2024年3月12日 星期二

日本通 41感動的NHK 72小時紀錄 《東海新報》Tokai Shinpo, a local newspaper in Ofunato, Iwate Prefecture. 辦公、編印一體 2023.3.8起 (人口約3萬,訂戶 1萬4000,雇員30人) 2023 3月11日的大震災是莊嚴寺和尚主持以毛筆書寫每一位亡靈大名等 祈禱......

 日本通 41感動的NHK 72小時紀錄2023.3.8起 《東海新報》Tokai Shinpo, a local newspaper in Ofunato, Iwate Prefecture.      (人口約3萬,訂戶 1萬4000,雇員30人) 2023 3月11日的大震災是莊嚴寺和尚主持以毛筆書寫每一位亡靈大名等 祈禱......創辦人之孫女為加班者煮消夜.....

【JPN Relief-60】 Iwate : Housing Consultation on the Local Paper

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tokaishinpo20121017consultation.jpgOn October 17, Habitat Japan's housing consultation made the front page of the Tokai Shimpo, a local newspaper in Ofunato, Iwate Prefecture. The consultation meeting was organized in cooperation with Human Rights Now to provide the consultation about the reduction of housing loan after the disaster. A photo shot at the meeting is found on the front page as well.
The Tokai Shimpo reports the news of South Sanriku Area, Iwate Prefecture. More than 17,000 copies are delivered mainly in Ofunato, Rikuzentakata and Sumida, Iwate Prefecture every day.

Habitat For Humanity Japan | What's New

On October 17, Habitat Japan's housing consultation made the front page of the Tokai Shimpo, a local newspaper in Ofunato, Iwate Prefecture. The ...

Legal issues in disaster reconstruction seen from cases on ...

Oct 18, 2012 — The city newspapers (Tokai Shinpo in Rikuzen Takata and Sanriku Shinpo in Kesennuma) are read every morning, and they are structured so you ...
