2015年6月29日 星期一

0630 2015 二





Doesn't sound like Sam? But it does: the lines are from a poem of his.
why not merely the despaired of
occasion of
is it not better abort than be barren
the hours after you are gone are so leaden
they will always start dragging too soon
the grapples clawing blindly the bed of want
bringing up the bones the old loves
sockets filled once with eyes like yours
all always is it better too soon than never
the black want splashing their faces
saying again nine days never floated the loved
nor nine months
nor nine lives
saying again
if you do not teach me I shall not learn
saying again there is a last
even of last times
last times of begging
last times of loving
of knowing not knowing pretending
a last even of last times of saying
if you do not love me I shall not be loved
if I do not love you I shall not love
the churn of stale words in the heart again
love love love thud of the old plunger
pestling the unalterable
whey of words
terrified again
of not loving
of loving and not you
of being loved and not by you
of knowing not knowing pretending
I and all the others that will love you
if they love you
unless they love you



Joseph Stiglitz: 'A no vote would at least open the possibility that Greece, with its strong democratic tradition, might grasp its destiny in its own hands. Greeks might gain the opportunity to shape a future that, though perhaps not as prosperous as the past, is far more hopeful than the unconscionable torture of the present.
'I know how I would vote.'

Neither alternative – approval or rejection of the troika’s terms – will be...

2015年6月28日 星期日

0629 2015 一







【20歲女子不治 成意外首名死者】

Corot was best known as a landscape painter, but in his final years he turned increasingly to depicting models in his studio. What do you think of 'Italian Woman'? http://bit.ly/1fx3gim

The World's End is a 2013 science fiction comedy directed by Edgar Wright, written by Wright and Simon Pegg, and starring Pegg, Nick FrostPaddy ConsidineMartin FreemanRosamund Pike and Eddie Marsan. The film follows a group of friends who discover an alien invasion during an epic pub crawl in their home town. Wright has described the film as "social science fiction" in the tradition of John Wyndham and Samuel Youd (John Christopher).[5] It is the third film in the Three Flavours Cornetto trilogy, following Shaun of the Dead (2004) and Hot Fuzz (2007). The film was produced by Relativity MediaStudioCanalBig Talk Productions, and Working Title Films.[6]



  1. Mona Lisa Smile
    2003 film
    Watch trailer

  2. 6.4/10·IMDb
  3. Katherine Watson (Julia Roberts) is a recent UCLA graduate hired to teach art history at the prestigious all-female Wellesley College, in 1953. Determined to confront the outdated mores of society and the institution that embraces them, Katherine inspires her traditional students including Betty (Ki… More
  4. Initial releaseDecember 19, 2003 (USA)

HKFP Voices: "This protest was never really about aunties dancing on the street, but instead a proxy fight for what many believe is the increasing mainlandisation of Hong Kong." - Richard Scotford.

From the very outset, this protest was never really about aunties dancing...


小兒子三丰明天要入營,理髮店的老板免費幫他理了三分頭! 形狀特異,留個影紀念!

0628 2015 日


何凡、林海音 著譯《窗》台北:純文學,1972
(20年來的散文小品共76篇。 何凡的翻譯作品,....各報通常也不愛排英文 (題目、作者),因此只好從略。....命名為《窗》,.....只因為剛好有3篇以《窗》為名的著譯湊在一起,因此就"從眾"了。)

何凡翻譯的短篇小說《窗》是記一位躺在加州某醫院十年的老先生,他唯一的刺激是叫電話接線生接墨西哥某公寓 (此舉讓醫院明天要將電話機取走.......),要求對方打開窗,讓他聽窗外的街頭音響,聲聲思華年.....

"他聽見有千百人在另一處陽光中,一隻手風琴演奏著La Marmba 的細弱叮噹之聲---呵,這是一隻可愛的舞曲。"
現在,YouTube自動更正,曲名為 la marimba.......用手風琴演奏著marimba琴音,要想像一下:

青年來,對我們很重要,因為我跟他們有代溝:以昨天的八仙樂園的玉米粉塵爆炸案--傷五百多人--而言,對於重視安全safety的我而言,是常識,可是我不知道所謂的 color run和color party 是怎一回事,消耗量可以達3萬頓玉米粉。

我自己有一blog談安全-環保-健康,不過我不知道有人大玩其color party或color run,大賺黑心錢,而各地政府都那麼軟弱、無知,讓這種一開始就開制止的非安全活動玩數年.....

