2020年5月30日 星期六

0530 2020"Testing Is Key to Beating Coronavirus, Right? Japan Has Other Ideas" Nobel Prize 諾貝爾獎百年名牌,得獎者傳記資料有水準,參考李遠哲、 John Harsanyi等人。紐約時報評論

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悲欣人間 (56) :周芬伶、許閔淳師生聯合新書發表會。UEA Creative Writing Course 。John Fowles 的房子贈UEA大學。香港人國尋求政庇。特朗普與世衛斷交將讓全球衛生遭遇重挫?


悲欣人間 (56) :周芬伶、許閔淳師生聯合新書發表會。UEA Creative Writing Course 。John Fowles 的房子贈UEA大學。香港人國尋求政庇。特朗普與世衛斷交將讓全球衛生遭遇重挫?
特朗普在華盛頓稱世衛組織未能實施 改革 ,並指責該組織淪為中國的傀儡。這位美國總統宣布將終止與世衛 組織的關係 。對此,德國本週六表示“失望”,並稱特朗普與世衛斷交將讓全球 衛生遭遇重挫 。 *** BBC:香港壹傳媒集...

悲欣人間 (55) :台灣通姦刑法除罪。10個國家組成的俱樂部共同開發5G技術。"Testing Is Key to Beating Coronavirus, Right? Japan Has Other Ideas" Nobel Prize 諾貝爾獎百年名牌,得獎者傳記資料有水準,參考李遠哲、 John Harsanyi等人。紐約時報評論


悲欣人間 (55) :台灣通姦刑法除罪。10個國家組成的俱樂部共同開發5G技術。"Testing Is Key to Beating Coronavirus, Right? Japan Has Other Ideas" Nobel Prize 諾貝爾獎百年名牌,得獎者傳記資料有水準,參考
台灣通姦刑法除罪。不過目前亞洲非回教國家中,僅剩台灣尚未除罪,台灣婦女團體也一再疾呼通姦除罪,如無法立即廢止,應刪除《刑事訴訟法》239條但書,以免造成通姦撤告只讓配偶受惠, --- 據法新社今天自倫敦報導說,....

(知名校友:Nobel Prize in Literature laureate Kazuo Ishiguro等等;)


UEA Creative Writing Course - Wikipedia

The University of East Anglia's Creative Writing Course was founded by Sir Malcolm Bradbury and Sir Angus Wilson in 1970. The M.A. is widely regarded as the most prestigious and successful in the country [1] [2] [3] and competition for places is notoriously tough.[citation needed]

悲欣人間 (54) :South Korea closes schools again as cases jump. 口罩販售競爭激化:UNIQLO將推出夏天也不悶熱的口罩:中共亮劍-戰狼外交。The link between covid-19 and Kawasaki disease 川崎氏病。美國司法部宣布對28名朝鮮公民和5名中國公民提起訴訟,主要罪名涉及謀劃罪,違反國際緊急經濟權力法,銀行詐騙,和國際洗錢。


悲欣人間 (54) :South Korea closes schools again as cases jump. 口罩販售競爭激化:UNIQLO將推出夏天也不悶熱的口罩:中共亮劍-戰狼外交。The link between covid-19 and Kawasaki disease 川崎氏病。美國司法部宣
The closure comes only days after students returned to school on Wednesday. BBC.COM ...

悲欣人間 (53) :China threatens to ATTACK Taiwan。TGIF:川普總統講話的全文(中譯);約3百萬港民可申請到英國工作....。德國《時代》週報: 民族主義和數字監控是中國共產黨尚存的權


China threatens to ATTACK Taiwan
Li Zuocheng told Beijing's Great Hall of the People today: 'The people's armed forces will take all necessary steps to resolutely smash any separatist plots or actions.'

悲欣人間 (52) :天才又勤勞: Matisse and Picasso By Françoise Gilot 等數本書


悲欣人間 (52) :天才又勤勞: Matisse and Picasso By Françoise Gilot 等數本書
Matisse and Picasso Currently on exhibition #nationalartgalleryofaustralia #canberra *** 最先專書寫Matisse 及 Picasso之間亦友亦敵的...

悲欣人間 (51) :露出馬腳:YouTube、 W.H.O. 這篇可以看出馬友友世界之寬廣與多樣。「推特治國」下的加強舉偽說法。英文學習 anger, rioting and looting, pilfering convenience... 美國不怕挑釁,說到做到:退出W.H.O. ...


悲欣人間 (51) :露出馬腳:YouTube、 W.H.O. China’s national-security bill for Hong Kong is an attempt to terrify這篇可以看出馬友友世界之寬廣與多樣。「推特治國」下的加強舉偽說法。英文學習 anger, riotin
Why did anti-China comments disappear from YouTube? The explanation most likely lies in the nature of Google's moderation software dilate, ...

【美國即時 - 美國將會撤銷香港特殊待遇 制裁主要參與官員】
全程睇住直播, 除咗宣布退出WHO之外,亦會對中國作出制裁:
"Investment firm shou……

悲欣人間(50) :Trump總統特朗普在記者會上宣布制裁措施。Trump Moves to Strip Hong Kong of Special U.S. Relationship 美國種族歧視 Why the prosecution of a Minneapolis police officer is such a rarity. 英文學習: rarity, the dock,


悲欣人間(50) :Trump總統特朗普在記者會上宣布制裁措施。Trump Moves to Strip Hong Kong of Special U.S. Relationship 美國種族歧視 Why the prosecution of a Minneapolis police officer is such a rarity. 英文學習: rarity, t
Trump Moves to Strip Hong Kong of Special U.S. Relationship President Denounces China’s Crackdown and Virus Response P...

悲欣人間(49) : 北京改請李嘉誠等人出來力挺 。英文學習:Overtourism, overrate, Bake-Bake Gakkō (化々學校), or "School for Spooks", 美不勝收;British Museum 的Historical city travel guide: Athens, 5th century BC;Guimet 的Kawanabe Kyosai (1831-1889)速寫簿


悲欣人間(49) : 北京改請李嘉誠等人出來力挺 。英文學習:Overtourism, overrate, Bake-Bake Gakkō (化々學校), or "School for Spooks", 美不勝收;British Museum 的Historical city travel guide: Athens, 5th century BC;Gui

tour. tourism, Overtourism, overrate, just about, ... 北京改請李嘉誠等人出來力挺 With Hong Kong Resisting, China Tries to Change the Narrati...
