我勸他,要注重健身啦。他打算將關於L. Carroll的著作的心得和創見翻譯成英文出版。我說,這想法真好!他馬上回去投入.....再說 The Remains of the Day 小說草稿是4周內完成的.....
我勸他,要注重健身啦。他打算將關於L. Carroll的著作的心得和創見翻譯成英文出版。我說,這想法真好!他馬上回去投入.....再說 The Remains of the Day 小說草稿是4周內完成的.....
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Seeming to confirm President Trump’s mystifying and unprecedented animosity towards Canada (‘they’ve taken advantage of our Country for many years!’), hyper-aggressive Canadian green crabs are invading the coast of Maine, devouring softshell clams, oysters, nutritional eelgrass, lobsters (which they attack in groups), the more passive American green crabs – and each other, when there is nothing left to eat. One Canadian green crab can produce 175,000 eggs per year and their eradication is considered impossible...
As dozens of lagoons of pig waste overflow in North Carolina, President Trump says that Hurricane Florence is ‘one of the wettest we’ve…