7月1日,10時~12時,我們要紀念Peter Gay:

Peter Gay 簡單年譜、自述和評論
筆記: 讀張繼高先生的文章《必須贏的人》《從精緻到完美》


0731 陳耀昌「福爾摩沙三族記」:台灣英雄史觀自述
2015 譯藝獎 典禮與聚會:日期:9月2日(周三),10:00~ 13:00

介紹與會人與彭淮棟先生的貢獻 (5分鐘)彭淮棟先生 (譯藝獎(II),英文、德文) (彭淮棟先生 (著名譯者) 2013 /2015)
彭淮棟先生心得報告及討論 (30分鐘)

特別講座:"Alice 150周年慶" (Alice 150 - celebrating the 150th Anniversary of Alice),由張華先生主持。(30分鐘):自由交流(30分鐘) ---


Deming 博士(1900-1993)是老式的學者,他的著作,不管是統計學的或管理學的書,在各章章前都有"題辭"(epigraphs)。這些,給讀者復習或深思的題材。不過,這對喜好追根究柢的人兩大挑戰:

一. 讀者確切知道該章"題辭"(epigraph)所對應的章旨嗎?
二. "題辭"(epigraph) 的上下文是什麼呢?

多年前,我要找下述"題辭",卻找不到;Euripides著《戴神的女信徒》(The Bacchae),胡耀恆,胡宗文譯---根據希臘文文翻譯,而Deming 博士則根據英譯本,不過我沒去查英譯本的出處:

2008/8/14 日與彭老師談 智慧 vs 機智 等。


介紹 My Cousin Rachel (1951),說大家認為它比1938年的《蝴蝶夢》更好,靈感來自修屋時某鉛管上的刻名。另外介紹短篇小說集:《再吻我,陌生人》 The Apple Tree (1952) (short story collection, AKA Kiss Me Again, Stranger)。

所以1941年 Peter Gay舉家逃亡美國歸化時1946 (一說1941),將自己姓名Peter Joachim Fröhlich意譯成Peter Gay沒有特別意思。

(The Gay Science (1882 (German: Die fröhliche Wissenschaft/Literally "The Happy Science") ) By Friedrich Nietzsche 1844-1900);Hermann Broch 說1880年代的維也納:"圍繞在1880年代的歡愉的啟示錄 (the gay apocalypse)。" --Peter Gay的Freud: A Life for Our Time, 1988

江澤涵 (1902-1994) 給胡適之的宣傳信1951

江澤涵,1902年10月6日出生於安徽省旌德縣。數學家,數學教育家。早年長期擔任北京大學數學系主任,為該系樹立了優良的教學風尚。 致力於拓撲學,特別是不動點理論的研究,是我國拓撲學研究的開拓者之一。童年時江澤涵進過私塾,後又上過鄉村小學。 1919年初,他的堂姐夫、著名學者胡適回鄉探親,他遂跟胡適來到北方求學。....... 江泽涵_百度百科 1951.2.24,胡適接到江澤涵給太太江冬秀的信,".....此信明明受他人逼迫.....寄出來向我做宣傳的!" 胡適日記全集, 第 8 卷: 1940-1952,頁574-76 [PDF]中國現代數學史的重要史料:江澤涵致胡適的信函-中研院... w3.math.sinica.edu.tw/math_media/d233/23303.pdf - - Translate this page 江澤涵致胡適的信函.徐義保.一.前言. 1999年元月筆者在哥倫比亞大學東亞.圖書館(The Starr East Asian Library,. Columbia University)瀏覽耿雲志主編,黃.

