2015年2月17日 星期二

0218 2015 三 除夕

yy將BBC朗讀T. S. Eliot 的Four Quartets: 經驗要經意義鍛鍊始百年智慧that place to propose a series of ideas about spirituality and meaningful experience

I learned that the Board has past the resolution to maintain their previous decisions on Tang (suspense and termination). However, no announcement will be made at this moment. I shall stop here, too. 

Happy New Year.

Hans 貢獻老劉最近送的蠔油鮑魚+梨山茶+書

google 第1次建議改japan blog的廣告方式。
Windson Chen 新增了 3 張新相片

曹興誠 (Bob )

台大圖書館的 W. Edwards Deming 部分藏書:想翻譯和弄Handbook


  • After having caused evil to arise from the very utility of its principle, competition again finds a way to extract good from evil; destruction en genders utility, equilibrium is realized by agitation, and it may be said of competition, as Samson said of the lion which he had slain: De comedente cibus exiit, et de forti dulcedo.

"ex forti dulcedo" (from strength comes sweetness). 
And to the true admirers of Michelangelo this is the true type of the Michelangelesque– sweetness and strength, pleasure with surprise, an energy of conception which seems at every moment about to break through all the conditions of comely form, recovering, touch by touch, a loveliness found usually only in the simplest natural things–ex forti dulcedo.

Some of those whom the gods love die young. This man, because the gods loved him, lingered [89] on to be of immense, patriarchal age, till the sweetness it had taken so long to secrete in him was found at last. Out of the strong came forth sweetness, ex forti dulcedo.


The Renaissance: Studies in Art and Poetry
by Walter Pater

Judges 14:14

14 He replied, "Out of the eater, something to eat; out of the strong, something sweet." For three days they could not give the answer.
 dixitque eis de comedente exivit cibus et de forte est egressa dulcedo nec potuerunt per tres dies propositionem solvere
  1. 他向他們說:「食者生出食品,強者生出甘甜。」他們三天之久不能解這謎語。
  2. 到了第四天,他們對三松的妻子說:「請引誘你的丈夫,把謎語說給你,以免我們放火燒你和你的父家。難道你請了我們來,是為了奪取我們的東西嗎﹖」



