2024年12月5日 星期四

簡介草間彌生(Yayoi Kusama, 1929~ ), “Infinity Mirror Room 以狡猾的眨眼面對無限 (google中譯), ”happening, 禮拜天美術神遊 (79) :《美術手帖》(1993年6月)兼談川端康成 (Yasunari Kawabata, 1899~1972)於 1955年收藏的2張Yayoi Kusama畫作。「草間彌生」個展即將展開

 簡介草間彌生(Yayoi Kusama, 1929~ ), “Infinity Mirror Room 以狡猾的眨眼面對無限 (google中譯), ”happening,    禮拜天美術神遊 (79) :《美術手帖》(1993年6月)兼談川端康成 (Yasunari Kawabata, 1899~1972)於 1955年收藏的2張Yayoi Kusama畫作 https://www.facebook.com/hanching.chung/videos/239954165288888

簡介草間彌生(Yayoi Kusama, 1929~ ), “Infinity Mirror Room 以狡猾的眨眼面對無限 (google中譯), ”happening,    禮拜天美術神遊 (79) :《美術手帖》(1993年6月)兼談川端康成 (Yasunari Kawabata, 1899~1972)於 1955年收藏的2張Yayoi Kusama畫作。「草間彌生」個展即將展開

Kusama Takes On the Infinite With a Sly Wink

The Japanese artist’s new exhibition in Manhattan includes undulating pumpkins and graphic paintings, but her latest Infinity Mirror...草間彌生以狡猾的眨眼面對無限 (google中譯)

這位日本藝術家在曼哈頓的新展覽包括起伏的南瓜和圖形繪畫,但她最新的 Infinity Mirror Room 是展覽的明星。or Room is the star of the show.

Yayoi Kusama’s latest “Infinity Mirror Room,” at David Zwirner Gallery in Manhattan, is titled “Dreaming of Earth’s Sphericity, I Would Offer My Love.”Credit...Peter Fisher for The New York Times


Kusama Takes On the Infinite With a Sly Wink

The Japanese artist’s new exhibition in Manhattan includes undulating pumpkins and graphic paintings, but her latest Infinity Mirror Room is the star of the show.

Yayoi Kusama’s latest “Infinity Mirror Room,” at David Zwirner Gallery in Manhattan, is titled “Dreaming of Earth’s Sphericity, I Would Offer My Love.”Credit...Peter Fisher for The New York Times

Yayoi Kusama

禮拜天美術神遊 (79) :《美術手帖》(1993年6月)簡介草間彌生(Yayoi Kusama, 1929~ )兼談川端康成 (Yasunari Kawabata, 1899~1972)於 1955年收藏的2張Yayoi Kusama畫作



230 川端康成と東山魁夷 2018-05-04

《美術手帖》(1993年6月)簡介草間彌生(Yayoi Kusama, 1929~ )兼談川端康成 (Yasunari Kawabata, 1899~1972)於 1955年收藏的2張Yayoi Kusama畫作


happening翻譯:發生的事, 即興演出, (指場所)極爲時髦的,極刺激的。 1. something that has happened: 2. a performance or similar event that happens without preparation….

HAPPENING 場景,除了我說的法院華盛頓像前,證卷交易所 Hall way ,還有:https://www.centralparknyc.org/locations/alice-in-wonderland

Alice in Wonderland
Alice in Wonderland

 Yayoi Kusama的 happeningS合作者之一 Nobuyoshi Araki 荒木 経惟


川端康成與東山魁夷的私人交談- 每日頭條
林少華文章源自青島出版社2016年版《美的交響世界:川端康成與東山魁夷》,川端康成、 東山魁夷等著,林少華譯。)

第一章:『文豪 (川端康成)と畫家(東山魁夷)』

My Flower Bed (1962), one of Yayoi Kusama’s installations on display in New York, circa 1965. / Photo courtesy of © Yayoi Kusama / Studio Yayoi Kusama, Inc.
北師美術館「草間彌生的『軌跡』與『奇跡』——W Collection & More 1951-2005」展覽四大子題一次看>>https://www.travelerluxe.com/article/desc/240010851