談八仙樂園粉塵爆炸案 (BillyPan 潘建志醫師) :徐嶔煌:八仙樂園......台灣的官僚體系非常習慣事前不預防、事後再處罰的模式,即便有預警也是一樣

Hanching Chung (Management 管理學新生) - 3 小時前
談八仙樂園粉塵爆炸案 (BillyPan 潘建志醫師) BillyPan 潘建志醫師 八仙樂園粉塵爆炸案,在台灣前所未聞。潘醫師回顧國外科學文獻,提供給大家參考。 200年來,玉米澱粉粉塵爆炸的例子不多,過去都發生在密閉的穀倉系統(最多是電梯)中,見下方圖。粉塵燃燒有三個要素,一是粉塵剛好達到一定的密度,約每立方公尺100到1,000克之間。二是需要有助燃氧氣。三是火源,Youtube上的影片是只要一根蠟燭的火光就可以引爆玉粉澱粉。玉粉澱粉燃燒後產生基本上是二氧化碳,氮氣和水,沒有毒性,見圖中公式。 最近PubMed討論到粉塵爆炸燒傷的醫學文獻來自中國: 『粉尘爆炸的成因与防治』 ( http://www.zhsszz.org/CN/abstract/abstract3400.shtml) 有PDF全文可下載。過去實例,粉塵爆炸對人體最大的傷害是震波,表皮燒傷,毒氣和吸入性灼傷。2010年,中國河北省秦皇島驪驊澱粉工廠發生爆炸,造成19人死亡49人受傷,工廠的牆壁和屋頂都炸掉了,傷亡主因是震波傷害。這次八仙案看影片是半開放空間,比較像閃燃而不是爆炸,所以震波傷害較小。而玉米澱粉燃燒後無毒(食用色素就不一定了),呼吸道受溫度傷害和窒息 影響較大。粉塵閃燃溫度高達數百度,只要很短的時間就會造成嚴重的燒傷。 八仙事件受傷的人太多,送醫過程慌亂略有延遲,許多人跳到水池(難免有細... 更多 »

A Natural History of Gardening 1650–1800

Hanching Chung (Books 書海微瀾) - 4 小時前
- Jun 16, 2015 440 p., 10 1/4 x 11 1/2 300 color + 100 b/w illus. ISBN: 9780300196368 Cloth: *$75.00* A Natural History of English Gardening1650–1800 - Mark Laird Winner of the 2013 David R. Coffin Publication Grant, given by the Foundation for Landscape Studies. Inspired by the pioneering naturalist Gilbert White, who viewed natural history as the common study of cultural and natural communities, Mark Laird unearths forgotten historical data to reveal the complex visual cultures of early modern gardening. Ranging from climate studies to the study of a but... 更多 »

Becoming Yellow: A Short History of Racial Thinking

Hanching Chung (Books 書海微瀾) - 4 小時前
成為黃種人:一部東亞人由白變黃的歷史 Becoming Yellow: A Short History of Racial Thinking 作者: 奇邁可 原文作者:Michael Keevak 譯者:吳緯疆 出版社:八旗文化 出版日期:2015/04/01 * 為什麼中國人接受成為「黃種人」,日本人卻始終抗拒? 而更大的問題是:東亞人真的是「黃色」的嗎?* 種族思維領域的不凡貢獻! 原來,我們的「黃皮膚」不是天生如此,而是始於西方科學的建構,又被自身文化所認同的結果。 「黑眼睛黑頭髮黃皮膚,永永遠遠是龍的傳人。」一曲《龍的傳人》唱遍華人地區,而我們也被教育認知自身的「黃種人」屬性,並認同自身的「黃皮膚」,這似乎已是一種常識。 不過,你有所不知的是,我們從來就不是「黃色」巨龍的傳人。至少,中國古代文獻並沒有「黃種人」的記載,也沒有種族學上的膚色概念,反而,中國人區分自己和外國人(胡人)的標準是毛髮和眼睛。甚至,在前近代的西方文獻與遊記中,中國人與日本人還被西方人形容是「白皮膚」,用以描述中國與日本國家富足、文化昌盛、願意與西方貿易且接受西方基督教義並成為教徒。 然而,至十八世紀時,「白種人」卻已是屬於西方人的專有名詞,而東亞人也逐漸染黃。對此,學者奇邁可深入探究了,在西方人的描繪之中,東亞人究竟是從何時開始變「黃」?又是經由哪些科學理論,東亞人成... 更多 »

Dean Rusk 1950年6月23日紐約約談,24~25日補述。// 島上肅清異己的白色恐怖也越發厲害

Dean Rusk - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/*Dean*_*Rusk* - David Dean Rusk (February 9, 1909 – December 20, 1994) was the United States Secretary of State from 1961 to 1969 under presidents John F. Kennedy and ... 1950年6月23日 主 管亞太事務的美國助理國務卿魯斯克(Dean Rusk)約見胡適﹐試圖說服胡適出面領導流亡海外及臺灣的反共親美的人士﹐以取代蔣中正的政權﹐不過胡適對此表示全無興趣。當時美國對蔣完全喪失信心﹐ 希望建立第三勢力以對抗共黨擴張﹐因胡適無此興趣而不了了之。[見(中國時報網站)─黃清龍(前中國時報總編輯)-胡適與蔣介石、毛澤東 -2008-01-02 05:30 ] 胡適日記全集, 第 8 卷: 1940-1952,頁498~499 * Dean Rusk 1950年6月23日紐約約談* *胡適日記*: .......今天 Dean Rusk來紐約,約我去談,談了一點半鐘。我對他說:" 你們現在一定飄泊到一個世界大戰。但不要叫他做"第三次世... 更多 »


