2016年4月4日 星期一

0404 2016 一

Panama  Papers‬
2015年找到影響許多人的這句話 (曹永洋版本)。
---《音樂界的騎士:曹永坤先生紀念文集》( The Taiwan knight of classical music : in memory of Tsao Yeong-Kun ), 曹永洋, 曹慧中編, 臺北市: 草根出版,2008,頁246

Hanching Chung: 故宮近日應億多發"神經病",我"研究"日英法等國文獻,對此強調"繁華"景象,而非"上河"的模糊意思......何況,美國日用語up the river:坐牢也!

Google wants to bring free Wi-Fi to cities – and it's starting ...
metro.co.uk › Tech › Google
Google wants to bring free wifi to the world…. and it's starting NOW. Matt Payton for Metro.co.ukThursday 25 Jun 2015 12:57 pm. 85.4k. Google wants to bring ...

現在練習聽力的免費資源很豐富,譬如說,底下的這篇小說,你搜索篇名,即可得其原文以及加拿大等地的免費朗讀。 日文的文學作品,情形類似: "Besides many things, Raggles was a poet. He was called a tramp; but that was only an elliptical way of saying that he was a philosopher, an artist, a traveler, a naturalist, and a discoverer. But most of all he was a poet. In all his life he never wrote a line of verse; he lived his poetry."
--from "The Making of a New Yorker" by O. Henry
The Trimmed Lamp : and other Stories of the Four Million by O. Henry (1862-1910) Born in 1862 and died in 1910, O. Henry's birth name is William…

法國人寫《噪音》,指的是 Noise: The Political Economy of Music By Jacques Attali。台灣有翻譯。
一則是陳其寬老師的 (他光棍時,在大肚山聽未來師母的廣播節目,驚為"天人"。)
一則關於日本某位首相回憶錄中將聲音作為.政治人物之要件, (這本日本政要寫的回憶錄,一時找不到。)
這幾年來,台灣在"記錄自己的Soundscape領域",大有進步。李兄的幾本書也有貢獻。昨天看到有人利用social media,為倫敦造soundscape:
倫敦聲景( social media)
The sounds of cities mapped out: is yours "vibrant" or "monotonous"?
22:35 麥當勞竟然人這樣多。

Essex 大學的這個商學院,比台灣的一些大學晚40~50年設立;規模比美國的名校的,約1/10以下.....或許,可看看建築.....

下門牙補牙有狀況,才知道阿佳的意思 (藥)。


AD Interviews: Renzo Piano - Part III

Since first achieving international fame in 1978 with the Centre George Pompidou in Paris, Renzo Piano has become known as a prolific, Italian architect capable of achieving a masterful balance between art, architecture and engineering. His intellectual curiosity and problem-solving techniques have led him to develop a wide-ranging portfolio that successfully merges high technology with humane and comfortable environments.
Sophisticated, refined and elegant, the presence of Renzo Piano’s work is internationally celebrated. Originally born into a family of Italian builders, the Pritzker Prize-winning architect now leads a staff of 150 at his practice, Renzo Piano Building Workshop, from three locations – Genoa, Paris and New York.


湯志偉1994年與女友黃琴伶(Irene)結婚。多年來以演藝圈恩愛夫妻形象出書、演講夫妻相處之道,標榜出五光十色演藝圈中的樸實夫妻檔。2000年產下一子湯寶龍。2002年湯志偉為了一圓導演夢放下妻兒,獨自到英國倫敦倫敦大學金匠學院攻讀導演電影導演碩士。 2013年10月21日湯志偉和郭美珒(Juby)交往四年,7月27日在湯52歲生日時登記結婚,19日辦教會婚禮。
4/4(一)今晚十點 公視我們的島【石門黑海岸】
郭志榮、陳志昌 / 採訪報導 在黑色油污裡掙扎,海洋生物面臨生態劫難。當一艘艘巨輪,一再發生擱淺事件,一再重創海洋生態環境。染黑的海岸,糾結著社會人心,究竟應該如何避免下一場災難的到來?…

《經典雜誌》第42期,2002年2月出版,中興大學林孟哲教授提到,量子力學大師薛丁格(Schrodinger)與另一位偉大的物理學家狄拉克(Dirac)共同獲得1933年諾貝爾物理獎,1944 年,薛丁格寫了一本「生命是什麼 What is life?」,這本書影響非常深遠,也開創了「分子生物學」這門學問,1962年因發現DNA雙螺旋結構而得諾貝爾生物及醫學獎的James D. Watson 華生和Francis Crick 克里克坦承受到這本書的啟發。
幾十年後,生物結構學的大師裴魯茲 Perutz 說,「生命是什麼 What is life?」,這本書影響後世很大,但是,這本書正確的部分沒有原創性,有原創性而影響深遠的部分,則完全錯誤。

主題: "產官學界的管理迷思":批評馬英九與柯文哲、【熱愛品質】;(法) Jean-Marie Gogue 介紹 (美) Philip Crosby,..

日期:4月27日(周三),10:00~ 12:00
