Meanwhile, back on Earth, membe… More

Obituary of Emeritus Professor Stephen Mason CChem FRSC FRS


Emeritus Professor Stephen Mason CChem FRSC FRS

6 July 1923 - 11 December 2007
Emeritus Professor Stephen Mason
Stephen Mason was born in Leicester in 1923 and brought up in the village of Anstey.  He won a scholarship to Wyggeston Grammar School and from there took up an open scholarship in natural sciences at Wadham College , Oxford.
 He graduated BA in 1945 and completed his D. Phil. with D.Ll.Hammick in 1947 on the physico-chemical factors underlying the biological properties of some antimalarial agents. Mason had become interested in the history of Wadham college and in particular of John Wilkins, who was a founder member of the Royal Society. An essay on the history of protochemical ideas led to the offer of a departmental demonstratorship in the Museum for the History of Science, Oxford (1947-53) which he held concurrently with a college tutorship at Wadham. The lectures on science history given as part of the demonstratorship were augmented and published as A History of the Sciences (1956), a pioneering work which treated the development of science in the context of economic and social factors. It has never been out of print and has been translated into at least seven languages. 
He had kept up his chemical researches in Hammick's laboratory during his time at the Museum and, feeling that it was easier to do historical research in a chemistry department than vice versa, took up a Fellowship with Adrian Albert at the Australian National Laboratory (then in the Euston Road, London). Here began his life long interest in spectroscopy. In 1955 he attended the first of Charles Coulson's Summer Schools in Theoretical Chemistry and from then on the interaction of synthetic chemistry, experimental spectroscopy and theory characterised his research. While at the ANU he met and married Joan Banus who  was then  a Postdoctoral Fellow at UCL.
In 1956 he took up a lectureship in physical organic chemistry at the University of Exeter and was promoted to Reader in 1963. He moved to a foundation chair of Chemistry at the University of East Anglia in 1964 and in 1970 to Kings College London where he remained until retirement.
Mason is best known for his contributions to Optical Activity in its widest form. He was particularly interested in the spectroscopy of chiral molecules and, shortly after arriving at Exeter, built a spectrometer to measure circular dichroism. Early achievements included the use of exciton theory to determine the absolute configuration of an organic molecule (calycanthine) in solution for the first time. This work was subsequently crucial to validating the Bijvoet method of determining absolute configuration from X-ray crystallography. He also made the first measurements of single crystal CD spectra of transition metal complexes. This in turn  led to the development of a theoretical understanding of such spectra.
Understanding the theoretical basis of transition metal optical activity was paramount and was achieved during the 1970s by the development of Ligand Polarisability Theory  which also explained the origin of hypersensitive lanthanide f Equilibrium Symbol f transitions and the intensities of the d Equilibrium Symbol d transitions in non-centrosymmetric transition metal complexes. Instruments continued to be developed during this period and CD measurements were extended to the vacuum ultraviolet and (for the first time) to the infra-red regions. As a direct result of the IRCD work, a comprehensive theory of the optical properties of cholesteric liquid crystals was also published. 