Hanching Chung (the world of tea) - 10 小時前
http://www.peoplenews.tw/news/b1ff8748-06b2-48ba-ac7c-f3035f3910f5 回甘的代價 謝三泰【走拍台灣】專欄 2015-06-01 06:00 [image: 回甘的代價] 品茗者一定極少知道採茶人的辛苦,她(他)們天剛亮就上工,一直到日正當中才收工,一天下來的工資僅區區的一、兩千元,恐怕連購買一斤茶葉的錢都不夠? 邊哼著小調邊採茶,偶而迎向涼爽的微風,讓辛苦不僅僅是為了三餐,也是為了廣大的消費市場及台灣的烏龍茶美名,那些流下的汗水,就是「回甘的代價」吧!

Statements issued by President Truman, dated 27-06-1950 ;杜魯門下令第七艦隊「協防」台灣(溫紳)

本日日記無法讀:胡適日記全集, 第 8 卷: 1940-1952 在中國版的*胡適日記*1950-1962 1950.6.27 只貼一張Truman's Statement 簡報。不知是否故意:".....底本模糊不清,從略。" On June 27, 1950, President Truman issued the following statement:[2] "The attack upon Korea makes it plain beyond all doubt that communism has passed beyond the use of subversion to conquer independent nations and will now use armed invasion and war. It has defied the orders of the Security Council of the United Nations issued to preserve international peace and security. In these circumstances the occupation of Formosaby Communist forces would be a direct threat to... 更多 »

Space, Time and Architecture: The Growth of a New Tradition By Sigfried Giedion

Hanching Chung (Art & Design) - 10 小時前
2015.6.28 本頁末有江老師對* Space, Time and Architecture *By Sigfried Giedion簡體字版的贊美、相見恨晚。兩位譯者王錦堂、孫全文(補譯?)是東海的建築系老師,王老師已仙逝。70年代,王老師從作者遺孀取得免版稅的翻譯同意書。這本書1941年出版,1967年增訂,英文版大部分在Google Books可讀得到。 在建築領域,王老師很認真編譯叢書,貢獻大,這是東海的"成績"之一。2014.1.20 ,我在妻室桌子有此漢譯書。 記沈金標兄的一次”aha!經驗” 2013.8.4 Facebook上有些朋友在慶祝沈金標兄的生日。 我與他1971-72是同寢室的,交往四十多年了。名副其實的「老朋友」了。 這些年大家都在進步。所以我2-3年前將阿標1972年寫給我的一封信,打字送他留念。可他已覺得那個昔日之「我」,比不上今日之我了 。 這些年來,能夠記的友情肯定有很多。不過總要靠些緣份。譬如說,上回他的新書發表會,時間與我跟苗栗的朋友約好的時間撞期,所以我竟然沒讀過他寫好小子的風采。阿標還說,那本書的寫作,肯定有一點點受到我的啟發呢。 今日昨日,社會上都有些令人怒、令人怨的事,多少影響我的祝壽心情。 不過,我覺得應該記下一些事。影響他最大的,當然是導航會引導他信主,以及隨後的服侍,譬如說,畢業後在東海校牧室服... 更多 »

上海金山區抗爭PX化工項目 第五日 五萬人上街

上海抗爭第五日 五萬人上街 上海反對當地政府將原高橋的PX化工項目搬遷到金山區的大型抗爭行動,在週五已經踏入第五天。由於當地政府多番上門或透過電話「勸籲」當地市民不要上街而引來反效果,在週五晚上,上街人數多達五萬人。數千名警察... NEWS.MEMEHK.COM

