2016.9.14 漢清講堂邀請蘇錦坤 (Ken Su) 先生談
閱讀 Persuasion by Jane Austen 及譯本之筆記
Anne's Favorite Poems (Persuasion (1995) ):'Lord Byron and Jane Austen
Persuasion (1995)
Persuasion (1995)
When Captain Benwick asks Anne "do you prefer Marmion or The Lady of the Lake?" she replies by quoting a line from The Lady of the Lake by Sir Walter Scott (Canto iii. Stanza 16):
"Like the dew on the mountain,
Like the foam on the river,
Like the bubble on the fountain,
Thou art gone, and forever!"
Like the foam on the river,
Like the bubble on the fountain,
Thou art gone, and forever!"
Old-Fashioned Charm: Anne's Favorite Poems
- アン・エリオット Anne Elliot
- 准男爵の次女、27歳。品性と教養のある婦人。8年前にウェントワースと大恋愛をしたが、周囲の反対に負けて求婚を受け入れなかった。そのことを未だに引きずっており、誰の求愛も断っている。かつては美人であったが、今では衰えをみせている。
- フレデリック・ウェントワース大佐 Captain Frederick Wentworth — A naval officer who was briefly engaged to Anne some years ago. At the time, he had no fortune and uncertain prospects, but owing to his achievements in the Napoleonic Wars, he advanced in rank and in fortunes. He is one of two brothers of Sophia Croft. He gained his step to post Captain, and gained wealth amounting to about £25,000 from prize money awarded for capturing enemy vessels. He is an eminently eligible bachelor.
- かつて青年将校であった時代にアンと出会い、恋に落ちた。しかしアンが周囲の反対に負けたため、そのような弱い心を持つアンを憎み去っていった。その後、フリゲート艦の艦長となってナポレオン戦争で大戦果を挙げ、一財産を築いた。未だにアンを許していない。
- サー・ウォルター・エリオット准男爵
- 三姉妹の父親。誇りだけは高いが、そのために出費を抑えられず、ついに屋敷を人に貸す羽目になった。保養地のパースへ移りそこで住む。長女のエリザベスだけを寵愛している。
- エリザベス・エリオット Elizabeth Elliot
- 准男爵の長女、29歳。美人で未だに容色は衰えていないが、良縁に恵まれてない。准男爵位を継ぐ予定の遠縁のウィリアムとの結婚を密かに願っているがていよく断られていた。エリオット家の出自を誇りにしている。
- メアリー・マスグロウブ夫人 Mary Musgrove
- 准男爵の三女。二人の子供の母親。義実家に不満を持ちながら親しく付き合っている。アンを頼りにしている。The youngest daughter of Sir Walter, married to Charles Musgrove, is attention-seeking, always looking for ways she might have been slighted or not given her full due, and often claims illness when she is upset. She opposes sister-in-law Henrietta's interest in marrying Charles Hayter, who Mary feels is beneath them.
- チャールズ・マスグロウブ
- エリオット家に次ぐ資産家のマスグロウブ家の長男。アンに求愛していたが脈が無いことを悟りメアリーと結婚した。アンを親戚として信頼している。
- ラッセル夫人 Lady Russell — A friend of the Elliots, particularly Anne, of whom she is the godmother. She is instrumental in Sir Walter's decision to leave Kellynch Hall and avoid financial crisis. Years earlier, she persuaded Anne to turn down Captain Wentworth's proposal of marriage. She was the intimate friend of the mother, and has watched over the three sisters since their mother died. She values social rank and finds in Anne the daughter most like her late friend.
- 未亡人で、かつてアン達の母親である亡くなったエリオット夫人と非常に親しかった。そのため、エリオット家の近くに住み、子供がいないこともあり、特にアンを溺愛している。そのため、ウェントワース大佐のアンへの求愛をアンが奪われるかのように思ってしまい、反対していたが、今となってはアンが未だに独身であることに気をかけている。
Sir Walter Elliot, of Kellynch Hall,
- シェパード氏
- エリオット准男爵がラッセル夫人と共に親しく交際している1人。准男爵の屋敷であるケリンチ邸を貸し出す手助けをする。
- クロフト提督
- Admiral Croft — Good-natured, plainspoken tenant at Kellynch Hall and brother-in-law of Captain Wentworth. In his naval career, he was a captain when he married, present at the major battle of Trafalgar in 1805, then assigned in the east Indies, and holds the rank of rear admiral of the white.
- ウェントワース大佐の義兄。功成り名を遂げたので、出身地に近いよい物件を探していた。ケリンチ邸に住めることを喜ぶ。
- 提督夫人
- ウェントワースの姉で気の良い夫人。
- ミセズ・クレイ Mrs Clay — A poor widow with children, daughter of Sir Walter's lawyer, and companion of Elizabeth Elliot. She aims to flatter Sir Walter into marriage, while her oblivious friend looks on.
- エリザベス・エリオットのお気に入りの若い女性。密かにエリオット准男爵の後妻の座を狙っている節がある。
- ウィリアム・ウォルター・エリオット
- エリオット家の親戚。男子がいないエリオット准男爵の相続人の予定。アンに求愛する。
- Louisa Musgrove — Second sister of Charles Musgrove, Louisa, aged about 19, is a high-spirited young lady who has returned with her sister from school. She likes Captain Wentworth and seeks his attention. She is ultimately engaged to Captain Benwick, after recovering from her serious fall. Her brother Charles notices that she is less lively after suffering the concussion.