During his final decade at Kings, Mason's attention focussed on interactions between chiral molecules and particularly the role of the weak nuclear force in the origin of biomolecular homochirality. The distillation of over twenty five years of research into Optical Activity was published as Molecular Optical Activity and the Chiral Discriminations in 1982, the same year he was elected FRS.
Stephen Mason was an innovative scientist and an innovative historian, who genuinely bridged  C P Snow's  "two cultures" . There was a period  (Kings in the 1970's) when a (today unthinkable) variety of activities took place in Mason's laboratory: organic and inorganic synthesis, instrumental development, spectroscopy, computational and theoretical investigations and historical studies. We embraced all of chemistry and felt there were no boundaries. In summing up his attitude to research  we can do no better to quote the man himself. When asked by students whether they  should do A or B, his inevitable  mantra was " Its not 'either/or' its 'AND AND!' "  which sums up his all inclusive philosophy of research. His many postdoctoral workers and visitors benefited from being treated as colleagues and co-workers and were allowed a remarkable freedom to publish alone while enjoying hospitality in his laboratory.
In 1988 Stephen and Joan retired and moved to Cambridge where he held an extraordinary Fellowship at Wolfson College (1988-90). His final book, Chemical Evolution: Origins of the Elements, Molecules and Living Systems, was published in 1991.
He was an active member of the Chemical Society (later the RSC) having joined on graduation in 1945. He served on Council twice (1964-69 and 1978-81). In 1991 he founded the Historical Group of the RSC and served as its chairman for the first three years.
Stephen's principal interest outside chemistry was the history and philosophy of science. He had begun a major revision of  A History of the Sciences when Joan died in 2004, which hit him extremely hard. He died on 11 December 2007 and is survived by his sons, Oliver, Andrew and Lionel.
Robert D Peacock FRSC, Brian Stewart FRSC
斯蒂芬·梅森名譽教授CChem FRSC FRS 11 2007年12月 - 1923年7月6日 
斯蒂芬·梅森MasonStephen名譽教授出生於萊斯特在1923年和安斯蒂的村莊長大。他獲得了獎學金Wyggeston文法學校,並從那裡拿起在自然科學開放的獎學金在牛津大學瓦德漢學院。  他在1945年畢業的學士學位,並完成了他的哲學博士。與D.Ll.Hammick 1947上的物理化學因素底層一些抗瘧劑的生物學性質。梅森已經成為興趣沃德姆學院的歷史,特別是約翰·威爾金斯,誰是英國皇家學會的創始人之一的。對protochemical思想史的一篇文章引發了部門demonstratorship在博物館的報價為科學,牛津大學(1947年至1953年)中,他具有大專輔導在沃德姆同期舉行的歷史。給出的demonstratorship的一部分科學史的講座,增強出版作為科學的歷史(1956年),對待科學的發展在經濟和社會因素的情況下一個創舉。它從來沒有絕版,已被翻譯成至少七種語言。 期間,他在博物館的時候,他一直保持了他在Hammick的實驗室化學的研究,並覺得這是比較容易做歷史研究的化學系不是反過來,採取了阿德里安·阿爾伯特院士在澳大利亞國立實驗室(再尤斯頓路,倫敦)。在這裡,開始了他的光譜長壽命的興趣。 1955年,他第一次參加查爾斯·庫爾森的暑期學校在理論化學與從此合成化學的相互作用,實驗光譜與理論表徵他的研究。而在ANU他相識結婚瓊巴努斯誰當時的博士後在倫敦大學學院。 1956年他開始在物理有機化學一個講師在英國埃克塞特大學晉升為讀者在1963年,他在1964年搬到了東英吉利大學化學基礎的椅子並在1970年到倫敦國王學院,在那裡他保持直到退休。 梅森是最適合他的貢獻眾所周知的光學活性的最廣泛的形式。他在手性分子的光譜特別感興趣,並在埃克塞特抵達後不久,建起了譜儀測量圓二色。早期的成就包括使用激子理論來確定在第一次溶液的有機分子(calycanthine)的絕對構型。這個工作是隨後驗證從X射線晶體確定絕對構型的Bijvoet方法是至關重要的。他還提出過渡金屬配合物的單晶CD光譜的第一測量。這反過來又導致了這種光譜的理論認識的發展。 了解過渡金屬光學活性的理論基礎是至關重要的,由配體極化性理論的發展,這也解釋了過敏稀土˚F均衡符號f躍遷的起源和D平衡符號D轉換的非強度在20世紀70年代達到了中心對稱的過渡金屬配合物。儀器繼續在此期間被開發和CD測量擴展到真空紫外和(首次)到紅外區域。作為IRCD工作的直接結果,膽甾型液晶的光學特性的綜合理論也公佈。 在他在國王隊最後10年,梅森的注意力集中在手性分子,特別是生物分子同手性起源的弱核力的作用之間的相互作用。的二十五年研究旋光性的蒸餾已作為分子旋光性和手性辨析在1982年,他當選FRS同年。 斯蒂芬·梅森是一個創新的科學家和創新的歷史學家,誰真正彌合P c ^斯諾的“兩種文化”。曾經有一段(國王隊在1970年的)時,(今天是不可想像的)各種活動,梅森的實驗室發生了:有機和無機合成,器樂發展​​,光譜學,計算和理論研究和歷史研究。我們擁抱所有的化學反應,並認為沒有界限。在他的態度總結研究,我們可以做的好不引用他本人。當學生被問及他們是否應該做A或B,他不可避免的口號是“它不是”要么/或“的”和和!“ “這總結了自己的研究全包理念。他的許多博士後工作人員和遊客被視為同事和合作者受益,並允許一個顯著的自由單獨發布,而在他的實驗室裡享受熱情好客。 1988年,斯蒂芬和瓊退休,搬到劍橋,他在沃爾夫森學院(1988- 1990年)舉行了一次特別獎學金。他最後的書,化學演化:元素,分子和生命系統的起源,出版於1991年。 他有在1945年,他在擔任委員會兩次(1964年至1969年和1978-81)加入了對畢業化學學會(後來的RSC)的活躍成員。 1991年,他創立了歷史集團RSC並出任其前三年的主席。 斯蒂芬之外化學的主要興趣是科學史和科學哲學。他開始對科學史的一個重大修改時,瓊在2004年去世,擊中他堅硬無比。他於11 2007年12月去世,由他的兒子,奧利弗,安德魯和Lionel倖免於難。
