2023年1月26日 星期四

孩子都在跳舞。了解東京須萬本書;千本文學書 。Tokyo stories: a literary stroll。某女作家個人的十本書 川上弘美Hiromi Kawakami ( 1958年~ ) (一):奧之細道 芭蕉、廣重、 鄭 清茂和莊因,《輓歌》博物館等等 夏目漱石 漢詩、永井荷風 『濹東綺譚』;大川健三郎 Seventeen ;西武スペシャル『隣りの女 現代西鶴物語』(1981年、TBS)向田邦子。 村上春樹 after the quake (神の子どもたちはみな踊る

孩子都在跳舞。了解東京須萬本書;千本文學書 。Tokyo stories: a literary stroll。某女作家個人的十本書   川上弘美Hiromi Kawakami ( 1958年~ ) (一):奧之細道   芭蕉、廣重、 鄭 清茂和莊因,《輓歌》博物館等等 夏目漱石 漢詩、永井荷風 『濹東綺譚』;大川健三郎 Seventeen ;西武スペシャル『隣りの女 現代西鶴物語』(1981年、TBS)向田邦子。 村上春樹 after the quake (神の子どもたちはみな踊る  

Yamanote and Shitamachi today. Yamanote marked in red and Shitamachi in blue letters.

Yamanote (山の手) and Shitamachi (下町) are traditional names for two areas of Tokyo, Japan. Yamanote refers to the affluent, upper-class areas of Tokyo west of the Imperial Palace.[1][2] While citizens once considered it as consisting of Hongo, Kōjimachi, Koishikawa, Ushigome, Yotsuya, Akasaka, Aoyama and Azabu in the Bunkyō, Chiyoda (in part), Shinjuku, and Minato wards,[1] its size has grown to include the Nakano, Suginami and Meguro wards.[1山手(山の手)和下町(下町)是日本東京兩個地區的傳統名稱。 山手指的是東京皇宮以西的富裕上流社會地區。 [1][2] 雖然市民曾經認為它由文京區、千代田區(部分)、新宿區和港區的本鄉、麴町、小石川、牛込、四谷、赤坂、青山和麻布組成,[1] 但它的規模已經擴大到包括中野區 , Suginami 和 Meguro 病房。
Shitamachi is the traditional name for the area of Tokyo including today the AdachiArakawaChiyoda (in part), ChūōEdogawaKatsushikaKōtōSumida, and Taitō wards, the physically low part of the city along and east of the Sumida River.[2][3]
下町是東京地區的傳統名稱,包括今天的足立區、荒川區、千代田區(部分)、中央區、江戶川區、葛飾區、江東區、墨田區和台東區,以及墨田區和墨田區以東的地勢較低的地區 河流[2][3]

初四感時之後可以談談川上弘美Hiromi Kawakami ( 1958年~ )的Tokyo Reading List....Read Your Way Through Tokyo

感時:何日君再來?積蓄成空中樓閣;美國:機密文件不歸路;ˊ‘Tragedy Upon Tragedy’: 加州春節槍殺;紐約藝術之都.....

Ben Chen

12道 set menu 日幣 $22,000鄭 清茂翻譯的《輓歌》 ; 《新建築》;伊斯坦的寺廟建築

日本漫遊:: 日本北海道自由行-阿寒湖溫泉-阿寒摩周國立公園
https://www.e-japannavi.com › hokkaido › akanko01

阿寒湖。阿寒湖溫泉。日本北海道阿寒湖旅遊。北海道道東。北海道阿寒湖旅遊景點。阿寒湖距離札幌車程約230km,是北海道著名的景點,是15万年前火山噴發後形成的北海道 ...







2023年1月.26 在紐約時報初讀Hiromi Kawakami’s Tokyo Reading List....Read Your Way Through Tokyo,收藏為".....到東京旅遊要讀的十本日本文學" 。
初五半月又讀之,覺得此書單或為起點的參考, 新春可介紹感想,以遣"悲懷" (初三二十多位後輩群聚台中老家.......)

剛開始用奧之細道,或許也可作為"讚嘆鄭清茂和莊因的合作佳話 "之引。周作人與耀明的通信集很有名:



  • “A Strange Tale from East of the River,” Kafu Nagai

 In “A Strange Tale from East of the River” (also translated as “Something Strange Across the River”), the stage is Tokyo as it undergoes tremendous changes in the days leading up to World War II. The appeal of this work is its metafictional structure, which features a poignant relationship between a writer and a prostitute. Just when you think the story has ended, the author himself makes an appearance in order to relay various episodes from the ever-changing city as part of the plot. Here, too, a nesting-box narrative enables the reader to contemplate the passage of time.
周作人給 耀的信至少兩封提到 永井荷。"重申"〈明治文學之追憶〉" (1965.8.7)提到的,喜歡夏目與森鷗....."大正以外,則有谷崎與 永井荷風"....

