2020年3月18日 星期三

0318 2020《施特勞斯回憶錄》

"They now knew that if there is one thing that one can always desire and sometimes get, it is human tenderness."
---- Albert Camus, "La Peste" (1947)
"Ils savaient maintenant que s'il est une chose qu'on puisse désirer toujours et obtenir quelquefois, c'est la tendresse humaine".

---- Albert Camus, "La Peste" (1947)


taoiseach, tender, legal tender, tender offer, human tenderness "They now knew that if there is one thing that one can always desire and sometimes get, it is human tenderness." ---- Albert Camus,...



Within the Whirlwind, Eugenia Ginzburg (published in English in 1967 as Journey into the Whirlwind). Pushkin.

旋風中央 . Within The Whirlwind . 2009.德國.105分鐘 .普通級. 真實故事改編。文學教授Evgenia Ginzburg在史達林大整肅期間被關入集中營,多虧文學及一位富有愛心的醫生,她在困境中仍展現尊嚴 Dutch directo...


黃之鋒Joshua Wong (6)【中國今晨對新聞自由宣戰 北京反擊戰火將波及香港】Joshua Wong says he is fighting for freedom from tyranny, human-rights abuses and political censorship。訪美、訪德3天; :警方仍然決意將我

COVID-19 (the new coronavirus)可能的解藥:日本感冒藥 Avigan有効;remdesivir好消息;荷蘭 、2.日本等國參與:瑞德西韦(Remdesivir) 隨機對比7~8百人、 Avigan、Kaletra 「清肺排毒湯」.?
remdesivir好消息 Finally some good news. Doctors may have found a coronavirus wonder drug to treat the deadly virus https://www.dailymail...

blood type, Type A, Play to Type, reluctant guest stars,Smart Chinese policy types

A person's blood type may make them more susceptible to catching coronavirus. DAILYMAIL.CO.UK ...



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hotspot, respect, moving target

Infectious disease expert John Swartzberg says it's too early to say how long our lives will be disrupted by #COVID19 . ...

Jails and prisons suspend visitation to keep coronavirus from spreading


prisons and jails 監獄和監獄

Jails and prisons suspend visitation to keep coronavirus from spreading Total incarceration in the United States by year The prison popul...

特朗普說:“今天,參議院已經通過了冠狀病毒立法,其中包括對有需要的人進行免費檢測。”他補充說,他已指示姆努欽先生與參議員就附加刺激方案進行會晤。 “大家賣力。”

特朗普在談到他的政府向國會提出的援助請求時說:“我們希望注入大量精力,而不是每兩天召開一次小會議。” “我們在玩大的,這就是它的發展方式。”Mr. Trump said that his administration was also working to expand testing and preparing to ask Congress to infuse about $850 billion in additional stimulus to prop up the economy.…… 更多

繼紐約時報開放疫情文章之後,又有一知名雜誌開放:Scientific American

It is essential that the public stay up to date on vital information during the coronavirus pandemic. For that reason, Scientific American is providing free access to all of our COVID-19 coverage:

Scientific American is the essential guide to the most awe-inspiring advances in science and technology, explaining how they change our understanding of the world and shape our lives.


「台湾巨匠傑作選2020」全上映作品発表! ワン・トンの大作「バナナパラダイス」は劇場初公開 : 映画ニュース - 映画.com




北京重啟小湯山SARS定點醫院應對新冠疫情; Italy rushes to promote new doctors to relieve COVID-19 crisis

中國周二(3月17日)公布的數字顯示,中國在過去一日新增確診病例數僅為21例,其中20例均為從海外「倒灌」的病例。作為中國最主要的對外窗口,首都北京的壓力增大,可能是當局重開小湯山的重要原因。 B...




這幾天,由於楊牧先生的過世,他生前最暢銷、也是他的成名作《葉珊散文集》因為有諸多版本而引發藝文界對所謂「盜版」的討論。我不是為「盜版」說詞,和大家一樣我也憎恨盜版,但這些作者認定的「所謂盜版」其實有他的時空背景。作者認定是「盜版」,而在當時臺灣的法律是合法的。…… 更多



Die Erinnerungen By Franz Josef Strauß 《施特勞斯回憶錄》Hitler by Brendan Simms

《施特勞斯回憶錄》 蘇惠民 等譯,北京:中國對外翻譯出版公司,1993,500頁 Die Erinnerungen (Deutsch) Gebundenes Buch – 1. Januar 1989 von Franz Josef Strauß (Autor) 1915...