- Sir Walter Elliot, Bt. — A vain, self-satisfied baronet, Sir Walter's extravagance since the death of his prudent wife 13 years before has put his family in financial straits. These are severe enough to force him to lease his estate, Kellynch Hall, to Admiral Croft and take a more economical residence in Bath. Despite being strongly impressed by wealth and status he allows the insinuating Mrs Clay, who is beneath him in social standing, in his household as a companion to his eldest daughter.Elizabeth Elliot — The eldest and most beautiful daughter of Sir Walter encourages her father's imprudent spending and extravagance. She and her father regard Anne as inconsequential. Elizabeth wants to marry, and has run the Elliot household since her mother died a dozen years earlier.Anne Elliot — The second daughter of Sir Walter is intelligent, accomplished and attractive, and she is unmarried at 27, having broken off her engagement to Wentworth over seven years earlier. She fell in love with Captain Wentworth but was persuaded by her mentor, Lady Russell, to reject his proposal because of his poverty and uncertain future and her youth. Anne rejects a proposal a few years later, knowing she loves Wentworth.Mary Musgrove — The youngest daughter of Sir Walter, married to Charles Musgrove, is attention-seeking, always looking for ways she might have been slighted or not given her full due, and often claims illness when she is upset. She opposes sister-in-law Henrietta's interest in marrying Charles Hayter, who Mary feels is beneath them.Charles Musgrove — Husband of Mary and heir to the Musgrove estate. He first proposed to Anne, who said no. He married Mary about five years before the story opens, and they have two sons. He is a cheerful man, who loves hunting, and easily endures his wife's faults.Lady Russell — A friend of the Elliots, particularly Anne, of whom she is the godmother. She is instrumental in Sir Walter's decision to leave Kellynch Hall and avoid financial crisis. Years earlier, she persuaded Anne to turn down Captain Wentworth's proposal of marriage. She was the intimate friend of the mother, and has watched over the three sisters since their mother died. She values social rank and finds in Anne the daughter most like her late friend.Mrs Clay — A poor widow with children, daughter of Sir Walter's lawyer, and companion of Elizabeth Elliot. She aims to flatter Sir Walter into marriage, while her oblivious friend looks on.Captain Frederick Wentworth — A naval officer who was briefly engaged to Anne some years ago. At the time, he had no fortune and uncertain prospects, but owing to his achievements in the Napoleonic Wars, he advanced in rank and in fortunes. He is one of two brothers of Sophia Croft. He gained his step to post Captain, and gained wealth amounting to about £25,000 from prize money awarded for capturing enemy vessels. He is an eminently eligible bachelor.Admiral Croft — Good-natured, plainspoken tenant at Kellynch Hall and brother-in-law of Captain Wentworth. In his naval career, he was a captain when he married, present at the major battle of Trafalgar in 1805, then assigned in the east Indies, and holds the rank of rear admiral of the white.Sophia Croft — Sister of Captain Wentworth and wife of Admiral Croft for the last 15 years. She is 38 years old. She offers Anne an example of a strong-minded woman who has married for love instead of money and who has a good life married to a Navy man.Louisa Musgrove — Second sister of Charles Musgrove, Louisa, aged about 19, is a high-spirited young lady who has returned with her sister from school. She likes Captain Wentworth and seeks his attention. She is ultimately engaged to Captain Benwick, after recovering from her serious fall. Her brother Charles notices that she is less lively after suffering the concussion.Henrietta Musgrove — Eldest sister of Charles Musgrove. Henrietta, aged about 20, is informally engaged to her cousin, Charles Hayter, but is nevertheless tempted by the more dashing Captain Wentworth. Once he returns home, she again connects with Hayter.Captain Harville — A friend of Captain Wentworth. Wounded two years previously, he is slightly lame. Wentworth had not seen his friend since the time of that injury. Harville and his family are settled in nearby Lyme for the winter.Captain James Benwick — A friend of Captains Harville and Wentworth. Benwick had been engaged to marry Captain Harville's sister Fanny, but she died while Benwick was at sea. He gained prize money as a lieutenant and not long after was promoted to commander(thus called Captain). Benwick's enjoyment of reading gives him a connection with Anne, as does her willingness to listen to him in his time of deep sadness. He might have enjoyed more time with her, before she returned to Lady Russell, but that did not occur. Benwick was with Louisa Musgrove the whole time of her recovery, at the end of which, they become engaged to marry.Mr William Elliot — A distant relation ("great grandson of the second Sir Walter" when it is not stated from which Sir Walter the present one descends) and the heir presumptive of Sir Walter, Mr Elliot became estranged from the family when he wed a woman of lower social rank for her fortune and actively insulted Sir Walter. Sir Walter and Elizabeth had hoped William would marry Elizabeth Elliot. He is a widower, and now has interest in the social value of the title that he will someday inherit. He mends the rupture to keep an eye on the ambitious Mrs Clay. If Sir Walter married her, William's inheritance would be endangered. When Mr Elliot sees Anne by chance, and then learns she is Sir Walter's daughter, his interest is piqued: if he could marry Anne his title and inheritance likely would be secured because her father would be less inclined to disinherit his daughter. Rumors circulate in Bath that Anne and he are attached.Mrs Smith — A friend of Anne Elliot who lives in Bath. Mrs Smith is a widow who suffers ill health and financial difficulties. She keeps abreast of the doings of Bath society through news she gets from her nurse, Rooke, who tends the wife of a friend of William Elliot's. Her financial problems could have been straightened out with assistance from William Elliot, her husband's friend and executor of his will, but Elliot would not exert himself, leaving her much impoverished. Wentworth eventually acts on her behalf.Lady Dalrymple — A viscountess, cousin to Sir Walter. She occupies an exalted position in society by virtue of wealth and rank. Sir Walter and Elizabeth are eager to be seen at Bath in the company of this great relation.