2016年8月7日 星期日

0808 2016 一

曹永洋談徐復觀教授與東海早期的門生 2016-07-27


Dear Friends,
歐美的翻譯人員待遇兩極  大這兒類似 賣斷  名家翻譯沒版權的名著 可能賺很多  我兩年前今天在臉書寫的:
J. M. Coetzee/Paul Auster《此刻》(Here and Now: Letters 2008-2011),梁永安譯,台北:寶瓶,2013。
J. M. Coetzee 比 Paul Auster大七歲。此書中Paul的信似乎比較熱情點。Paul 以往當過窮譯者,不過那段經驗讓他變成很飽學,可以應用在本書討論亂倫的議題上。
本書書末,Paul 在義大利寫的長信,可能可稱得上傑作,又可讓人捧腹大笑 (我的確被2005年過世(94歲)的電影營銷人 Bernard M. Kamber的點子笑歪了,他說捐一品脫的血給蘇聯盟軍的老美,可免費看一場電影.....不過後來在Kansas ,有觀眾反悔,希望要回他捐的。

十一時半台大女舍午餐  芒果火龍果香蕉二五零



spread, riff, raff, rift, bawdy, risqué, pomolog...
triple, plasticine, triple jump, malleability, res...
inspiration, drollery, loudmouth, menace, carousal...
creative(n), to divine, Tea leaf reading
doublet, triplet, trifecta, exacta, didtich, coupl...

蔡義忠編著,《從荷馬到海明威》,普天文庫/民60年再版    1978年初版,青山出版社(A).

PBS NewsHour

“This is not the land of cowards. We do not turn against each other. We embrace each other. And we do not allow people to use religion to harm those who righteously worship in peace.”

Muslim veterans lead NYC parade of immigrants celebrating their 'hyphen'
New Yorkers from more than 80 countries marched through downtown Brooklyn on Sunday in solidarity with Muslim-American veterans.


Pronunciation: /ˈhʌɪf(ə)n/ 


The sign -, used to join words to indicate that they have a combined meaning or that they are linked in the grammar of a sentence (as in a pick-me-uprock-forming minerals), to indicate the division of a word at the end of a line, or to indicate a missing element (as inshort- and long-term).

A beautiful programme about the composers of the Great War: Butterworth, Gurney, Bliss, Kelly...

Japan's top bosses earn around a tenth of what American executives get

渋谷パルコ「魂は変わらない」 43年の歴史に一区切り

Hanching Chung (Nippon 日本 心得帖) - 1 小時前
日本建物翻新很平常 去年 Hotel Okura 拆掉重蓋大樓 改建如何讓『建築物之魂』不變呢? 

Japan’s ¥2 trillion “shukatsu” funeral business

Figures and objects from Mapungubwe, site of the first African kingdom, are part of an exploration of 100,000 years of art

artist as business people

Leonard Cohen wrote a heartbreaking final letter to his dying muse Marianne Ihlen

『沙鄉年鑑』 (中國1992)有註解(譬如說 杜邦公司及 V. Bush )和書內插圖而「沙地郡曆誌」(台灣1987)無註解和插圖
『沙鄉年鑑』 候文蕙 譯,北京:商務,2016
譯者後記中說,此版本為1992年出版以來的第4版本:似乎每版只改書名。幾篇被收入中國的中學和高較之教科書中,所以Aldo Leopold現在有名了。
