2018年11月1日 星期四

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熊智翔 談到台大圖書館借書,借浮世繪大部頭書,用行李廂攜帶

James A. Michener、浮世絵、殷允芃
James Albert Michener (/ˈmɪtʃnər/;[1] February 3, 1907 – October 16, 1997) was an American author of more than 40 books, most of which were fictional, lengthy family sagas covering the lives of many generations in particular geographic locales and incorporating solid history. Michener had numerous bestsellers and works selected for Book of the Month Club, and was known for his meticulous research behind the books
James A. Michener - Wikipedia
The Floating World 1954 Michener, in the text accompanying these prints, details how Japanese printmakersers in the Edo period kept their art alive in the face of government restrictions.
作HOKUSAI 時,我有他的著作The Hokusai Sketch-Books參考。
殷允芃《中國人的光輝及其他 — 當代名人訪問錄》台北:志文,1971/1977,頁161~67
Sayonara 1954 Set during the early 1950s, it tells the story of Major Gruver, a soldier stationed in Japan, who falls in love with Hana-Ogi, a Japanese woman. The novel follows their cross-cultural Japanese romance and illuminates the racism of the post-World War II time period.
Hawaii 1959 This historical novel spans centuries of Hawaiian history, exploring the myriad of influences that have shaped the people and landscapes of the state.
199 葛飾北齋と浮世絵 2017-09-15 漢清講堂
544 views 10 months ago
The Hokusai Sketch-Books: Selections from the Manga
The Hokusai Sketchbooks: James A. Michener:
80 年代初 在美國史丹佛大學書局買的。Michener, James A. (1958). The Hokusai Sketch-Books: Selections from the 'Manga'. Charles E. Tuttle, Rutland.
80 年代中,在日本看到十來卷的原作之書籍, 未買。現在想起來,有點後悔。
James A. Michener、浮世絵、殷允芃 James Albert Michener ( / ˈ m ɪ tʃ n ər / ; [1] February 3, 1907 – October 16, 1997) was an American author of ...


抄襲,英文也錯誤:"Humans of Taipei 我是台北人贊助
「Humans of taipei (sic) 我是台北人」 為臺北市政府成立之官方粉絲團。....."

Administrative Behavior: a Study of Decision-Making Processes in Administrative Organization is a book written by Herbert A. Simon (1916–2001).
Thank you for the opportunity to learn, have fun, and make a difference.

圖像裡可能有1 人、文字


福樓拜的《包法利夫人》:兩本志文版《波法利夫人》;施康強《包法利夫人》(譯本序) 包法利夫人(譯本序) 施康強 福樓拜的《包法利夫人》已有好幾個中譯本,其中一個出於已故李健吾先生的大手筆。李先生還寫過一部...

《戴明國際交流暨評論》 是我以前發行的月刊。Peter 拿的這期,有他帶其新加坡同事來訪,我們玩了些 management games,所以那期就以此為主題,談透過遊戲,如"紅珠遊戲"、漏斗實驗等等,來學習。


圖像裡可能有1 人

192 簡介Tériade的代表作"VERVE"and"Great Books" 2017-09-05
Parascience is the study of subjects that are outside the scope of the natural and social sciences because they cannot be explained by accepted scientific theory or tested by conventional scientific methods.[1] This study may be concerned with phenomena assumed to be beyond the scope of scientific i...

....夢想啟動未來(Imagination at work)可能誤譯。它是21世紀初的口號,現在公司某處說,找不到。No results found for "kpayp7.btxinlei.com"
Please try again, or try one of the popular terms below.https://www.ge.com/?search=kpayp7.btxinlei.com

Everyman's Library
"The Vampire's Metamorphoses" by Charles Baudelaire
The woman meanwhile, twisting like a snake
On hot coals and kneading her breasts against the steel
Of her corset, from her mouth red as strawberries
Let flow these words impregnated with musk:
— "I, I have moist lips, and I know the art
Of losing old Conscience in the depths of a bed.
I dry all tears on my triumphant breasts
And make old men laugh with the laughter of children.
I replace, for him who sees me nude, without veils,
The moon, the sun, the stars and the heavens!
I am, my dear scholar, so learned in pleasure
That when I smother a man in my fearful arms,
Or when, timid and licentious, frail and robust,
I yield my bosom to biting kisses
On those two soft cushions which swoon with emotion,
The powerless angels would damn themselves for me!"
When she had sucked out all the marrow from my bones
And I languidly turned toward her
To give back an amorous kiss, I saw no more
Than a wine-skin with gluey sides, all full of pus!
Frozen with terror, I closed both my eyes,
And when I opened them to the bright light,
At my side, instead of the robust manikin
Who seemed to have laid in a store of blood,
There quivered confusedly a heap of old bones,
Which of themselves gave forth the cry of a weather-cock
Or of a sign on the end of an iron rod
That the wind swings to and fro on a winter night.
This selection of poems from across the ages brings to life a staggering array of zombies, ghosts, vampires, and devils. Our culture's current obsession with zombies and vampires is only the latest form of a fascination with crossing the boundary between the living and the dead that has haunted humans since we first began writing. The poetic evidence gathered here ranges from ancient Egyptian inscriptions and the Mesopotamian epic Gilgamesh to the Greek bard Homer, and from Shakespeare and Milton and Keats to Emily Dickinson and Edgar Allan Poe. Here too are terrifying apparitions from a host of more recent poets, from T. S. Eliot and Sylvia Plath to Rita Dove and Billy Collins, from Allen Ginsberg and H. P. Lovecraft to Mick Jagger and Shel Silverstein. The result is a delightfully entertaining volume of spine-tingling poems for fans of horror and poetry both. READ an excerpt here: http://knopfdoubleday.com/book/240438/poems-dead-and-undead/


Thomas H. C. Lee

10月30日上午10:31 ·
從前讀《西清詩話》有歐陽修與王安石論菊花在秋天時是否“落英”之爭論,頗有意思。文忠才學廣博,而稍嫌嚴肅。荊公則才思璀璨,不拘小節,且辯才無礙。引屈子 “朝飲木蘭之墜露兮,夕餐秋菊之落英”爲證,文忠無言以對。

阮籍嫂嘗還家,籍見與別。或譏之。籍曰:「禮豈為我輩設也?」 [28] 阮公鄰家婦有美色,當壚酤酒。阮與王安豐常從婦飲酒,阮醉,便眠其婦側。夫始殊疑之,伺察,終無他意。


