朋友是那麼重要。早上紐約的學長來一則評論,竟然是中文的!雖然他對東海"校運"悲觀,令人"小心" (尼采知道此一漢字詞,很佩服。)
接下來是 HC:誰能寫永訣之情者乎?......安息。
2015.6.18 台北時間
Kang-i Sun Chang 新增了 2 張新相片。
So sad to get the news. Ch'ung-ho Chang 张充和 (born 1913) just passed away today at 1:00 pm sharp. But she has had a full and most beautiful life. --June 17,2015
晚上川瀨來信:您好 ! !昨晚回了日本。非常感謝 ! !
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2015.6.18 台北時間
Kang-i Sun Chang 新增了 2 張新相片。
So sad to get the news. Ch'ung-ho Chang 张充和 (born 1913) just passed away today at 1:00 pm sharp. But she has had a full and most beautiful life. --June 17,2015
Leonard Bernstein
The great composer Igor Stravinsky was born on this day in 1882!
“When we say "Happy Birthday" to Igor Stravinsky, as we are doing on this program, we are not only giving him our congratulations and our wishes for many more healthy productive years. We are also paying tribute, with all our respect and admiration and devotion, to the greatest composer in the world today. Now that's a big statement, but I don't think anyone will argue about it. Whatever your tastes are—romanticor classical or very up-to-date—there are always works by Stravinsky that you will love. And all these works are in a personal style and language all his own.”
-Leonard Bernstein, Young People's Concert: Happy Birthday Igor Stravinsky (1962)
Oliver Sacks
Oliver tells the knotty story of his first book, Migraines. Watch now:
(posted by the publisher, Alfred A. Knopf)
允晨文化新增了 3 張新相片。
清晨的車廂總是異常安靜,通勤的車程,讓你可以有時間再回味一場夢境或補個小眠。不知何時起,幾乎一上車就迅速跌入夢鄉,無須任何召喚,彷彿移動中帶著韻律的搖晃,讓通勤的你有著回到搖籃時代的安慰,難以抵擋的魔力。有幾次,我嘗試要在車上閱讀,才讀沒幾頁,就不敵強烈的睡意襲來,自動閤上了書。不明白,晚上平躺在床上,努力要入睡,卻總是輾轉反側,好幾次都是快到天亮才昏昏睡去,幾乎是聽著清晨的第一聲鳥啼—通常是白頭翁嘹喨的啼聲入睡。你知道就要天亮了,因為窗簾已遮不住越來越明亮的破曉晨曦。然而在國光號上入睡,完全沒有障礙,不管是清晨離家或黃昏回返,一張座椅就像是一張小床,自成天地。 ⋯⋯更多
經過這十年,他說不定會在" found an unexamined life eminently worth living" (梁譯:一種未加檢視的生活值得過,279頁)加蘇格拉底的注解、譯eminently (很、VERY) 。
***** 說到尼采,比較容易誤解。SCHNITZLER'S CENTURY ,中譯278頁。
one of his fundamental and most accessible texts....
梁兄翻譯沒錯,說不定可以說,很好。不過我初讀時想到的是該書篇幅小,容易懂 (許多德國人說讀不懂Thus......), most accessible或許指"最容易讀進去...."。
"Beyond Good and Evil" by Friedrich Nietzsche is a philosophical work published in 1886. In this book, Nietzsche challenges traditional moral concepts and offers a critical examination of morality and its foundations.Nietzsche argues that past philosophers have lacked critical thinking and blindly accepted dogmatic premises when considering morality. He accuses them of basing their grand metaphysical systems on the belief that good and evil are opposites, rather than different expressions of the same basic impulses. Nietzsche suggests that morality should go beyond simplistic black-and-white moralizing and instead embrace a more nuanced and perspectival approach.The book explores the idea of the "Ubermensch" or the "overman," a concept that Nietzsche introduces as a higher form of human existence beyond conventional moral standards. Nietzsche also discusses the concept of the "will to power," which he sees as a fundamental driving force in human behavior."Beyond Good and Evil" is a collection of aphorisms, short essays, and rants on various topics, including morality, religion, science, culture, and philosophy. Nietzsche's writing style is often provocative and challenging, encouraging readers to question traditional beliefs and assumptions.Overall, "Beyond Good and Evil" is a thought-provoking work that challenges conventional moral frameworks and invites readers to explore alternative perspectives on morality, knowledge, and the human condition.Is Beyond Good and Evil a difficult book to understand?"Beyond Good and Evil" by Friedrich Nietzsche is considered a challenging book to understand. Nietzsche's writing style is often dense and philosophical, requiring careful reading and interpretation. Many readers find it helpful to approach the book with some background knowledge of Nietzsche's philosophy and the historical context in which he wrote.Some readers have found it beneficial to read secondary sources or commentaries alongside the text to gain a deeper understanding of Nietzsche's ideas. Teacher's editions or course notes can provide additional explanations and insights into the complex concepts presented in the book.It is worth noting that Nietzsche's works, including "Beyond Good and Evil," have been translated into multiple languages, and the quality of the translation can also impact the ease of understanding. Choosing a well-regarded translation can enhance the reading experience.While "Beyond Good and Evil" may be challenging, it is also considered a significant and influential work in philosophy. Engaging with Nietzsche's ideas can offer unique perspectives on morality, culture, and the human condition.BOOK: https://amzn.to/49vrlkSYou can also get the audio book for FREE using the same link. Use the link to register for the audio book on Audible and start enjoying it.
梁兄比較少見的疏忽是,此句之前一句漏掉了---與尼采無關。 (這實在需要找出方法品管。我最近的《新經濟學》偷懶,在後半部請Hans掃描原譯文,對著改,有疏忽,後來發現TAI的漏譯2段。)
例子: 279頁的(......主持的)"心理學實驗室"和同頁末行的"心理學文獻",兩者同一詞,以前者為準才對。
有的牽涉到哲學名詞,如同頁的Realist metaphysics,翻譯成"現實主義的形而上學",很可能有誤會 (我覺得日本goo詞典的也不理想: realist
[名]現実[写実]主義者;実存主義者. 可能屬"唯實vs 唯名"?