2015年6月26日 星期五

0627 2015 六








This morning a majority of the Supreme Court – the four Democratic appointees plus Anthony Kennedy (who wrote the majority opinion) – decided that the Constitution guarantees a nationwide right to same-sex marriage, under the equal protection clause of the 14th Amendment. The four other Republican appointees dissented, saying the Constitution says nothing on the subject of same-sex marriage. (Of course not; it says nothing on the subject of black children in segregated school s, either. The document was intended to be interpreted.)
Any of you still cynical about the capacity of this nation to embrace social justice should think again. Not long ago, same-sex marriage was abhorrent to a majority of Americans. (In 2002, when I ran for the Democratic nomination for governor of Massachusetts and came out for same-sex marriage, not just civil union, my campaign advisors told me I'd just lost the race.) Yet polls now show most Americans approve of it, 36 states now allow it, and more than 70 percent of Americans live in places where gay couples can marry. Rarely in American history has positive social change on this scale happened so quickly.
There's another lesson here. The Supreme Court is a powerful agent for good or ill. It often reflects changes in social norms, but not always. Four of the current Supreme Court Justices are over 70 years old. The next president will almost certainly be appointing one or more to replace them. Scalia, Alito, and Thomas are rabid reactionaries, and Roberts isn't far behind them. If nothing else moves you to become more politically active in the run-up to the 2016 election, this reality alone should .
What do you think?

李建崑東海大學校園相簿中新增了 10 張 6 月的相片 — 在東海大學 Tunghai University 。
6 月 ·

The unofficial icon of the East Building, Alexander Calder's mobile consists of 13 panels and 12 arms. Rather than use welded steel--Calder's customary choice of material--for this mobile, Paul Matisse employed aluminum, strengthening its stress points with molybdenum.
The buoyant panels appear solid but are actually hollow honeycomb-type sculptures covered with paper-thin aluminum skins. Although the sculpture's wingspan is just over 85 feet across, it weighs only 920 pound s--two tons less than if it were made of ponderous steel. ‪#‎ArtAtoZ‬ ‪#‎ Modernism‬
Alexander Calder, "Untitled," 1976, aluminum and steel

  • FLOWERS (2010) By Norihiro Koizumi (小泉徳宏,Birthdate: August 20, 1980~) 
多複雜的片子,日本女性20世紀的家庭史詩。Rin (1936)父親在其婚前的"萬歲"呼喊。2009 Kanna 單親家長的猶豫;尾女(母難)的天天喜悅、感恩。



A story of six women from three different generations, each living their own journeys in their respective periods, spanning decades of dramatic changes in Japan from the 1930s to the present.

Starting in the 1930's, Rin (Yu Aoi) is worried about her arranged marriage that her parents setup. Eventually Rin has three daughters: Kaoru (Yuko Takeuchi) - who tragically loses her husband in a car accident, Midori (Rena Tanaka) - a career woman who becomes shaken by a marriage proposal, and youngest child Sato (Yukie Nakama). In the 1960's Sato gives birth to Kanna (Kyoka Suzuki) and Kei (Ryoko Hirosue). In the present day, Kanna is now worried about becoming a single mother.


Flowers-Yu Aoi.jpgFlowers-Yuko Takeuchi.jpgFlowers-Rena Tanaka.jpg
Yu AoiYuko TakeuchiRena Tanaka
Rin (1936)父親的"萬歲"呼喊。Kaoru (1964)Midori (1969)
Flowers-Yukie Nakama.jpgFlowers-Kyoka Suzuki.jpgFlowers-Ryoko Hirosue.jpg
Yukie NakamaKyoka SuzukiRyoko Hirosue
Sato (1977)Kanna (2009)Kei (2009)


  • Image result for 花戀物語
  • Image result for 花戀物語


John Russell 寫過Henry Matisse 和Pierre Matisse父子。今天才知道Matisse三代 (加孫輩Paul Matisse )都與藝壇密切交往。

讀完牛津童書的Louis Carroll。 Alice條也很長。

Before “Alice's Adventures in Wonderland” was published in 1865 children’s books tended to be dull, worthy tomes intended to instruct rather than entertain....


所以1941年 Peter Gay舉家逃亡美國歸化時1946 (一說1941),將自己姓名Peter Joachim Fröhlich意譯成Peter Gay沒有特別意思。說一下這是德國文化圈常用的英繹,2例:
(The Gay Science (1882 (German: Die fröhliche Wissenschaft/Literally "The Happy Science") ) By Friedrich Nietzsche 1844-1900);Hermann Broch 說1880年代的維也納:"圍繞在1880年代的歡愉的啟示錄 (the gay apocalypse)。" --Peter Gay的Freud: A Life for Our Time, 1988

2014.4【南方朔】《馬政權的開場、中場與收場》;為什麼不對馬江等人測謊?.....The Penguin Book of Lies
這片集合了我收集2008~2012之間的執政者廣告 兩任總統競選廣告+ECFA系列 看完這17分鐘的影片後, 如果你會難過 請幫忙分享或告訴你的家人, 別再受騙上當了