謹以此短文送別陳寬仁先生 (約1930 - 2016)
Leonard Bernstein在1937年7月11日聽到George Gershwin 過世消息的反應與作為。
他當眾談George Gershwin的Second Prelude ......。
我學Bernstein,選擇陳寬仁老師翻譯的 《雕塑藝術》(台北:廣文,1967--我未能找出原書,不過,許多可能的誤譯,在此處直接改正) 的 Beau Dieu of Amience (第112頁,該章《中世紀的雕塑術》作者為Beatrice W. Soheim )。
基督是門,經由這門基督徒可以進入天堂。救世主高高地站著,腳底下踏著猛獅和毒龍 (《聖經》上說,"你可踐踏在猛獅和毒龍身上" (聖詠 91:13)。再下面,葡萄藤影射著聖餐中的紅酒。
The Beau Dieu (literally “handsome God”) is the image of Christ that occupies the top half of the pillar dividing the central portal to Notre-Dame of Amiens.
- Ken Russell - "Song of Summer: Frederick Delius" ;...
- From Clee to heaven the beacon burns
- Terence, this is stupid stuff---A.E. Houseman
Ken Russell - "Song of Summer: Frederick Delius" - 1968 - Full Film
Public interest in Delius's life was stimulated in the UK in 1968, with the showing of the Ken Russell film Song of Summer on BBC Television. The film depicted the years of the Delius–Fenby collaboration; Fenby co-scripted with Russell. Max Adrian played Delius, withChristopher Gable as Fenby and Maureen Pryor as Jelka.[96][97]