日本小說家川上弘美Hiromi Kawakami ( 1958年~ ) 1994年出道即以《「神様」/Kamisama (God) 1994獲獎柏斯卡短篇文学奖,1996年便获得日文文学最高荣誉的 ...記錄 芥川龍之介賞, 谷崎潤一郎獎, 泉鏡花文學獎, 紫式部文學獎
Notable works Tread on a Snake1996年「蛇を踏む」で芥川賞受賞

, The Briefcase/Strange Weather in Tokyo
  • “The Narrow Road to the Deep North,” Matsuo Basho

Matsuo Basho was born in the mid-17th century and spent his life as a wandering poet. Many of his journeys are collected in various travelogues, but “The Narrow Road to the Deep North” (also translated as “The Narrow Road to the Interior”), written toward the end of his life, remains beloved in Japan and has been translated into many languages./The book is the record of a five-month, 1,500-mile journey on foot, which started in Edo and wound its way throughout the vast northern territories of the Tohoku and Hokuriku regions. Setting out from Senju, on the banks of the Sumida River, in present-day Sumida-ku, Basho composed this haiku: Departing spring, birds cry out, tears in the eyes of fishes./

  • “The Curious Casebook of Inspector Hanshichi,” Kido Okamoto

  • “The House of Nire,” Morio Kita

  • “Ten Nights’ Dreams,” Natsume Soseki 夏目漱石

  • 夢十夜

  • “A Strange Tale from East of the River,” Kafu Nagai




  • “A Strange Tale from East of the River,” Kafu Nagai

 In “A Strange Tale from East of the River” (also translated as “Something Strange Across the River”), the stage is Tokyo as it undergoes tremendous changes in the days leading up to World War II. The appeal of this work is its metafictional structure, which features a poignant relationship between a writer and a prostitute. Just when you think the story has ended, the author himself makes an appearance in order to relay various episodes from the ever-changing city as part of the plot. Here, too, a nesting-box narrative enables the reader to contemplate the passage of time.
周作人給 耀的信至少兩封提到 永井荷。"重申"〈明治文學之追憶〉" (1965.8.7)提到的,喜歡夏目與森鷗....."大正以外,則有谷崎與 永井荷風"....

  • “Seventeen,” Kenzaburo Oe  大川健三郎

  •  日比谷三島由紀夫の自決を受けてすぐに、天皇制を批判的に問い直す「みずから我が涙をぬぐいたまう日」を書いている。その後も三島事件は『新しい人よ眼ざめよ』(1983年)連作の「落ちる、落ちる、叫びながら…」「蚤の幽霊」、『さようなら、私の本よ!』(2005年)と繰り返し取り上げられる。大江がかつて天皇崇拝のテロリストの少年を描いた「セヴンティーン」を発表した際、それを読んだ三島は、大江は国家主義に情念的に引きつけられるところがある人間なのではないか、と考えて『新潮』の編集者を介して大江に手紙をよこしたという。2007年のインタビューで大江は、三島の読み取りは正しく、自分の中にアンビバレントなものがあることを認めている[118]

Now, at last, we are nearing the layers that make up present-day Tokyo. After Japan’s defeat in World War II, the country again underwent drastic changes. The narrator of Kenzaburo Oe’s novel “Seventeen” is a young man who has assassinated a politician. The novel is a detailed portrayal of a young man who is adrift, descending into depression and being driven to terrorism. The story alludes to an event that occurred not long before it was published, in which the chairman of the Japan Socialist Party was stabbed to death by an ultranationalist at Tokyo’s Hibiya Public Hall. There were many protests and threats made against Oe himself after “Seventeen” was published, in a literary journal. Despite having been translated into various languages and published in numerous countries, the novel was only made available in Japan in book form four years ago — 57 years after it was written — when it was included in a collected edition of Oe’s complete works.

  • “Toddler Hunting and Other Stories,” Taeko Kono

  • “The Woman Next Door,” Kuniko Mukoda  向田邦子

  • 西武スペシャル『隣りの女 現代西鶴物語』(1981年、TBS)向田邦子
after the quake (神の子どもたちはみな踊るKami no Kodomo-tachi wa Mina Odoru, lit. "All God's Children Can Dance") is a collection of six short stories by Japanese author Haruki Murakami, written between 1999 and 2000. First published in Japan in 2000, it was released in English as after the quake in 2002 
  • “The Book of Tokyo,” edited by Jim Hinks, Masashi Matsuie and Michael Emmerich

Hiromi Kawakami is one of Japan’s most popular contemporary novelists. She has won numerous literary prizes in Japan and the United States, including the Akutagawa Prize for “A Snake Stepped On” and the Tanizaki Prize for “Strange Weather in Tokyo.”

Allison Markin Powell is a literary translator based in New York City who has translated Osamu Dazai and Kaoru Takamura, and whose translation of Kawakami’s “The Ten Loves of Nishino” won the 2020 PEN America Translation Prize.

The Ten Loves of Mr Nishino

Hiromi Kawakami

Translated by Allison Markin Powell

Over the course of his life, Mr Nishino falls hopelessly in love again and again. One woman is a colleague, another a chance encounter; one is the girlfriend of a classmate, another the best friend of Nishino’s latest conquest. Some are entranced by Nishino, others care more for their freedom, their children (or their cats).

As we come to learn of the torments, desires and delights of each woman, a portrait emerges of a complicated man whose great capacity for love may well be the cause of his downfall.


Tokyo stories: a literary stroll

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Tokyo Stories: A Literary Stroll
Tokyo stories book cover.JPG
AuthorsTranslated and edited by Lawrence Rogers
Cover artistFrances Baca
CountryUnited States
Published2002 (University of California Press)
Media typePrint
Pages267 pp

Tokyo Stories: A Literary Stroll is an anthology of Japanese short stories set in Tokyo.[1] The translator and editor Lawrence Rogers won the Japan-U.S. Friendship Commission Prizes for the Translation of Japanese Literature from the Donald Keene Center of Japanese culture in 2004.[2][3] The stories are ordered by the areas of Tokyo in which they take place.


Central Tokyo[edit]


West of the Palace[edit]

The South End[edit]
