【音】(用作指示)極弱地(的);極柔地(的). n. 樂曲中最柔弱之部分.
very softly
adv. & adj. (Abbr. pp)
In a very soft or quiet tone. Used chiefly as a direction.
n., pl., -mos.
A part of a composition played very softly or quietly.
adv. & adj. (Abbr. pp)
In a very soft or quiet tone. Used chiefly as a direction.
n., pl., -mos.
A part of a composition played very softly or quietly.
[Italian, superlative of piano, soft. See piano2.]
Word OriginItalian, superlative of piano, literally 'soft'.
pianissimo adjective pp. [written abbreviation] (music) very quietly – written on a piece of music to show how it should be played.
To Play Pianissimo
By Lola Haskins
Does not mean silence.
The absence of moon in the day sky
for example.
Does not mean barely to speak,
the way a child's whisper
makes only warm air
on his mother's right ear.
To play pianissimo
is to carry sweet words
to the old woman in the last dark row
who cannot hear anything else,
and to lay them across her lap like a shawl.
Copyright Credit: From Desire Lines: New and Selected Poems, BOA Editions, Rochester, NY. Copyright © 2004 by Lola Haskins and reprinted by permission of the author and the publisher.