2018.3.31 舊書攤有近10本幾米(廖福彬)的書。我逐本翻翻........
《西方音樂巨人 馬勒》是初版,定價450;《我的時代已經來臨 : 西方音樂巨人馬勒》是再版,內容有些增益,定價350。
Alma Mahler ou l'art d'être aimée 被愛的藝術;親愛的阿爾瑪;西方音樂巨人 : 馬勒;我的時代已經來臨 : 西方音樂巨人馬勒;
被愛的藝術: 愛爾瑪‧馬勒與五大名人的情史 作者 / 法蘭莎‧吉露 Giroud, Francoise 弗朗索瓦斯吉魯 譯者 / 柯翠園 出版社 / 望春風文化事業股份有限公司 出版日期 / 2007/09 Alma ...
定風波 蘇軾
Emily Dickinson《艾蜜莉.狄金生詩選》George Lytle,董恆秀譯,台北::貓頭鷹出版社,2000
Part Four: Time and Eternity
ON this wondrous sea,
Sailing silently,
Knowest thou the shore
Ho! pilot, ho!
Where no breakers roar, 5
Where the storm is o’er?
In the silent west
Many sails at rest,
Their anchors fast
托馬斯.曼《浮士德博士》:《劍橋插圖德國史》; 書裡的音樂 彭淮棟 (前篇); 浮士德與特洛伊木馬的...
"領導學"漫談 ;摩西的品格:始終熱愛上帝,熱愛人民。領導的核心特質。習近平十九大報告文字雲中的"...
2017年建築家 Le Corbusier 7講
東方白の文學心路 曹永洋;東方白の台大生活
雞飛狗走(狐運開):The Fox and Hen ; 金狗年談狗: 漢清講堂
(CNN)Former President Barack Obama says he aspires to create "a million young Barack Obamas or Michelle Obamas" who will pick up the baton in what he describes as the "relay race that is human progress."
At a conference in Japan on Sunday, the former president spoke about how he hopes the Obama Foundation, a nonprofit formed in January 2014, will help achieve his post-presidential aims.
"After I left office, what I realized is that the Obama Foundation could potentially create a platform for young, up-and-coming leaders, both in the United States and all around the world to come together, meet together, create a digital platform where they could exchange information," Obama said.
"If I could do that effectively, then I would create a hundred, or a thousand, or a million young Barack Obamas or Michelle Obamas," he added.
Obama's remarks were previously reported by other media outlets, including The Guardian and The Washington Examiner. The former President has been on an Asia-Pacific trip that also included stops in Singapore, New Zealand and Australia.
"The single most important thing I can do is to help develop the next generation," he said Sunday.