2024年3月18日 星期一

Mike Pence 2024 2021大事回顧 1::美國國會大廈遭洗劫 2021 United States Capitol attack and some sentences


Man【挑戰失敗】彭斯:不會支持特朗普重返白宮 也不會投票給拜登


前美國副總統彭斯(Mike Pence,見圖)表示,他不會支持共和黨的推定總統候選人特朗普。「在我的總統競選期間,我已明確表示,我和特朗普總統在一系列問題上存在深刻分歧,而不僅是就我在1月6日履行憲法職責方面的分歧。」

#特朗普 #白宮 #MikePence #憲法職責 #拜登 Gets 5 Years on Capitol Riot Charges, Longest Sentence So Far

Robert Palmer hurled a fire extinguisher at police officers during some of the fiercest fighting on Jan. 6.

A mob outside the Capitol on Jan. 6.
Credit...Jason Andrew for The New York Times


2021 United States Capitol attack

On January 6, 2021, a mob of supporters of President Donald Trump attacked the United States Capitol in Washington, D.C.[note 1][28] They sought to overturn his defeat in the 2020 presidential election[29] by disrupting the joint session of Congress assembled to count electoral votes that would formalize President-elect Joe Biden's victory.[3][30] The Capitol Complex was locked down and lawmakers and staff were evacuated, while rioters assaulted law enforcement officers, vandalized property and occupied the building for several hours.[31] Five people died either shortly before, during, or following the event: one was shot by Capitol Police, another died of a drug overdose, and three died of natural causes.[19][32] Many people were injured, including 138 police officers. Four officers who responded to the attack died by suicide within seven months.[33]

Called to action by Trump,[34][35] thousands of his supporters gathered in Washington, D.C., on January 5 and 6 to support his false claim that the 2020 election had been "stolen by emboldened radical-left Democrats"[36][37][38][39] and to demand that Vice President Mike Pence and Congress reject Biden's victory.[40] Starting at noon on January 6,[41] at a "Save America" rally on the Ellipse, Trump repeated false claims of election irregularities[42] and said, "If you don't fight like hell, you're not going to have a country any more".[43][44][45] During and after his speech,[41] thousands of attendees walked to the Capitol and hundreds breached police perimeters[46][47] as Congress was beginning the electoral vote count. Many in the crowd broke into the building,[48][49] occupying, vandalizing, and looting it,[31][50] assaulting Capitol Police officers and reporters, and attempting to locate lawmakers to capture and harm.[51] Gallows had been erected west of the Capitol and some rioters chanted "Hang Mike Pence" after he rejected false claims by Trump and others that the vice president could overturn the election results.[52] Some vandalized and looted the offices of House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (DCA) and other members of Congress.[53][54][55] With building security breached, Capitol Police evacuated and locked down both chambers of Congress and several buildings in the Capitol Complex.[56] Rioters occupied the empty Senate chamber while federal law enforcement officers defended the evacuated House floor.[57][58] Pipe bombs were found at each of the Democratic National Committee and Republican National Committee headquarters, and Molotov cocktails were discovered in a vehicle near the Capitol.[59][60]

Trump resisted sending the National Guard to quell the mob.[61] Later that afternoon, in a Twitter video, he reasserted that the election was "fraudulent", but told his supporters to "go home in peace".[62][63] The Capitol was clear of rioters by mid-evening,[1] and the counting of the electoral votes resumed and completed in the early morning hours of January 7. Pence declared President-elect Biden and Vice-President-elect Kamala Harris victorious. Pressured by his administration, the threat of removal, and many resignations, Trump later committed to an orderly transition of power in a televised statement.[64][65] A week after the riot, the House of Representatives impeached Trump for incitement of insurrection, making him the only U.S. president to have been impeached twice.[66] In February, after Trump had left office, the Senate acquitted him in a 57-to-43 vote in favor of conviction, which fell short of a two-thirds majority (requiring 67 votes).[67] The House passed a bill to create a bipartisan independent commission to investigate the attack, modeled after the 9/11 Commission,[68] but it was blocked by Republicans in the Senate,[51] so the House approved a House select committee with seven Democrats and two Republicans to investigate instead.[69][70]

Dozens of people present in Washington, D.C. on the day, including some who took part in the riot, were found to be listed in the FBI's Terrorist Screening Database, most as suspected white supremacists.[71] Over 30 members of anti-government groups, including the Oath KeepersProud Boys, and Three Percenters, were charged with conspiracy for allegedly planning their attacks on the Capitol, but the vast majority of the 719 people charged with crimes relating to the riot had no known affiliation with far-right groups, and did not plan the riot in advance.[72][73][74][75][27]

38°53′23.3″N 77°00′32.6″W

  • 美國國會大廈會議廳及辦公室內的物品遭受破壞及掠奪[11]
  • 國會計票過程被推遲數個小時[11]
  • 國會大廈周邊布置了新的安全圍欄[12]
  • 川普第二次遭到彈劾
  • 各網路社交平台加強管控和審查
  • 川普支持者籌備「美國愛國者行動」目標是不允許拜登在1月20日舉行就職典禮[13]



2021年美國國會大廈遭衝擊事件(英語:2021 Storming of United States Capitol)是指2021年1月6日,時任美國總統唐納·川普的支持者暴力闖入美國國會大廈騷亂事件。當天,一大批示威者在川普的號召下衝進了美國國會大廈,擾亂正在進行計票及認證2020年美國總統選舉結果以宣告喬·拜登正式獲勝的美國國會聯席會議[3][37]國會大廈建築群被封鎖,其中的立法者和工作人員被緊急疏散,之後被騷亂人群占領並破壞長達數個小時。一系列的衝突導致5人死亡,超過140人受傷[38]


1月6日下午,川普譴責其副手彭斯「沒有為保護我們的國家和憲法做應做的事情」[注 1],儘管彭斯在憲法上沒有權利可以不承認拜登的勝利。[61][62][63]下午4點22分,川普在推特上敦促他的支持者「和平地回家」,同時將騷亂者描述為「非常特別的人」,稱他「愛」他們[注 2],並重申他對選舉舞弊的虛假指控。[65]其後他再在推特發文呼籲示威者保持和平,不要使用暴力。[注 3]

國會大廈遭到衝擊這一事件很快便成為了全世界的焦點並受到美國國內和國際上政治領導人和組織的廣泛譴責。時任參議院多數黨領袖密契·麥康諾將這一事件稱為「失敗的叛亂」(failed insurrection)[66],並且稱參議院「不會屈服於無法無天或恐嚇」(will not bow to lawlessness or intimidation)[67]。多家社群媒體及科技公司封鎖了川普的社交帳戶[68][69]推特對川普的推特帳號進行了長達12小時的鎖定,並刪除了他的三條推文,原因是他發帖公開縱容暴力衝擊國會的支持者,違反了推特政策,其後更進一步永久鎖定了他的推特帳號。[70][71][72]FacebookInstagram亦跟隨推特以煽動暴力為由臨時封鎖川普的帳戶[73]YouTube則隱藏了多條川普發布懷疑煽動暴力的影片[74]。騷亂一周之後,美國眾議院以川普煽動叛亂第二次彈劾他,使他成為了美國歷史上第一位被彈劾兩次的總統[75]。眾議院隨後通過了一項法案要求仿照911委員會的模式建立一個兩黨獨立委員會來調查衝擊事件[76],但該法案在參議院被共和黨人阻擊[77]。佩洛西隨後提議,並被眾議院所批准,成立眾議院特別委員會來調查襲擊事件[78]。時任聯邦調查局局長的克里斯多夫·雷將衝擊事件列為國內恐怖主義事件[79]。輿論調查顯示,大多數美國人不贊成衝擊國會大廈,也不贊成川普在衝擊前後的行為,儘管一些共和黨人支持這次衝擊或至少沒有指責川普[80]

